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New Too the community/Training Accounts

Dec 28, 2017
Hey guys I use too be a trusted member on osbot with 300+ Vouches (EvilCabbage here, claim not proven at all!) I have recently came too the runemate community was just wondering if anyone buys bulk accounts of any kind as i'd willing too train up a heap off them. This could range from fishers too zulrah accounts. If anyone would be interested I'd be keen. ty :p
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Buying & Selling RSGP
Dec 5, 2017
You have discord/skype. I'll be more than interested in some of the services you are offering.
Buying & Selling RSGP
Dec 5, 2017
Hey My discord is "M dma#8803" And I'm usually on their a fair bit, thanks :)
Still waiting on a reply on discord.
Hey pm me brother
Don't bother. He claims he has 300+ vouches on OSBot. I confronted him about these so called vouches and this is what happened.


If that isn't sketchy to you then I don't know what is.

@Squidl help out if you can here please, another attempted scammer alert.
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
Still waiting on a reply on discord.

Don't bother. He claims he has 300+ vouches on OSBot. I confronted him about these so called vouches and this is what happened.


If that isn't sketchy to you then I don't know what is.

@Squidl help out if you can here please, another attempted scammer alert.
Unfortunately RM doesn't have a TWC so no action will be taken since he hasn't done anything
Nov 3, 2013
Hey guys I use too be a trusted member on osbot with 300+ Vouches. I have recently came too the runemate community was just wondering if anyone buys bulk accounts of any kind as i'd willing too train up a heap off them. This could range from fishers too zulrah accounts. If anyone would be interested I'd be keen. ty :p
please provide proof of your 300+ vouches or remove the claim.
@kazemanie so i dont forget
Dec 28, 2017
Hahahahah I go too sleep for 8 hours and I come back too this? What a joke i'll just stick too my other sites then mate.
Absoloutely disgusting that you have too try bring someone down because they don't reply too your 8 messages and 4 discord calls whilst they are sleeping. gtfo if you don't want a service don't have one 9/10 I go first anyway rofl.
Also u have fuck all feedback yourself so gtfo and go bug others and make them look shit lmao.
Feb 23, 2017
Hahahahah I go too sleep for 8 hours and I come back too this? What a joke i'll just stick too my other sites then mate.
Absoloutely disgusting that you have too try bring someone down because they don't reply too your 8 messages and 4 discord calls whilst they are sleeping. gtfo if you don't want a service don't have one 9/10 I go first anyway rofl.
Also u have fuck all feedback yourself so gtfo and go bug others and make them look shit lmao.
jesus fuck you're autistic.


nice timestamps - so you literally messaged him back, then went to bed before he responded LITERALLY 1 minute later? Also, anybody with common sense would reply to this post with proof of their 300 pieces of feedback immediately lol. That would only be if they actually existed, of course. It's been a while since runemate has been greeted by this tier of autism. Arguably, not since abnormalprince have we been this blessed.

Also if you must know, runemate only added a feedback system recently. The vast majority of us have tons of unofficial vouches :)
Dec 28, 2017
Are you fucking retarded? Not everyone sits on their computer 24/7 and hovers over discord obviously if i'm not replying i'm not on common fucking sense u don't go ringing and messaging 9 times then a hour later post a fucking forums post flaming them, You're clearly autistic as fuck.

And like I said i'm new too rune mate so goodjob :)
Like I said willing too show vouches, Or go first for services until I can gain feedback on here, But this kid can just fuck himself he has been blocked and can do his own accounts. Goes for anyone else trying too flame me.

Great way too be introduced too the community eh
Buying & Selling RSGP
Dec 5, 2017
hopefully people are smart enough to confirm vouches

I agree. People try this shit all the time. Never fools me though.
jesus fuck you're autistic.


nice timestamps - so you literally messaged him back, then went to bed before he responded LITERALLY 1 minute later? Also, anybody with common sense would reply to this post with proof of their 300 pieces of feedback immediately lol. That would only be if they actually existed, of course. It's been a while since runemate has been greeted by this tier of autism. Arguably, not since abnormalprince have we been this blessed.

Also if you must know, runemate only added a feedback system recently. The vast majority of us have tons of unofficial vouches :)

By the way, this is what happened. I added this guy because I wanted a service. He said yeah he can do the service. I then asked for his feedback offsite. I then rung him just to see if he was still there.

In fact, isn't it funny. I just woke up and saw this:


This guy has tried to AVOID showing his offsite feedback as much as possible and thats a problem. The only reason he would want to hide it is 1) He got banned (most likely for scamming) or 2) The offsite feedback doesn't exist.

Nobody will want to use his services if he has 0 feedback. Not to mention, just on RuneMate alone I've had 1 successful feedback trade via the feedback system and 2 more in my gold selling thread. Even with 3 total feedback I'm still considered more trusted than this guy who puts his non-existent 300+ feedback in his thread.

Not to mention, he will probably demand your money upfront before he starts the service which is what most servicers do.

Also let it be known, whilst I was contacting this guy he was ONLINE on RuneMate, I usually monitor people's RuneMate activity when they don't reply to me on Discord. Let it also be known this guy refreshed his RuneMate profile MULTIPLE times when he was ignoring me. It just goes to show the guy WASN'T sleeping. Instead, he was just looking for a more vulnerable noob who would believe his false statements and outright LIES.

I would not call this guy Autistic at all. Thats too nice. This guy is an attempted con-artist and a scammer. A scammer is much worse than an autistic person, especially the guy who steals money from people who work hard for it. There are plenty of people who are not smart to suspect this kind of thing and some people will fall for it which is sad. It's a shame that scumbags like this won't provide any proof of their vouches then when a staff member OFFERS them the option of remaining in the community they say "FUCK OFF, THIS IS A NICE WAY OF BEING INTRODUCED TO THE COMMUNITY ISN'T IT?" and "I'LL STICK TO MY OTHER FORUMS THANK YOU VERY MUCH". They attempt to then threaten staff to leave the community even though the staff are clearly doing the right thing here.
Dec 28, 2017
Lol? Just move on bud 3 feedback vs 0 because i'm new too the site if you don't want a service done that's fine now stop bugging me and making me look bad rofl, Gotta start somewhere was more then happy too do the accounts at your price then let a middleman or you go first. Would off been no dramas, I've never been banned on any site and i'm deffinately not a scammer it's not my problem you have trust issues man.
Feb 23, 2017
Lol? Just move on bud 3 feedback vs 0 because i'm new too the site if you don't want a service done that's fine now stop bugging me and making me look bad rofl, Gotta start somewhere was more then happy too do the accounts at your price then let a middleman or you go first. Would off been no dramas, I've never been banned on any site and i'm deffinately not a scammer it's not my problem you have trust issues man.
just prove the 300 vouches dude and it's all good. Make us look stupid.