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Jagex's Ban Policy

Nov 6, 2018
Just wondering in everybody's experience. Does Jagex have a hard and fast rule of giving a 2 day ban for first time offenders? Or is it hit or miss whether or not you get a 2 day or perm ban. Let me know!
Sep 29, 2016
my 40 attack 86 str 1 pray members account got its first bot ban and it was permanent no appeals...….
Jul 2, 2018
After having 10+ accounts banned.. (most suicide bot testing).. They perm ban low QP accounts or low total skill and 2 day ban high qp (all facc quests done) and 400+ TL... this is just from my experience.. it could be the luck of the draw. I was banned 2 weeks ago on my main account for 2 days (1000+LT, 50+qp)..
I've also found that daily botting hours on an account really makes a difference too.
Jan 27, 2018
Hi there! I have a question that I hope fits in this thread. I have a main account with which I botted a lot until I got banned for a day (stupid mistake to bot 5 hours after being absent for 3 weeks...). But I only play manually now on that one. I would like to start a new account and try again with runemate. I use a VPN so my ip adress will not be the same for my main account. Would it be safe for my main if I bot on a second account? Or can they detect that I play on the same computer somehow? I hope someone has an advice for me ;) kind regards!
Jul 2, 2018
Difference for better or for worse?
Better to bot less. The accounts that I bot for less than 5 hours a day have not been banned. Obviously, less time online equals less chance of being reported BUT.. I bot in high bot areas for skiller accounts (fishing/mining/wcing).
Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
There are no set parameter for accounts getting 2 day bans or permanent bans. It's a lottery.
Oct 28, 2018
After having 10+ accounts banned.. (most suicide bot testing).. They perm ban low QP accounts or low total skill and 2 day ban high qp (all facc quests done) and 400+ TL... this is just from my experience.. it could be the luck of the draw. I was banned 2 weeks ago on my main account for 2 days (1000+LT, 50+qp)..
I've also found that daily botting hours on an account really makes a difference too.

How delayed were the bans on average if at all?
Mar 13, 2018
How delayed were the bans on average if at all?
Bans are usually delayed a couple days, but it is possible to get banned within hours, especially if you're very very botlike or on a flagged up/account.

I think I got my IP flagged a few months ago, because I was getting banned before my eyes after an hour of using a custom bot, lol.