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Guardians of the rift ban rate

Nov 10, 2018
Hi Guys,

I haven't botted in a while but wondering what the ban rate is guardians of the rift is?
Mar 13, 2018
I don't think there's a concrete answer to this, or really a concrete answer to any "ban rate" question, honestly.

That being said, I don't consider the "ban rate" of gotr to be specifically high. Intuitively, I'd assume it's somewhat less risky than some other activities as the bot won't stick out (it'll get lost in the sea of legit players doing GotR). Also since it's a minigame with so much going on/different playstyles, the bot is less likely to fall into a consistent pattern.

Also Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift is pretty consistently one of the most used bots on the site and I don't frequently get complaints of quick bans or anything. Actually no one's complained to me about bans for it in a while. That doesn't mean no-one is getting banned, I'm sure botters are getting banned without mentioning it, but it's still a good sign.

Hopefully that helps give some insight at all.
Feb 26, 2023
I was banned(temp 2day ban, couple months ago) doing GOTR but I also think someone manually reported me and I wasnt taking enough breaks. I went from like 68-91 rc in less than 2 weeks. I think that raised red flags. Dont believe it was the bot at all, it was me not breaking and botting like a human.
Feb 26, 2023
honestly ppl are botting to 80+ rc with no problem, so yeah u were probably manually banned unfortunately.
Sadly think it came from my clan I am in. Happened right when skill of the week started and it was RC, I do a few hours, log off and go to sleep, to wake up to being temp banned. So yea unfortunately i think you are right also. Manually reported.