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Tutorial [FIX] macOS AgentInitializationException

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Jun 18, 2018
Joes-iMac:~ joe$ cd desktop

Joes-iMac:desktop joe$ cd runeguy

Joes-iMac:runeguy joe$ chmod +x runemate.sh

Joes-iMac:runeguy joe$ ./runemate.sh

Joes-iMac:runeguy joe$ Error: Could not find or load main class jagexappletviewer

[Debug] Java Home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_171.jdk/Contents/Home/jre

[Debug] Java Version: 8u171 x64 (Oracle Corporation)

[Debug] Maximum Heap Size: 1821MB

[Debug] RuneMate Version: 2.84.3

[Debug] Operating System: Mac OS X x64

Hi, ive redownloaded runescape. checked its in my application folder. seems to be at this directory Joes-iMac:~ joe$/Users/Joe/Applications/Old School RuneScape.app/Contents/Java/jagexappletviewer.jar

how come its saying its not found?
Jun 24, 2014
Joes-iMac:~ joe$ cd desktop

Joes-iMac:desktop joe$ cd runeguy

Joes-iMac:runeguy joe$ chmod +x runemate.sh

Joes-iMac:runeguy joe$ ./runemate.sh

Joes-iMac:runeguy joe$ Error: Could not find or load main class jagexappletviewer

[Debug] Java Home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_171.jdk/Contents/Home/jre

[Debug] Java Version: 8u171 x64 (Oracle Corporation)

[Debug] Maximum Heap Size: 1821MB

[Debug] RuneMate Version: 2.84.3

[Debug] Operating System: Mac OS X x64

Hi, ive redownloaded runescape. checked its in my application folder. seems to be at this directory Joes-iMac:~ joe$/Users/Joe/Applications/Old School RuneScape.app/Contents/Java/jagexappletviewer.jar

how come its saying its not found?

Open the runemate.sh file with a text editor (plain text mode). Replace the line that says:

osrs_path="/Applications/Old School RuneScape.app/Contents/Java/jagexappletviewer.jar"


osrs_path="~/Applications/Old School RuneScape.app/Contents/Java/jagexappletviewer.jar"

Good luck fam
Jun 19, 2018
can you please make a video demonstrating how to do this? that would be really nice of you! making it easier for noobs like myself lol
Jun 20, 2018
help plz, in terminal, this happens, i don't know why nor how to fix it

Users-MacBook-Pro:~ user$ cd runemate.app/contents/java/app

Users-MacBook-Pro:app user$ ls

RuneMate.jar runemate.sh

Users-MacBook-Pro:app user$ chmod +x runemate.sh

Users-MacBook-Pro:app user$ ./runemate.sh

./runemate.sh: line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1504cocoasubrtf830: command not found

./runemate.sh: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `}'

./runemate.sh: line 2: `{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}'
Last edited:
Jul 1, 2018
Ive followed the instructions

and i keep having trouble on the last one it keeps telling to update java
which I've done

but it keeps asking me the same thing

Last login: Sun Jul  1 20:27:53 on console
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$ pwd
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$ cd Desktop
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:Desktop Mac$ cd Runemate
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:Runemate Mac$ chmod +x runemate.sh
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:Runemate Mac$ ./runemate.sh
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:Runemate Mac$ No Java runtime present, requesting install.
No Java runtime present, requesting install.

This is after I made the sh work on terminal

Last login: Sun Jul  1 20:30:59 on ttys000

MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$ /Users/Mac/Desktop/Runemate/runemate.sh ; exit;


Saving session...

...copying shared history...No Java runtime present, requesting install.

No Java runtime present, requesting install.

...saving history...truncating history files...


Deleting expired sessions...none found.

[Process completed]

Any suggestions?
Jun 24, 2014
Ive followed the instructions

and i keep having trouble on the last one it keeps telling to update java
which I've done

but it keeps asking me the same thing

Last login: Sun Jul  1 20:27:53 on console
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$ pwd
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$ cd Desktop
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:Desktop Mac$ cd Runemate
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:Runemate Mac$ chmod +x runemate.sh
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:Runemate Mac$ ./runemate.sh
MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:Runemate Mac$ No Java runtime present, requesting install.
No Java runtime present, requesting install.

This is after I made the sh work on terminal

Last login: Sun Jul  1 20:30:59 on ttys000

MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$ /Users/Mac/Desktop/Runemate/runemate.sh ; exit;


Saving session...

...copying shared history...No Java runtime present, requesting install.

No Java runtime present, requesting install.

...saving history...truncating history files...


Deleting expired sessions...none found.

[Process completed]

Any suggestions?

