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Hexis Mining AIO [Deleted]

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The Omen
Dec 27, 2018
Hey, sorry about posting this question here. Not sure where to post it and since I'm using this bot was hoping you guys could help. I have told the bot to search for rockertunities but for some reason they recently stopped appearing at all on my Java Client. Any advice? Or maybe point me in the right direction for the correct forum I should be in? Thanks in advance. Also, Loving what the bot is doing so far. Keep up the good work.
Hey there, that's cool, I'm glad to help. When running the Java client in OpenGL, DirectX, or even Safe mode the rockertunities have never been visible for some reason. They're definitely there (although the bot can't detect them yet, there's a fix in the queue right now), sorry for the delay :(

When It mines coal under power miner where it is suppose to drop the coal ore it does not do that. It will mine the ore but after the backpack is full it will continue to click the ore rock and not drop the ore.
Hey! Would you mind putting the Coal on your action bar and trying? I believe I've configured it to only drop it if it's on the action bar because it doesn't break your animation. I'll put a line of text in the GUI to inform you of this, apologies.

Hello aggain,
Well about the powerfarm, i put the rock into the action bar, and the bot still not droping the ores, also i noticed that he's not using the ore box (i also put it into the action bar).
Other thing that i noticed was the fact that when i pause the bot i can't use the hotkeys on the actionbar (seens like the bot simply locks it), this can be the problem? or just a bad config on my side?
Does it have a keybind on it? It won't be able to drop it if it doesn't unfortunately. As for the pausing of the bot, it seems like you might have your client settings configured to restrict the keyboard input, to resolve this simply un-check this in the client. upload_2019-2-8_9-53-35.png
Nov 13, 2018
Does it have a keybind on it? It won't be able to drop it if it doesn't unfortunately. As for the pausing of the bot, it seems like you might have your client settings configured to restrict the keyboard input, to resolve this simply un-check this in the client. View attachment 7653

Yes the action bar is all keybinded 1~9, about the block input i think that's not the problem because a lot of other keyboard inputs still works, i will try to catch some logs and send them, unfortunately i will not be able to do this until monday.
Btw ih the last run i did with the bot (8hrs str) the bot got stuck in burthope, the character walks to the back of the bank counter and does no more action, I think the pathing to the bank is a little bit misaligned.

Thanks for listening
Jan 8, 2019
Yes the action bar is all keybinded 1~9, about the block input i think that's not the problem because a lot of other keyboard inputs still works, i will try to catch some logs and send them, unfortunately i will not be able to do this until monday.
Btw ih the last run i did with the bot (8hrs str) the bot got stuck in burthope, the character walks to the back of the bank counter and does no more action, I think the pathing to the bank is a little bit misaligned.

Thanks for listening
I was having the banking problem too and then just updated java on my pc and it seemed to fix the problem
Feb 9, 2018
when i try luminite in fally mine it wil teleport... if i try runite also... why doesnt it just walks 2 the bank? Also it doesnt store the luminite in the rune ore box... . It does click the rock now its just kinda slow. F2p testest on 2 acc.
The Omen
Dec 27, 2018
when i try luminite in fally mine it wil teleport... if i try runite also... why doesnt it just walks 2 the bank? Also it doesnt store the luminite in the rune ore box... . It does click the rock now its just kinda slow. F2p testest on 2 acc.
The bug fix is in the queue but has still not been approved by an executive, so unfortunately it's not working right now. Luminite was awkward because it didn't have "ore" in the name, so it was overlooked.
The Omen
Dec 27, 2018
will we be able to mine rockertunities now ?
Yes! I sincerely hope so, I know I can locally so you should be too.

This update introduced a fix for Luminite (dropping and filling ore box), as well as Rockertunity detection and interaction.
The Real
Apr 10, 2017
am i the only one who sees the 4ticking being off? isnt four ticking letting only1% of the stamina be used?
Jan 20, 2019
Not sure about the rest of the Ores, but it seems to be finding Drakolith rockertunities no problem now. I can't see them still but it sure can detect them. I'll double check other ores below this when i get some more time, since i'm only lvl67 right now.


i may have spoken to soon. After it filled the Orebox with the first load it got stuck on one rock. i paused it and did it manually for a bit then unpaused. It worked fine again. Finally just now i restarted the bot when it failed a second time, did a full restart of the bot and the bot client and it still has issues even before filling the box this time. IDK, seems to be a pretty strange issue.
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Oct 27, 2016
Not sure about the rest of the Ores, but it seems to be finding Drakolith rockertunities no problem now. I can't see them still but it sure can detect them. I'll double check other ores below this when i get some more time, since i'm only lvl67 right now.


i may have spoken to soon. After it filled the Orebox with the first load it got stuck on one rock. i paused it and did it manually for a bit then unpaused. It worked fine again. Finally just now i restarted the bot when it failed a second time, did a full restart of the bot and the bot client and it still has issues even before filling the box this time. IDK, seems to be a pretty strange issue.
java client will not be able to see rockertunities, but runemate made it possible to detect them so dont worry that you cant see them
Jan 20, 2019
That's the thing. I now understand, thanks to Vyxion and Gengsta, that they will not display. But, aren't they supposed to appear on an almost regular basis? Mined for almost 2 hours and stuck on the same rock not collecting rockertunities.

