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Resolved Got hacked after runemate crashed

Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Community doesn't even have a decent power mining bot that focuses on 1 area, I tried the premium ones too which says a lot about you guys because half of you are truly brainless enough to even think about competing with Tribot and others.
There may be a handful of good bot authors here which I do respect but I feel sad for the ones here commenting instead of making better bots. For real.
How does the available bots say anything about the integrity or security of the client? Seems you're just looking for ways to discredit bot authors because you're too insecure to admit @Swatarinaess had a valid point by saying how sustaining its reputation is much more valuable to runemate than hacking a couple accounts.
Just like it is for any jagex employee to sustain their career.

I get why you'd think how dying or unpopular platforms might plan some sort of exit account heist, but RuneMate to date is the most successful client so that argument doesnt really stand for now.

And how you proudly proclaimed yourself, it wouldnt be all too hard to figure out if runemate indeed does some shady stuff. That's how we know for sure.
Dec 6, 2019
Today the Runemate homepage and the client had an ERROR and i got hacked +200m
How is that possible?

Got runemate Server hacked or how`?

Please help
The exact same thing happened to me 30minutes ago. Do not believe this guys. I am 1000% sure I got hacked because of runemate. I have a very solid account and never experienced any issue with hackers in 10years of playing this game. I use Runemate 1 time for 20minutes and I'm hacked.
Why would Runemate ruin their image to hack you? A obvious solo hack? One person affected out of how many daily users? Food for thought, i enjoy orange soda with my McDonald's happy meal.
1 person affected? don''t think so. The forums are full of it. It happened to me today aswell. Never been scammed or hacked on any game in my life. I start runemate for 20minutes and I'm hacked.
Mar 13, 2018
The exact same thing happened to me 30minutes ago. Do not believe this guys. I am 1000% sure I got hacked because of runemate. I have a very solid account and never experienced any issue with hackers in 10years of playing this game. I use Runemate 1 time for 20minutes and I'm hacked.

1 person affected? don''t think so. The forums are full of it. It happened to me today aswell. Never been scammed or hacked on any game in my life. I start runemate for 20minutes and I'm hacked.
Have you used any other bots ever? Have you ever signed up for a RS private server or other runescape forum? Have you recently logged into the runescape mainsite? Have you recently clicked any link for runescape in an email or advertisement? Have you used another third party client?
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
I mean you can believe what you want...
if it makes you feel better to believe that runemate got hacked, instead of accepting that you were uncautious and got hacked on your own, then so be it
feel free to debug any sorts of connections going from the client to the runemate server. you'll find that the only time it's transferring your accounts login information (IF you enter them into the client) are encrypted. they're encrypted with your runemate login credentials (maybe amongst other things, idk). Technically arbiter could use the rm credentials you're sending to the server by logging into the client to decrypt your players credentials.

Let's ignore that this is already extremely unlikely, but okay, it is a minor security flaw.

Now arbiter has hundreds of thousands of player account credentials. What's he gonna do then, just pick random ones? or go after a specific runemate user? there isn't even a guarantee those credentials are valid.

Runemate sends very few information such as gp in inventory, any rings of duelings equipped, or a part of your quest list, in order to build navigation paths using runemate's web. this data isnt even mapped to a distinct player you've added to your client, just to your runemate user.

Lets assume he'd go by the accounts with the most wealth currently in the inventory by using the data of a completely different service (it's getting more and more ridiculous as you can see). Now if arbiter logged into these accounts, you would see a lot of users complaining about locked accounts due to suspicious account use, namely differences in IPs, jagex does that pretty easily.

Now i've seen some ban reports, and i've seen some "hacked" reports, but i've never seen a single "account locked" report on the forums.

Please do not feel offended, i really just want to make things clear.
TLDR: even if (and thats a big fucking if) the recent downtime involved a huge database leak, there are encryptions in place that prevent anyone from reading your account information.

The exact same thing happened to me 30minutes ago. Do not believe this guys. I am 1000% sure I got hacked because of runemate. I have a very solid account and never experienced any issue with hackers in 10years of playing this game. I use Runemate 1 time for 20minutes and I'm hacked.

1 person affected? don''t think so. The forums are full of it. It happened to me today aswell. Never been scammed or hacked on any game in my life. I start runemate for 20minutes and I'm hacked.
read my quote, with the required skill you can easily reverse engineer everything thats going on in runemate and you'll find that hacking accounts would be stupidly inconvenient for admins or anyone else.
Mar 9, 2018
Do not listen to any runemate staff none of that shit. they are nothing but hackers and key loggers and they are filthy liars. its unbelievable. They act like our gp is worth nothing L000L.... anyhow. a reason to say we havent been hacked because our gp is worth nothing to them is the saddest thing ive come across. If you stole 1 mil from 1000 accounts thats 600$ AT THE minimum but yeah thats worth nothing.
Mar 13, 2018
Do not listen to any runemate staff none of that shit. they are nothing but hackers and key loggers and they are filthy liars. its unbelievable. They act like our gp is worth nothing L000L.... anyhow. a reason to say we havent been hacked because our gp is worth nothing to them is the saddest thing ive come across. If you stole 1 mil from 1000 accounts thats 600$ AT THE minimum but yeah thats worth nothing.
You're really just proving yourself wrong here... Exactly, taking 1 mill from 1000 accounts would only be about $500. Most of those 1000 accounts probably wouldn't trust the site anymore, so basically you'd be jeopardizing losing 1000 customers for... $500. Runemate only has ~1000 users online at once these days, so if Runemate even did that ONE TIME, 1000 people, they'd risk killing the site instantly.

Runemate's reputation is worth more than $500. This website has a lot of moving parts and work to it and would not risk killing the site for $500 lmfao.
Shooting up KFC's
May 27, 2016
Do not listen to any runemate staff none of that shit. they are nothing but hackers and key loggers and they are filthy liars. its unbelievable. They act like our gp is worth nothing L000L.... anyhow. a reason to say we havent been hacked because our gp is worth nothing to them is the saddest thing ive come across. If you stole 1 mil from 1000 accounts thats 600$ AT THE minimum but yeah thats worth nothing.
As ur sister showered i came, coincidence? i think not.