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Resolved Hours Negative

Jun 9, 2015
Seems like you haven't read the FAQ.
Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ
Resolved - When do the bot hours reset?

The hour system works on a 30 day period. If you are a free user, you are able to bot up to a maximum of 200 hours in one single 30 day period. You can view your current hours usage here, by filtering by "Last 30 Days" Log in | Community | RuneMate
Bot hours don't just "reset" at a given time. Your remaining hours are calculated by subtracting the hours you've used in the last 30 days from the total hours that you bought. Here's an example:
Let's say today is October 1st, and you buy 3000 hours. Let's say that you use 100 hours every day. On October 31st (30 days later), you run out of hours, so you can't bot anymore. On the next day (November 1st), you'll regain the hours that you used 30 days ago (October 1st's hours), meaning that you'll have another 100 hours to bot with. The day after that you'll regain the hours you used on October 2nd, giving you another 100 hours, etc.
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Jun 9, 2015
anyone know why ?
It literally says why in the FAQ. Read it again.

TLDR; Hours come back over time. They don't just 'reset' instantly after a month.
If you botted 10 hours on the 1st of January, you will get 10 hours back 30 days later.
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Nov 4, 2018
It literally says why in the FAQ. Read it again.

TLDR; Hours come back over time. They don't just 'reset' instantly after a month.
If you botted 10 hours on the 1st of January, you will get 10 hours back 30 days later.

Yeah i realize that, but my 30 days of hours says 190 and my hours used say 362?
Jan 18, 2019
It literally says why in the FAQ. Read it again.

TLDR; Hours come back over time. They don't just 'reset' instantly after a month.
If you botted 10 hours on the 1st of January, you will get 10 hours back 30 days later.

The usage stats are buggy, they're very convenient and probably better than any other interface I've seen but it definitely has issues with it, minor ones at that, I've had some similar issues with it showing hours I hadn't used, or showing that I had no hours left even though Runemate client still worked fine and I could bot for hours on end with no problem. (I only usually bot 3-4 hours a night, so there's no way I would even reach my max, lol.)

Like the payment system, it's extremely screwy, I got billed for 8 hours of botting time between 1 PM and 5 PM my time, which I'll still never understand but honestly it's 15 cents I could care less about.
Nov 6, 2018
RobinPC, it clearly shows the last 30 days usage..
If what you’re saying is that your hours don’t reset until 30 days after they were used, then why haven’t his?
He’s not showing 15 days saying it’s gone from January to February complaining they were reset on the new month.. he’s showing a whole months usage wondering why his used hours is more than his usage
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
Copy pasted from Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ.

My brother/sister/other uses RuneMate in my house, will our hours combine?

Yes. Hours used across multiple RuneMate accounts from the same IP address will combine. EG: Account001 uses 10 hours on a Monday; these 10 hours will also show up on Account002's usage history for Monday.

Why are my hours disappearing so quickly? I haven't used that many hours?
You are likely on a shared network or using a VPN where someone else on your network has used up the hours. If this is the case you should speak to your service provider and ask them to give each connecting user a unique public IP address.