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Authors note:For Linux users:
I don't write guides often, well ever.. infact this is my first one
That being said I've tried my best to make this as clear and concise as possible however I am using Ubuntu 17.10x 64; this guide is written using a Terminal interface so it should work for any 64-bit Debian based OS that uses Apt but i promise nothing and don't expect support.
I have removed OpenJDK and installed Oracle Java prior to this; you can get Oracles Java by running the following commands in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/javawait for it to do it's thing once it's done move on; no idea if OpenJDK will work; Perhaps this is the source of my issue at the bottom of the post, but this guide assumes you've done this.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Next, download and install RSU from here: rsu-client/rsu-client
choose the required file depending on your OS version (this guide assumes 64 bit) and save it to your downloads folder.
Navigate to your downloads folder using your file manager of choice and extract the .run file from the zip file.
Open a Terminal and run:
cd /DownloadsThis will bring you to your downloads folder next run:
sudo ./RSU-linux-x64-installer.runIt will do everything it needs to for you
Okay, so you have Java installed, and got RSU installed. Now onto the big fish...
First download RuneMate for Linux from the official download page and save it to your downloads folder.
Open up a Terminal and run:
cd /DownloadsThen run:
chmod +x RuneMate_setup.shFinally run:
sudo ./RuneMate_setup.shFollow the on screen prompts.
Congrats, you're all set!
Or are you...?
I ran into a bug/issue/something that prevented RuneMate from hooking to RSU and thus running..
If you're like me and have the same issue, follow the steps bow:
1.) Manually set the JAVA_HOME path in /etc/environment
To do this follow these steps:
Launch a terminal and run the following code:
sudo nano /etc/environmentonce in nano add the following line below PATH="Stuff/goes/here"
JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle"ctrl+x to exit nano, hit y to save
export JAVA_HOME
JAVA_HOME path is set to that of the Oracle Java; the path is different for OpenJDK; again i assume you are using Oracle Java.
"export JAVA_HOME" may not be needed.
2.) Reboot]
3.) Once rebooted open a terminal and run the following command:
sudo java -jar /opt/runemate/RuneMate.jar
Everything should work fine from then on; do note that you are required to run the last command everytime you plan to use RuneMate.
I'd encourage you to make this a new thread entirely on the Client & Site Support section as a tutorial.