On a somewhat side note. It was collecting Necrite rockertunities. For how long I couldn't say. Didn't expect to go on a desert excursion so i got what i needed and got out. Might wanna make a list as to where it goes for ores so people can prep lodestones if they don't have them and materials like waterskins and such.
The Omen
Dec 27, 2018
am i the only one who sees the 4ticking being off? isnt four ticking letting only1% of the stamina be used?
4-ticking means it will click again as soon as the Stamina goes down, which is every 2.4 seconds. It should always retain a full bar of stamina when mining.

Still having issues with rockertunities at Phasmatite
Could you be more specific? I've released an update which should hopefully fix all things Rockertunity related..

Not sure about the rest of the Ores, but it seems to be finding Drakolith rockertunities no problem now. I can't see them still but it sure can detect them. I'll double check other ores below this when i get some more time, since i'm only lvl67 right now.


i may have spoken to soon. After it filled the Orebox with the first load it got stuck on one rock. i paused it and did it manually for a bit then unpaused. It worked fine again. Finally just now i restarted the bot when it failed a second time, did a full restart of the bot and the bot client and it still has issues even before filling the box this time. IDK, seems to be a pretty strange issue.
Please try again now, I'd like to know if this is resolved as it's working perfectly locally.
That's the thing. I now understand, thanks to Vyxion and Gengsta, that they will not display. But, aren't they supposed to appear on an almost regular basis? Mined for almost 2 hours and stuck on the same rock not collecting rockertunities.

On a somewhat side note. It was collecting Necrite rockertunities. For how long I couldn't say. Didn't expect to go on a desert excursion so i got what i needed and got out. Might wanna make a list as to where it goes for ores so people can prep lodestones if they don't have them and materials like waterskins and such.
For Necrite I'd suggest utilising the Preset setting, you can set your preset up with an ore box, pickaxe, and a handful or waterskins and it will load those every time.
Jan 20, 2019
Alright, good/bad news time. Don't know what happened since yesterday but it is definitely seeing rockertunities now. Bad news is that now the "mouse" is having issues clicking on the rock it wants to mine. Both for Stam regen and for shifting mining nodes to grab (forget it, rockertunities is to long. From now on they are Rockers. All in favor say "I") Rockers. It's not much, but the mouse is trying to click on the nodes and it's off by about 1 or 2 pixels to the side of the rock trying to search for it. It gets stuck in a viscous seizure/twitching cycle like it's trying to find it. Even after full stam depletion and a full Inv. of ore, then shifting to click the ore box. It then returns to trying to find the node and continues its seizure while the player stands there looking like a loon. Not sure if it's something to do with the bot or the RuneMate client.

--Edit: after putting my glasses on and watching closer i came to realize that the "mouse" seems to be ON the node but not clicking for some reason. Just twitching

-P.S. Sorry if I seem to ramble a bit. Just trying to give as much info as possible to help out. Ty for understanding.
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The Omen
Dec 27, 2018
Alright, good/bad news time. Don't know what happened since yesterday but it is definitely seeing rockertunities now. Bad news is that now the "mouse" is having issues clicking on the rock it wants to mine. Both for Stam regen and for shifting mining nodes to grab (forget it, rockertunities is to long. From now on they are Rockers. All in favor say "I") Rockers. It's not much, but the mouse is trying to click on the nodes and it's off by about 1 or 2 pixels to the side of the rock trying to search for it. It gets stuck in a viscous seizure/twitching cycle like it's trying to find it. Even after full stam depletion and a full Inv. of ore, then shifting to click the ore box. It then returns to trying to find the node and continues its seizure while the player stands there looking like a loon. Not sure if it's something to do with the bot or the RuneMate client.

--Edit: after putting my glasses on and watching closer i came to realize that the "mouse" seems to be ON the node but not clicking for some reason. Just twitching

-P.S. Sorry if I seem to ramble a bit. Just trying to give as much info as possible to help out. Ty for understanding.
Thank you for your detailed reply, would you be able to take a small video of it and send it to me in a private message? I think I know what you mean, but I want to be sure.

Could you paste a screenshot of your ui so I can see your rock and settings selections so I can try and recreate the issue please? Many thanks.
Jan 20, 2019
I seriously go to record the blasted thing and it goes and makes a liar outta me by running smooth as silk. The minute it starts to fudge up again I'll get that video posted to you. Already sent screenshot of settings at least

--Edit: Nailed it. Trying to post to tumbler now since this site doesn't like .webm files. Send the link to ya as soon as i can

--Edit 2: In your PM's
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The Omen
Dec 27, 2018
Makutu updated Mak Mining AIO with a new update entry:

Mak Mining AIO v1.0.2 Released!

Mak Mining AIO updated to v1.0.2.

Read the rest of this update entry...
@yrmommy Based on your review, I've added Silver and Gold rock options. Issue tracked at Makutu / Mak Bots / issues / #6 - No gold or silver rock options — Bitbucket and is now live for you to try.
@Marcules After your suggestion for fighting back against monsters, if the player is wielding a weapon which is not a bow OR a bow with ammunition then it will fight back, else it will display a warning on the screen for you. I'm working on walking out of combat and to the bank.
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