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⚔️ Hexis Slayer AIO - Setup and FAQs

Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Hexis Slayer AIO - Fully automated Slayer

  • Automatic traversal to tasks
    • No more manual walking. Let the bot take you from A to B
  • Skip the ones you don't like
    • This bot is intelligent. It will walk to Nieve or Duradel to skip any tasks that are unsupported or you have chosen to skip.
  • Play your way
    • Have 100% control of your loadouts. Customise your inventory and equipment to dress how you'd normally do Slayer and let the bot take care of the rest. Simply carry the required items for each task and fill in the gaps.
  • Hunting that Imbued heart?
    • If you're hunting an Imbue heart then look no further. Hexis Slayer AIO will take on most Superior monsters for you with no extra input.
  • Utilise that POH
    • This bot heavily utilises the POH for all teleports where it can. All Jewellery Boxes, mounted amulets, Fairy Rings, and Spirit Trees are supported if you have the option checked in the UI.
  • Spellbook swapping
    • Like to pick up items to alch? Select the option to stay on the standard spellbook and let the bot handle swapping your books. This feature requires an Altar in your house to swap between these books.
  • Bursting tasks for MEGA XP gains
    • You have the option to burst some Slayer tasks, just like real players do! Check the option in the Combat settings tab and save a bursting inventory and equipment loadout.
  • Intelligent cannon handling
    • The bot uses popular cannon positions scraped from Runelite's data to make sure you're always planting your cannon in the optimal position. When configuring your tasks, check the box to tell the bot to use a cannon on that task, if the dungeon supports it. You must have your cannon and cannonballs in your inventory loadout for this feature to work.
  • Multiple fighting locations
    • Select the dungeon you want to fight each monster in to be suit your play-style and preference.

Quick setup

** VIDEO ** - Example setup including downloadable settings file
View the video on Streamable.This is a slightly older video but the core content is still valid.

You must not have a running Hexis Slayer AIO session when you load these files.

To copy a settings file:
1. Download the "resources.zip" folder attached to this thread
2. Unzip the folder contents into C:\Users\{user}\RuneMate\bots\storage\shared\hexis or your the folder that RuneMate uses on your operating system.
3. Choose a settings file (Basic or Advanced) from the files attached at the bottom of this post and save that file to C:\Users\{user}\RuneMate\bots\storage\HexisSlayerAIO, or the folder that RuneMate uses on your operating system, and name the file {ACCOUNT ALIAS}.json where {ACCOUNT ALIAS} is the alias of the account you intend to load these settings for. For example, I have an account with an alias "Main" in RuneMate, I would name the file "Main.json".
4. Start Hexis Slayer AIO using the alias you just used when renaming the settings file.

General information
To get started with Hexis Slayer AIO you don't need a max POH. Whilst it HIGHLY encouraged to have the basic features built in your POH, it's not completely necessary.If you rely on the RuneMate web to use surface teleport options such as Spirit Tree or Fairy Rings you must not use Ferox Enclave when banking or restoring as the RuneMate web does not consider the danger of the Wilderness and will walk you through the Wilderness to get to locations.The recommended features to have in your POH are:
  • Jewellery box (Basic is fine, but Ornate is suggested)
  • Pool (Fancy is fine, but Ornate is suggested)
  • If you're doing burst tasks or will want to change spellbook, you should have a Lunar/Ancient/Dark altar or an Occult to cover all scenarios
  • For Catacombs tasks the bot will use multiple entrances. You MUST have these entrances unlocked already, run !catacombs to see further information. To aid traversal, you should have a mounted Xeric's talisman in your POH
  • Having access to a Fairy Ring and Spirit Tree will make traversal significantly faster. Having these in your POH is even better. Your inventory loadouts should always contain a Lunar/Dramen staff if you plan on using Fairy rings for any task traversal. The bot will not withdraw these items itself if they're not in your loadout(s)
  • The bot uses multiple teleports options for each task, read the notes on each monster to recommended items
  • To get back to your slayer master the bot will use a few teleport items like Royal seed pod, Karamja gloves 3/4, or NPC contact if that's selected
  • Any time a prioritised teleport item is not found the bot will use the RuneMate web to find it's way to the slayer dungeon. This might not be possible if the dungeon isn't mapped and the bot will stop if pathing fails too many times
Frequently asked questions
"The bot is failing to walk to the Catacombs" - You need to unlock the Catacombs entrances in the north-east, south-east, south, and north-westEnter the catacombs and exit via each of those exits and it will work.The bot will prioritise different entrances based on the task and what is supported by the web.
"The bot keeps teleporting out when I'm on a burst task after I reach the monster" - Burst tasks require Ice burst/barrage runes, they do not use the autocast spell you've selected. The bot also requires darts, a blowpipe, or knives to group up monsters so you must carry some of these. The bot will not accept using a bow or any other ranged weapon.
"Does the bot swap runes in the rune pouch" - No. The bot will not swap runes in the rune pouch. You should set up your inventory loadouts to hold runes outside of the Rune pouch if those runes would not be in your rune pouch by default. For example, I carry Nature, Fire, and Law runes in my rune pouch and carry Water, Blood, and Death runes in my inventory when I'm on a burst task.

Tips and Tricks
* Carry a Lunar/Dramen staff in your inventory loadout for every task if you have Fairy rings unlocked
* Carry a House teleport in your inventory loadout for every task if you use your POH frequently
* Carry Karamja gloves 3/4 in your inventory loadout if you are using Duradel as your Slayer master
* When withdrawing stackable items, do not withdraw your entire bank stack. The bot will withdraw the exact amount every time it banks, so if you have less than the exact amount, the bot will stop. I recommend carrying around 2000 cannonballs, 1000 spell casts, and 500 darts/knives. The bot will not restock at the Grand Exchange.
* Read the setup instructions in the Monsters settings tab for required items and general traversal advice.

Check out the lists below for looting, alching, and noted items
Dragon warhammer,Imbued heart,Ancient shard,Drake's claw,Granite maul,Crystal key,Mystic robe top,Rune full helm,Rune 2h sword,Rune platelegs,Rune battleaxe,Rune sq shield,Rune chainbody,Mystic air staff,Snapdragon seed,Dark totem top,Dark totem middle,Dark totem base,Rune axe,*attlestaff,Rune med helm,Drake's*,Draconic visage,Abyssal whip,Shield left half,Rune warhammer,Mystic earth staff,Runite limbs,Adamant platelegs,Brittle key,Grimy ranarr weed,Grimy cadantine,Grimy kwuarm,Grimy avantoe,Grimy dwarf weed,Grimy lantadyme,Dragon plateskirt,Abyssal head,* champion scroll

Noted only
Adamantite bar,Pure essence,Steel bar,Wine of zamorak,Diamond,Grimy*,Coconut,Papaya,White berries

Rune full helm,Rune 2h sword,Rune platelegs,Rune battleaxe,Rune sq shield,Rune chainbody,Mystic air staff,Rune axe,Battlestaff,Lava battlestaff,Rune med helm,Earth battlestaff,Air battlestaff,Fire battlestaff,Water battlestaff,Rune warhammer,Mystic earth staff,Runite limbs,Adamant platelegs,Rune mace,Rune scimitar,Rune longsword,Adamant platebody,Dragon med helm,Red d'hide body,Rune spear,Mystic robe bottom (light)


  • resources.zip
    128.6 KB · Views: 6
  • Advanced.txt
    102.8 KB · Views: 5
  • Basic.txt
    59.4 KB · Views: 1
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