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Question Hourly System. Need clarification, please

Jun 22, 2018
Right. If someone could please clarify and give any advice that would be appreciated.

So my monthly subscription ran out and I'm at -900 hours (used 1,100 of the 3,600).

For this month, I'm looking for around 500 hours total. So, would I be correct in saying that, in order to do so, I would have to pay $14? I'm assuming that would put me at 500 "hours allowed" and be available for a full month.

Another question, let's say I didn't make another payment. If I understand the "Hour System" correctly, then, my "remaining" hours be deducted daily based on the value of the number of hours I used precisely one month ago from that day.

So what I want to understand is this:

If somebody is at -1000 hours and it is the 23rd of July. On the 23rd of June, that person used 50 hours. Would that person be able to bot for 50 hours regardless of having a negative value for "remaining" hours, or, would it simply be reduced from -1000 hours to -950 hours, and not allow that individual to bot until the "remaining" hours is restored to a positive value (i.e. within a month)?

If it is the second scenario, then, am I correct in thinking that essentially the cost of the service is cheaper for first-time users, and increases and stabilises on following months?
For example, a first time user would pay 4 dollars for 400 hours of botting.
After that user uses those hours, and their subscription runs out, they will be left with -200 "remaining" hours.
In order to bot the same number of hours they had done the previous month (i.e. 400), at the same liberty, they would pay 6 dollars (or otherwise they would pay 2 dollars and wait for the hour restoration phase and bot with limited liberty according to the number of hours restored based on the previous months bot usage). The following monthly fees would remain at 6 dollars for 400 hours.

Also, is it possible to just make a new account for runemate every month, and why would someone not do this?

To summarize, what I understand is, the user pays a fee for X number of hours a month for a month, during the second month the user cannot in fact bot, however, the user's hours are being restored daily, for up to a month, such that, by the end of the second month, those hours are restored and the user has 200 hours, and can continue to bot. So, essentially, if one wishes to continue botting on the second month, rather than wait for a month, the user would have to pay a debt so the "remaining hours" would return to a value equal or greater to zero, and then pay another fee corresponding to the number of hours required, or otherwise, at that stage, wait for the hours to be restored on a daily basis therefore botting with far less liberty on the second month than on the first.

Sorry for the long post, but this system isn't very intuitive, and I need clarification before I make another payment.

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May 30, 2018
Instead of thinking about it as last month's subtraction or whatever, think about it as this: the sum of all hours used in the past month cannot exceed your hours limit.

In your 4 dollars / 6 dollars scenario, the monthly fees would be at 6 dollars for 600 hours. If they paid 4 dollars the next month, over the course of the month, they would still be able to expend their 400 hours because the cumulative sum will be up to 400 hours.

If you make new accounts, your old hours still remain.
Jun 22, 2018
Thanks, dogetrix.

Right, bear with me, so in that example, we both understand that after the user pays 6 dollars and uses all the hours up during the month, that that user would be left with -400 "remaining" hours the following month. If that user pays another 4 dollars on a new subscription, according to you, they would have another 400 hours remaining for another month (despite their "remaining" hours being at 0, however, I am assuming this value raises daily based on the previous month, and the bot time limit is based on the daily change to this value).

Two questions:

If the user in that scenario we are using paid 3 dollars instead of 4 on the re-subscription, would they be able to bot for 300 hours (assuming they would have -100 hours)?

If the user did pay 4 dollars, and has 400 hours to use for that month, would they be able to use those hours as they please during that month, or is there a limit to the number of hours that can be used daily based on the number of hours botted on that specific day exactly a month ago?
May 30, 2018
Yep, your first statement is right.

If the user paid 3 dollars instead of four then they would still have to wait out the -100 hours before being able to continue botting. But cumulatively they can still use 300 hours.

The number of hours you can use in a day is based on the number of remaining hours you have. So that's highly dependent on how many hours you used on that day last month. Of course, in edge cases where months have 30 vs 31 days, it will vary a little.
Jun 19, 2018
Thanks for the post, my upgrade just ended about two days ago and I'm in the same situation but with -500 hours (used 694/1000 hours). I'm very new to the runemate community and upgraded $10 to start off. I did not think I would get 'punished' for supporting. Like you said it isn't very intuitive, but I guess it is what it is. I just wish I was more efficient and could continue to bot without having to pay a fee.. I'm already going negative like a noob, but it was a good learning experience.
May 25, 2018
For there was a person saying that this system of hours is not used who, and what the maximum and such. But my truth is that Nasa could invent it but it is total disgust, to understand it costs, everyone gets confused, it should be so much you pay so many hours you play + the hours that they give you for free.
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Thanks for the post, my upgrade just ended about two days ago and I'm in the same situation but with -500 hours (used 694/1000 hours). I'm very new to the runemate community and upgraded $10 to start off. I did not think I would get 'punished' for supporting. Like you said it isn't very intuitive, but I guess it is what it is. I just wish I was more efficient and could continue to bot without having to pay a fee.. I'm already going negative like a noob, but it was a good learning experience.
Yeah this is one of the biggest, fattest, and most disgusting problems with this payment system