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Hexis Pest Control

Sep 26, 2023
Good afternoon! I am not sure if it's the runelite client, the bot, or me, but for the Pest Control interface itself in runelite, it's difficult to start the bot as i am unable to scroll down in the main settings to click the run bot button. Putting my monitor to portrait for a moment, and then full sizing it does allow me to start it successfully.
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Good afternoon! I am not sure if it's the runelite client, the bot, or me, but for the Pest Control interface itself in runelite, it's difficult to start the bot as i am unable to scroll down in the main settings to click the run bot button. Putting my monitor to portrait for a moment, and then full sizing it does allow me to start it successfully.
Unfortunately that's a JavaFX bug, if you restart your RuneMate client that _should_ work but it's a bandaid, I don't know of a solution to this
Feb 18, 2024
There needs to be some logic changes for this, it works well for the most part, but there are times where it acts a fair bit more "bot like"
  • Struggles to properly pick target when running portal mode if a bruiser is in the way, there are issues where I assume it thinks the characters pathing isn't blocked to the portal, and attempts to continually attack the portal, leading to a loop of gets hit > clicks on portal > gets hit, etc, until either that brusier dies, or the portal dies - is there already code to handle this? I can see there's code to handle bruisers/bruisers blocking pathing, but there are cases where the bruiser spawns as you attempt to attack the portal, or other situations, I'm talking detecting if the player is "stuck"? this would solve both this and the below if opening doors was grouped into the handling of being stuck
  • Does this handle door opening at all? I haven't seen a case yet where it attempts to open the door itself, and if the character is in the middle, and somebody closes the door whilst attempting to navigate to another portal etc, the bot gets stuck attempting to run outside, until another door is opening/it manages to path out
Apart from that, great bot!
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Jun 12, 2023
took me starting the bot and being charged for 3 hours just to get it running correctly, has been fine since, would like a refund for the first two instant failures where the bot was spam clicking back and forth between the bank and the boat. thanks!
Jun 11, 2018
It looks like reviews are lacking the all important logs. I attempted to use the bot and have gathered the logs. One of the attempts it failed to navigate to the East portal when it was standing right next to it.

These were all gathered from portal mode with no potions, no plugins, and nothing in the inventory

Edit: after further testing, using pest hunter with ranged style works fairly well but I have recommendations. If there is a Crusher in between our target and us, the bot will not move around or switch targets. I think something could be added where if our target isn't targeting us and we haven't attacked, check priority of mobs again or maybe move around/away from a Crusher.

Also something that might be pretty cool is re-evaluating the mob priority. Spinners take priority, of course, but I've caught my guy targeting the exploding mobs when there were more valuable targets nearby. If you are revisiting the mob priority, a check for combat style (melee, ranged, or magic) might help with priority.

Also some enemy stacking logic would be SOLID. If there's a large stack of enemies, I'd like to use chinchompas instead of crossbow and I'd wager mages would also appreciate an AoE option

Edit 2: some people have reported issues with opening gates, seems to be a ranged/mage issue. The bot sill try to attack an enemy on the other side of a gate and instead the player will path over to the enemy behind the gate instead of finding a location behind the gate to hit the enemy or opening the closest gate

Edit 3: The bot idled at the landing site and just idled for a number of seconds. I stopped the bot at this time because it said it was moving to a new location by a portal but not moving at all. This was after running for a few hours


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Jul 9, 2024
Script has went to the bank twice to grab dragon dagger and ended the script, decided to not use spec and the script doesn't attack any monsters to prevent from receiving activity. Not sure why the free trial version seems to run better than the actual version..