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HaxAgility [Deleted]

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Apr 4, 2015
Script deserves some feedback. And I will be happy to provide some.

I have been using this script for about 24 Hours, mostly at wilderness course. Script didnt had any strugles whatsoever. I ran this script using legacy mode and for those people who say food is not working, then its not true.

The food is fully supported, although I only used Sharks and Monkfish, which just worked fine. Since my Constitution level is 94, food is beeing used at about 1-150 Hp left ( Not sure about the true numbers ) but food is beeing used when you're about 15% health left or below.

All in all, script is good. Awesome paint that displays everything that you should now. Easy to start/run the script, because settings saves up, food is automaticly detected so, yea just press run button and ur done.

Thank-you for an amazing script, I give it a rating 9/10. Would rate it 10/10, if you could allow us to choose when to eat ( % of missing health).
Feb 24, 2015
Script deserves some feedback. And I will be happy to provide some.

I have been using this script for about 24 Hours, mostly at wilderness course. Script didnt had any strugles whatsoever. I ran this script using legacy mode and for those people who say food is not working, then its not true.

The food is fully supported, although I only used Sharks and Monkfish, which just worked fine. Since my Constitution level is 94, food is beeing used at about 1-150 Hp left ( Not sure about the true numbers ) but food is beeing used when you're about 15% health left or below.

All in all, script is good. Awesome paint that displays everything that you should now. Easy to start/run the script, because settings saves up, food is automaticly detected so, yea just press run button and ur done.

Thank-you for an amazing script, I give it a rating 9/10. Would rate it 10/10, if you could allow us to choose when to eat ( % of missing health).
Thanks for this, is there a possibility that you can share your xp/h? :)
I really hope that @SlashnHax reads this! :)
May 23, 2015
I've run into a problem just today, when I start the bot, the gui to select courses isn't coming up anymore. Has anyone else run into this? I was getting great use out of the bot just yesterday at the ape atoll course.
May 28, 2015
Getting this error trying to run it at ape atoll

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.hud.interfaces.Inventory.getMoney()I
at com.slashnhax.ui.paint.trackers.InventoryTracker.<init>(InventoryTracker.java:48)
at com.slashnhax.ui.paint.trackers.InventoryTracker.<init>(InventoryTracker.java:41)
at com.slashnhax.ui.paint.defaults.DefaultFrame.<init>(DefaultFrame.java:55)
at com.slashnhax.framework.StandardScript.onStart(StandardScript.java:33)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(owb:37)
at app.mm.run(wxb:49)
Apr 12, 2015
I've run into a problem just today, when I start the bot, the gui to select courses isn't coming up anymore. Has anyone else run into this? I was getting great use out of the bot just yesterday at the ape atoll course.
i am also getting the same error
Dec 10, 2014
Script deserves some feedback. And I will be happy to provide some.

I have been using this script for about 24 Hours, mostly at wilderness course. Script didnt had any strugles whatsoever. I ran this script using legacy mode and for those people who say food is not working, then its not true.

The food is fully supported, although I only used Sharks and Monkfish, which just worked fine. Since my Constitution level is 94, food is beeing used at about 1-150 Hp left ( Not sure about the true numbers ) but food is beeing used when you're about 15% health left or below.

All in all, script is good. Awesome paint that displays everything that you should now. Easy to start/run the script, because settings saves up, food is automaticly detected so, yea just press run button and ur done.

Thank-you for an amazing script, I give it a rating 9/10. Would rate it 10/10, if you could allow us to choose when to eat ( % of missing health).
Thanks for the feedback :D
I'll keep your suggestions in mind for the rework :)
Apr 4, 2015
Thanks for this, is there a possibility that you can share your xp/h? :)
I really hope that @SlashnHax reads this! :)

39k per hour at wild course
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.hud.interfaces.Inventory.getMoney()I
at com.slashnhax.ui.paint.trackers.InventoryTracker.<init>(InventoryTracker.java:48)
at com.slashnhax.ui.paint.trackers.InventoryTracker.<init>(InventoryTracker.java:41)
at com.slashnhax.ui.paint.defaults.DefaultFrame.<init>(DefaultFrame.java:55)
at com.slashnhax.framework.StandardScript.onStart(StandardScript.java:33)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(owb:37)
at app.mm.run(wxb:49)

Cant launch the script today.
Apr 12, 2015
Bot Still will not run. After pressing play bot stalls without opening gui.

Edit: Any eta on client fix?
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Apr 26, 2015
Hefin: often gets stuck at the rope zipline
I think he is still fixing this :) i think he just updated the source, to get the main error of the client fixed :) Heffin has always been a problem :) just give him some time :D

If any feedback counts, Ive been watching it for about an hour now. Yes it gets stuck but looks like the camera movement it does breaks it.

Here are two screenys I grabbed when it gets stuck.Screenshot_9.jpg Screenshot_8.jpg
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Dec 17, 2014
Does it go back to Wilderness course after death or will the bot just stop?
If it walks back, what method will it use? (lever or wildy lodestone)
I'm just a noob lvl 3 skiller so I will die a lot probably..
Apr 27, 2015
Now running it, at the Wilderness Agility course, so far so good, 27 minutes in and no complaints.

@ElMacaro I started at the GE and it ran me to the agility course.
Dec 10, 2014
Yeah Hefin Course is a bitch cause I can't get there on any of my accounts, meaning I have to borrow accounts to fix bugs, and that I can't test small changes whenever I like.

It doesn't bank for food, and it currently uses wildy lodestone to get to wilderness course.
Apr 26, 2015
Yeah Hefin Course is a bitch cause I can't get there on any of my accounts, meaning I have to borrow accounts to fix bugs, and that I can't test small changes whenever I like.

It doesn't bank for food, and it currently uses wildy lodestone to get to wilderness course.

That seems to be the case of alot of people, There is so much potential in priff for bots :)
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