ya that's not bad at all. Awesome123man works very hard on all his scripts here and deserves to get some pocket money for it in return.
Hey everyone, I've been mining just to keep my Gp up for my next bond, at the moment I got like 850k banked already. Yesterday and today I have been training up Thieving and Agility! I am having a good time on the f2p bond noob just maintaining free membership and polishing the skillz. My combat level is 70 btw. I got a sick ass skiller outfit on atm! I plan on posting a updated proggie by days end
Thread/Progress Updated

Also I have 1mill atm for my next bond and currently have 10 days free membership left from the first bond. Going to continue to mine and work on random skills. Thinking of working on combat here soon as well.
Mining addy right now, 99k till 86 mining!