Sorry if you have already answered this, but do you have a standard Alch and Loot list?
Rune full helm,Rune 2h sword,Rune platelegs,Rune battleaxe,Rune sq shield,Rune chainbody,Mystic air staff,Rune axe,Battlestaff,Lava battlestaff,Rune med helm,Earth battlestaff,Air battlestaff,Fire battlestaff,Water battlestaff,Rune warhammer,Mystic earth staff,Runite limbs,Adamant platelegs,Rune mace,Rune scimitar,Rune longsword,Adamant platebody,Dragon med helm,Red d'hide body,Rune spear,Mystic robe bottom (light)
Dragon warhammer,Imbued heart,Ancient shard,Drake's claw,Granite maul,Crystal key,Mystic robe top,Rune full helm,Rune 2h sword,Rune platelegs,Rune battleaxe,Rune sq shield,Rune chainbody,Mystic air staff,Snapdragon seed,Dark totem top,Dark totem middle,Dark totem base,Rune axe,*attlestaff,Rune med helm,Drake's*,Draconic visage,Abyssal whip,Shield left half,Rune warhammer,Mystic earth staff,Runite limbs,Adamant platelegs,Brittle key,Grimy ranarr weed,Grimy cadantine,Grimy kwuarm,Grimy avantoe,Grimy dwarf weed,Grimy lantadyme,Dragon plateskirt,Abyssal head,* champion scroll
Noted only:
Adamantite bar,Pure essence,Steel bar,Wine of zamorak,Diamond,Grimy*,Coconut,Papaya,White berries