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Question paying for line of code

Dec 29, 2018
I have a fully functional zulrah bot except for the jad phase
no matter what i do i cant seem to code the jad phase to flick pray correctly

i will pay someone for their time to code a zulrah pray flick that is fully funtional

The Weed BAR#4004
May 24, 2016
The issue likely stems from that you don't know how OSRS prayer flicking works. Afaik you need to turn on the appropriate prayer BEFORE it shoots the projectile, otherwise it will not work.
Mar 13, 2018
I've never made a zulrah bot, but I've heard people mention they made theirs by reading the animation and switching the prayer based off that. Not sure if that helps.
Dec 29, 2018
ive tried reading the animations, reading the projectiles, just straight adding a execution delay before each switch(this actually worked best), ive tried experimental code that uses while loops, do while loops, and i feel like ive tried everything. some stuff has kind of worked, but nothing reliable enough.
Feb 18, 2019
ive tried reading the animations, reading the projectiles, just straight adding a execution delay before each switch(this actually worked best), ive tried experimental code that uses while loops, do while loops, and i feel like ive tried everything. some stuff has kind of worked, but nothing reliable enough.

First thing, remove the loop delay if you are doing timing sensitive stuff and are using Looping or Treebot (this.setLoopDelay(0))

Second, if you are waiting for something to happen that you know will be coming in the near future, instead of running your decision tree again, you want to either poll and keep checking your condition (animation switch, or if you are using listeners, the listeners can set a flag to let your main bot know that something happened), or use a delayUntil to wait for it. The idea here is you don't want to return to LoopingBot because it does a bunch of checks (like checking that you aren't logged out), that take time and will delay your response to stuff.