Did you install Java

java.com: Java + You
Jul 1, 2018
Java notice stopped coming after installing JDK

Last login: Mon Jul  2 16:05:06 on ttys000

/Users/Mac/Desktop/Runemate/runemate.sh ; exit;

MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$ /Users/Mac/Desktop/Runemate/runemate.sh ; exit;


Saving session...

...copying shared history...

...saving history...truncating history files...


Error: Unable to access jarfile RuneMate.jar

[Process completed]

Now runemate.jar won't work but sh file opens osrs client no problem
it won't work manually or with sh file
Jun 24, 2014
Java notice stopped coming after installing JDK

Last login: Mon Jul  2 16:05:06 on ttys000

/Users/Mac/Desktop/Runemate/runemate.sh ; exit;

MacBooks-MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$ /Users/Mac/Desktop/Runemate/runemate.sh ; exit;


Saving session...

...copying shared history...

...saving history...truncating history files...


Error: Unable to access jarfile RuneMate.jar

[Process completed]

Now runemate.jar won't work but sh file opens osrs client no problem
it won't work manually or with sh file

Did you put the .sh file in the same folder as the runemate.jar file?
Aug 7, 2015
This is for macOS not Windows. If you're using Windows stop reading right now as this will not work for you. Solutions for Windows have been posted multiple times in the forum, look around for them.

Alright, so yesterday I tried again to find a fix for this error that seems to happen to almost everyone using macOS. I didn't find anything that worked yesterday and today I was finally able to run a tutorial island bot on my Macbook Pro. The solution is simply running the jagexappletviewer.jar instead of launching the client.

Disclaimer: it worked for me. I can't guarantee it works for you.

  • Disable your firewall or allow the java binary receive incoming connections.
  • The standalone RuneMate file (RuneMate.jar).
  • Any text editor (vim, Sublime, Atom, TextEdit, etc).
  • The official OSRS client.
  • Minimal knowledge of CLI.
Steps: these are as noob-friendly as possible
  • Launch your text editor and paste the following script:
osrs_path="/Applications/Old School RuneScape.app/Contents/Java/jagexappletviewer.jar"
java -jar RuneMate.jar &
java -Djava.class.path="$osrs_path" -Dcom.jagex.config=http://oldschool.runescape.com/jav_config.ws jagexappletviewer -Djava.system.class.loader=app.systemclassloader -Dsun.java2d.nodraw=true -Xmx512m -Xss2m -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC &
  1. If you installed the OSRS client somewhere else other than /Applications/ or you changed the name of the client, change the value of the osrs_path variable accordingly.
  2. Save it as runemate.sh in the same folder you downloaded the RuneMate.jar file.
  3. Open the Terminal application and navigate to the folder you saved the runemate.sh file. Watch this video if you don't know what this means.
  4. Write: chmod +x runemate.sh
  5. Press enter.
  6. Write: ./runemate.sh
  7. Press enter.
Now both RuneMate and a OSRS client will launch and you will be able to run a bot.

After doing all this and you want to run RuneMate again, repeat steps 3, 6 and 7 or you can right click runemate.sh and change the application it opens with. Change it to Terminal. Like so and now you can double click it.

Game Client
Thank you so much! Almost quit botting because I couldn't get my client to work!
Jun 14, 2018
get this error in terminal:

desktop *****$ ./runemate.sh

./runemate.sh: line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1404cocoasubrtf110: command not found

./runemate.sh: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `}'

./runemate.sh: line 2: `{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}'

any idea's?
Feb 15, 2018
i have done everything and it writes that
./runemate.sh: line 1: 1: command not found

./runemate.sh: line 2: 2: command not found

./runemate.sh: line 3: 3: command not found

./runemate.sh: line 4: 4: command not found

what to do ?
Jun 24, 2014
get this error in terminal:

desktop *****$ ./runemate.sh

./runemate.sh: line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1404cocoasubrtf110: command not found

./runemate.sh: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `}'

./runemate.sh: line 2: `{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}'

any idea's?

i have done everything and it writes that
./runemate.sh: line 1: 1: command not found

./runemate.sh: line 2: 2: command not found

./runemate.sh: line 3: 3: command not found

./runemate.sh: line 4: 4: command not found

what to do ?

With TextEdit do this:

Click "format" on the menu at the top and click "convert to text without format" or "convert to plain text" (I don't know exactly how it shows up in English)
Jul 7, 2017
Could anyone help?
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1

at nul.iiIIiIiiiIIII.float(ffc:211)

at com.runemate.boot.Boot.catch(cwc:14)

at com.runemate.boot.Boot.main(cwc:161)

... 11 more
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2014
Could anyone help?
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1

at nul.iiIIiIiiiIIII.float(ffc:211)

at com.runemate.boot.Boot.catch(cwc:14)

at com.runemate.boot.Boot.main(cwc:161)

... 11 more

You're using Java 10. Uninstall it and get Java 8.
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