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Question One problem I'm having !! Need help !!

Nov 3, 2018
The bots were catching perfectly before the update, and after the update the fishing bot was not catching and I was using a mine and also was not catching, so I went to see in the log something in common between them and they all showed something like this:
00:03:18 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 15774ms
00:03:18 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
and in the fish bot:
00:02:03 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 1723ms
00:02:03 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
Why is this being caused? My internet is normal.
Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
The bots were catching perfectly before the update, and after the update the fishing bot was not catching and I was using a mine and also was not catching, so I went to see in the log something in common between them and they all showed something like this:
00:03:18 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 15774ms
00:03:18 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
and in the fish bot:
00:02:03 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 1723ms
00:02:03 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
Why is this being caused? My internet is normal.
Which update are you talking about?
Nov 3, 2018
Which update are you talking about?
The runemate, runemate did not update yesterday did it? Because you warned me that I needed to upgrade and had it downloaded again to update. But I uninstalled the runemate and installed and it continues the same way.
00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\guilherme\RuneMate\logs\MaxiFisher 11-06 18-25-36.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 TRACE [InputManager] Keyboard input BLOCKED
00:00:00 TRACE [InputManager] Keyboard input BLOCKED
00:00:00 INFO [MaxiBots] MaxiFisher V1.3.1 started!
00:00:02 TRACE [PlayerSense] Parsed 46 PlayerSense elements from the existing profile.
00:00:07 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: null | temp: Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0) | destCoord: null | next: null
00:00:07 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0)
00:00:11 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 4351ms
00:00:11 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0)]
00:00:12 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3243, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3242, 3147, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3244, 3152, 0) | next: null
00:00:12 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3147, 0)
00:00:16 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] RegionPath failed, trying WebPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3147, 0)
00:00:17 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 4862ms
00:00:17 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] WebPath[Cost: 9.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3156, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3150, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3149, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3149, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3147, plane=0)]
00:00:20 TRACE [Web] Next step is null at distance Infinity having scanned 6 vertices.
00:00:20 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 3356ms
00:00:20 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:00:21 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: WebPath[Cost: 9.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3156, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3150, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3149, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3149, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3242, y=3147, plane=0)] | temp: Coordinate(3244, 3150, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3242, 3147, 0) | next: null
00:00:21 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3150, 0)
00:00:24 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] RegionPath failed, trying WebPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3244, 3150, 0)
00:00:25 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 4335ms
00:00:25 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] WebPath[Cost: 10.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3156, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3154, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3151, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3150, plane=0)]
00:00:29 TRACE [Web] Next step is null at distance Infinity having scanned 6 vertices.
00:00:29 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 3649ms
00:00:29 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:00:30 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: WebPath[Cost: 10.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3238, y=3155, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3240, y=3156, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3154, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3151, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3150, plane=0)] | temp: Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3244, 3150, 0) | next: null
00:00:30 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0)
00:00:33 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 2827ms
00:00:33 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0)]
00:00:33 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) | next: null
00:00:33 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0)
00:00:36 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 3079ms
00:00:36 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0)]
00:00:36 TRACE [MaxiBots-Walker] Failed to step, setting next to null
00:00:37 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3240, 3149, 0) | next: null
00:00:37 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0)
00:00:40 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 3076ms
00:00:40 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0)]
00:01:49 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3238, 3155, 0) -> Coordinate(3238, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3154, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3242, 3149, 0) | next: null
00:01:49 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0)
00:01:52 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 2933ms
00:01:52 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3148, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0)]
00:01:53 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3148, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3239, 3147, 0) | next: null
00:01:53 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0)
00:01:56 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 2905ms
00:01:56 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0)]
00:01:56 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] path: Path[Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3241, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3152, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3151, 0) -> Coordinate(3240, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3150, 0) -> Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0)] | temp: Coordinate(3245, 3153, 0) | destCoord: Coordinate(3239, 3149, 0) | next: null
00:01:56 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Attempting to build a RegionPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3245, 3153, 0)
00:02:00 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] RegionPath failed, trying WebPath. Coordinate(3241, 3153, 0) -> Coordinate(3245, 3153, 0)
00:02:01 DEBUG [MaxiBots-Walker] Path building finished after 4290ms
00:02:01 INFO [MaxiBots-Walker] WebPath[Cost: 4.0, Vertices: CoordinateVertex(x=3241, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3243, y=3151, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3153, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3244, y=3154, plane=0) -> CoordinateVertex(x=3245, y=3153, plane=0)]
this log
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
The runemate, runemate did not update yesterday did it? Because you warned me that I needed to upgrade and had it downloaded again to update. But I uninstalled the runemate and installed and it continues the same way.

this log
You can post here MaxiFisher about problems you're having with the bot.