Thanks for the update, it works now. I only found two problems:
1. When I tested it on cows by the crafting guild (in Rimmington), it didn't show the word "cow" when I wanted to select it in the gui. It worked for the cow calves, but not for the cow, it just said "null". Selecting "null" made it attack cows so I guess null represented cows in that instance.
2. You spelled "breaks" wrong (you wrote "breakes")
So I decided to test out problem #1 on the cows in Lumbridge (east of the river). This time was different. It didn't list cows or cow calves, it just showed "null" and the name of the npc there. Selecting null made the player attack BOTH cows and cow calves instead of there being a separate option for calves like before. I don't know what could be causing this, but other than this very minor problem, the bot is working well.
Keep up the good work