I tried adding a bot but nothing happened. I also tried installing RuneMate on RuneLite but it redirected me to RuneLite only. Are there any specific instructions to follow?
1. Uninstall RuneMate and Runelite
2. Download Runelite from here RuneLite - Open Source Old School RuneScape Client
3. Download RuneMate from here RuneMate - Free OSRS Bots for RuneScape
4. Visit the bot store, find some bots you'd like, and add them to your list Bot Store - RuneMate
5. Launch RuneMate on your desktop and sign in
6. Add an account so the client can log you into the game
7. Start a bot by selecting the bot you'd like in the RuneMate client, select the account you want to start it on, and then select the Runelite client that's shown in the RuneMate client