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Original Abyss RC [Deleted]

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Dec 7, 2017
Bot opens bank and then does nothing?

If I fill my inventory first the bot constantly clicks random places and chooses cancel.
Dec 3, 2017
Alright, I've been using this bot for about a month so far. I love the addition of multiple runes vs just nature. However, since that update, glory amulets have been wasted because it either double clicks to edge, or wastes a trip to karamja. The bot get stuck at wilderness ditch enough to matter, and I personally recommend, if using pouches, to be able to withdraw the first set of essence along with the glory or stamina potions as there is plenty of inventory space and it saves a lot of time. Having an interface to determine rune selection, run this bot for x hours, and to see xp rates would be nice as well.
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Jan 27, 2018
Hi, I tried this bot now. The crafting, running, eating and stamina part is fine. It does not have an interface though. The real problem for me is that it stops working when the glory has run out of charges. It does not retract a new one from the bank and does not do anything after that. So thats inconvenient, if that was fixed, I would highly recommend it ;)
May 13, 2018
The bot is really buggy rn, i have switched over since snuf has taken down regal abyss but there are a lot of issues with this bot. Please look into this as it is the only abyss runecrafting alternative we have atm
problems i have experienced include:
not teleporting to edgeville after crafting at altar
getting stuck after teleport/ not banking efficiently/properly
getting stuck switching between tabs while banking
getting stuck at wilderness ditch
and more

overall, the movement seems very buggy as well, very bot like. I hope you can fix some of these thing as well as maybe integrate an interface. Would make this 10 times better
Aug 23, 2015
The bot is really buggy rn, i have switched over since snuf has taken down regal abyss but there are a lot of issues with this bot. Please look into this as it is the only abyss runecrafting alternative we have atm
problems i have experienced include:
not teleporting to edgeville after crafting at altar
getting stuck after teleport/ not banking efficiently/properly
getting stuck switching between tabs while banking
getting stuck at wilderness ditch
and more

overall, the movement seems very buggy as well, very bot like. I hope you can fix some of these thing as well as maybe integrate an interface. Would make this 10 times better


bot is broken please fix.. I've experienced the same issues as @cliu96

The author of this bot is banned for scamming.
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