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Open Fighter [Deleted]

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Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Oh but I have a bow and arrows equipped, can it attack from a distance?

Yeah but the position of the NPC isn't reachable from the players position, you can't walk to it. Alpha Fighter supports this.
Jun 12, 2016
ahh I get it now, thanks for the prompt replies! :) I might be looking to upgrade soon also.
May 23, 2015
Will quick prayer be added to this or will you be adding quick prayers and prayer potions on your Alpha Fighter?
Will there be an eat food for loot option implemented?
Anyone able to save their settings, like loot names?
Jun 10, 2016
I like this script because of it's simplicity (compared to your supporter one), plus I don't have the issue where it either doesn't attack a NPC or takes forever to do so. If this script had the ability to save like the other one then it'd be insane lol.
May 23, 2015
I like this script because of it's simplicity (compared to your supporter one), plus I don't have the issue where it either doesn't attack a NPC or takes forever to do so. If this script had the ability to save like the other one then it'd be insane lol.
Lol I agree I just have to keep inputting the things I want it to loot
Jan 8, 2015
Will quick prayer be added to this or will you be adding quick prayers and prayer potions on your Alpha Fighter?

@SlashnHax this would be lovely, seeing one can camp at specific monsters forever using the demonhorn/Split dragontooth necklace + bonecrusher. No need for pots, which would otherwise be awesome.

Perhaps alching support? Just babbling ideas. Gracias.
May 29, 2016
I've used this bot to get many accounts stats up, very flawless. I've left it running for 12 hours at a time most of the time and I come back and it's still killing cows.

I only have two issues, I want to be able to see the exp per hour and I want to be able to use this on experiments, but there's that one level 51 I've already killed and it just spam clicks it when it gets too close and that looks suspicious.
Dec 10, 2014
I like this script because of it's simplicity (compared to your supporter one), plus I don't have the issue where it either doesn't attack a NPC or takes forever to do so. If this script had the ability to save like the other one then it'd be insane lol.
Lol I agree I just have to keep inputting the things I want it to loot
The issue with Alpha Fighter should be fixed now.
I'm planning on adding settings loading/saving, as it would serve a solid example for developers who want to do the same.

I've used this bot to get many accounts stats up, very flawless. I've left it running for 12 hours at a time most of the time and I come back and it's still killing cows.

I only have two issues, I want to be able to see the exp per hour and I want to be able to use this on experiments, but there's that one level 51 I've already killed and it just spam clicks it when it gets too close and that looks suspicious.
I'm planning on implementing an exp tracker, because it would also serve as a good example for other developers in my opinion.
What happens when you kill an experiment? Does it not die like everything else?

Will quick prayer be added to this or will you be adding quick prayers and prayer potions on your Alpha Fighter?
Will there be an eat food for loot option implemented?
Quick prayers might be implemented on this, they're planned for Alpha Fighter.
I'll think about adding an eat food for loot option.
May 29, 2016
What happens when you kill an experiment? Does it not die like everything else?

There is one level 51 experiment (Experiment) that you have to kill for Creature of Fenkenstrain , and when you finish the quest you can go back and kill the level 25's that have 100 hp and hit very little (necessary for my pure at 1 defence). The issue is that it doesn't specify which experiment to kill, they are both labeled "experiment" so when I have it attack them it tries to attack the level 51 (which you can't attack because you've killed it for the quest and it says "You don't have the heart to kill the poor creature again." and it just constantly spams it.

There's also more than 1 of the level 51's so I can't just go away from it, and I try to make the radius small enough but at one point it just starts attacking the 51.

sorry for wall of text, just trying to explain it exactly.
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Sep 9, 2015
The issue with Alpha Fighter should be fixed now.
I'm planning on adding settings loading/saving, as it would serve a solid example for developers who want to do the same.

I'm planning on implementing an exp tracker, because it would also serve as a good example for other developers in my opinion.
What happens when you kill an experiment? Does it not die like everything else?

Quick prayers might be implemented on this, they're planned for Alpha Fighter.
I'll think about adding an eat food for loot option.
just a little bug if the screen goes all the way down to one side will get stuck would love for an option to keep the screen all the way up
for rs3 tho
Jul 9, 2016
Hey, I was using the bot to kill Minotaurs below the Barbarian Village and my account was perma banned in 2 hours.
Sep 24, 2015
The bot will ignore loot that you put in the list if your inventory is full even if the item is stackable and you already have it in your inventory.

Ex. You have a full inventory with one slot for Law runes. You kill an enemy that drops a law rune. The bot knows you have a full inventory so it doesn't pick up the item even though you could pick it up.

It looks a bit suspicious when you loot all of certain things and then stop until you eat some food and then start looting again over and over.

Other than that it works perfectly for me. Thanks for the awesome bot :D
Dec 10, 2014
Hey, I was using the bot to kill Minotaurs below the Barbarian Village and my account was perma banned in 2 hours.
OSRS or RS3? Also, what was the botting history of the account, as in bots, clients, and bot runtime.
Jan 21, 2016
Im trying to use "Open Fighter" at experiments and I keep having the bot try to attack the level 51 experiment, is there anyway to set it to only attack the level 25 experiments?? also sometimes bot wont even load up after logging me in
currently says running and not even attacking ive restarted runemate a few times to
Jun 15, 2016

When trying to pick loot , sometimes the bot will get stuck trying hovering the mouse pointer over that location. I notice that moving the camera angle high and rotating sometimes fixes this problem because it tries to click the loot through static objects like walls/crates/etc. One small issue is that it will sometimes click on monsters is one square space away but has a closed door/wall between the character and it.

This bot also tends to run out of memory after 2-3 hour mark.
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