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Hello All

Oct 6, 2015
Greetings fellow botters or forum raiders, my name is Ethan or Thanks2bots as seen on my profile. I am from Australia I have lived here all of my life, I'm 18 and working full time for a furniture company. I've played Runescape on and off since 2007 up until EOC then played private severs until Oldschool was released. I'm now getting into Darkscape and that is my reason why I joined your community, thank goodness I did, great community and great client. I've botted for a long time for personal improvements to my accounts, but lately on Oldschool i made some nice bank and made some nice profits. I plan to bot Darkscape for my own personal use not profits. I am a friendly guy, I have a beautiful Girlfriend that also plays Runescape with me (I forced her and she got addicted too, now she's higher level then me). Any advice for this new game mode would be appreciated seen as i'm used of Oldschool content or if you just want to chat please message me and ill try to get back to you!

So hello all, I look forward to talking more to you all.