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Question How do i become a bot author?

Jun 23, 2015
I want to start writing srcipts what do i need to learn to start from scratch?
Oct 8, 2016
You need to be able to program in Java. Coding bots is the same as coding anything else. If you know the language - You'll know how to do it. But I'm pretty sure that you can not just spend 1 day reading How-To-Basic Books and then expect yourself to code bots. Generally, I'd say that if you are interested into programming then you should move into something more promising, such as AI, Web Security or just common Game Development.
Jun 23, 2015
You need to be able to program in Java. Coding bots is the same as coding anything else. If you know the language - You'll know how to do it. But I'm pretty sure that you can not just spend 1 day reading How-To-Basic Books and then expect yourself to code bots. Generally, I'd say that if you are interested into programming then you should move into something more promising, such as AI, Web Security or just common Game Development.
and i can do all those with just learning to code java?
Mar 18, 2018
Some require more languages than just Java, such as C++ and C#, but either Java or C++ is a good starting point for those who wish to learn more about development.

If he wants to do just the basic typicall bot, java is completly fine imo
Jun 23, 2015
Some require more languages than just Java, such as C++ and C#, but either Java or C++ is a good starting point for those who wish to learn more about development.
Should i take a course for that or i could teach myself how to code Java?
Oct 8, 2016
Should i take a course for that or i could teach myself how to code Java?
If you've never coded before then taking an online or University course could be beneficial. But most people just learn with coding RSPS and then move along with what they learn.
Mar 22, 2019
Yes, rsps sources come in very handy when learning the basics, try changing some basic stuff like names, drops, npc's and try to solve errors.

I'm a software engineer but i never made a bot and i don't think i am able to make one.
We all start from zero experience when it comes to programming but my advice for you is to learn with Udemy or Treehouse instead of expensive online courses. This will learn you the basics after that just play with some codes and master a language. Good luck weezywespi
Mar 19, 2019
This is /r/cs50 is a free Harvard course if you are into COMPUTER SCIENCE.

If you go to school, they will most likely teach you C and C++ if you are into COMPUTER SCIENCE and Java, JavaScript and C# if you are into SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT.

I'm the 2nd option, I did software dev and they taught me Java, JS, and C#. From my experience, I receive assignments and use the internet to teach myself. The professor's classes only really account to maybe 10% of your actual learning in school. Most of the time you teach yourself through the internet. You end up going to school for the paper so you can be employed easier. I only go to school since I'm fully funded by the state.

I hope my perspective helps you out. As a developer, you will be doing self-learning most of the time. Going to school or not, in the beginning, isn't important for LEARNING, it is important for EMPLOYABILITY here in the USA. Take Crispp's advice, online courses are relatively cheap.
#1 Fabric Cleaner
Mar 18, 2017
Basic java (understanding the fundamental concept of object oriented programming and if/else statements) is all you need to write a functioning bot. Everyone else in this thread is making this seem like a complex task... it really isn’t, you can learn everything you need to know to create a bot in an hour long video on youtube no need for college classes or any of that. For more Runemate specific implementations such as EmbeddableUI’s and SkillListeners, there are tutorials here in the Runemate forums which help out with those.
Jun 23, 2015
Basic java (understanding the fundamental concept of object oriented programming and if/else statements) is all you need to write a functioning bot. Everyone else in this thread is making this seem like a complex task... it really isn’t, you can learn everything you need to know to create a bot in an hour long video on youtube no need for college classes or any of that. For more Runemate specific implementations such as EmbeddableUI’s and SkillListeners, there are tutorials here in the Runemate forums which help out with those.
I like this answer, do you know what i need to download exactly to get started? Thanks for the reply!
Jun 23, 2015
I am getting this error when i run in inttelij, if i run manually it works fine, any fixes?

00:00:13 INFO Failed to bind to the game client because of an IOException
java.io.IOException: Access is denied
at sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.openProcess(Native Method)
at sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.<init>(cea:84)
at sun.tools.attach.WindowsAttachProvider.attachVirtualMachine(mca:219)
at com.sun.tools.attach.spi.AttachProvider.attachVirtualMachine(ofa:167)
at com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine.attach(yda:577)
at nul.IiiiiIiiIIiII.iiiiIiiiIiiiI(xwc:20)
at nul.IiIiiIiiIiIiI.run(hrc:127)
[Biostatistics] An error of type FileNotFoundException occurred while trying to retrieve the movements of clouse pack dedI
Feb 23, 2019
I am getting this error when i run in inttelij, if i run manually it works fine, any fixes?

00:00:13 INFO Failed to bind to the game client because of an IOException
java.io.IOException: Access is denied
at sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.openProcess(Native Method)
at sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.<init>(cea:84)
at sun.tools.attach.WindowsAttachProvider.attachVirtualMachine(mca:219)
at com.sun.tools.attach.spi.AttachProvider.attachVirtualMachine(ofa:167)
at com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine.attach(yda:577)
at nul.IiiiiIiiIIiII.iiiiIiiiIiiiI(xwc:20)
at nul.IiIiiIiiIiIiI.run(hrc:127)
[Biostatistics] An error of type FileNotFoundException occurred while trying to retrieve the movements of clouse pack dedI

The search tool is your friend:
Bug - i can't start any bot please look here.