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Resolved Exceeded botting hours?

Aug 28, 2019

It is telling me that I exceeded 200 botting hours this month... which there is no way... it says I have 34 hours on May 6? I haven't been botting that much.. sometimes I leave the OSRS and Runemate clients open when not logged in, and have bots paused. Could this add to the total? Is there a way to reset? I honestly probably have like 50-75 hours in the last month..

UPDATE: I see i have gotten charged 59 hours worth of botting for the Regal AIO Smither today alone. The only thing I can think if is that if I set there and leave the bot paused overnight it will charge me for all of those hours when I finally actually hit the stop button. Which means I have probably been getting charged out the ass for all of my paid scripts because I always leave them paused so I don't have to go through the setup again.
Last edited:
Aug 28, 2019
If you manually pause the bot, you will still be charged for the break time period as the bot is still in use and connected to RuneMate's servers.

Source: Tutorial - Wallet and Premium Bots FAQ
well, that really sucks... anyway I can get a one time reset for this? I dont care about the $5... but getting like 100 hours in the last week really sucks... appreciate the response either way.