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Development Toolkit

Dec 1, 2016
Solid bot. Super stable. Would recommend.
Aug 25, 2017
Great bot. I use it for all my developing needs.

There have been some issues lately though. Fairly often it has issues loading when I try to expand one of the tabs. It shows random dashes and won't display anything else. It also messes up the entire client, mashing all the running bots together and not allowing another bot to start. It seems to have started having this problem recently. I can reproduce the issue by closing and opening the players tab several times.
May 22, 2019
I have been trying to use this recently, and you did well but there are a few issues:

Filter - Filter is either super buggy or just hard to use. You can't do != comparisons which means you can't filter out null. You can't do =.* (regex) because null is not considered empty ('""'). But negation doesn't seem work either (i.e getName=^n^u^l^l). Using say '385' like one would use 'Goblin' results in no worlds being displayed.
  • Interfaces: All I am trying to do is find which interface contains the 'display name' or the tutorial island 'not available' RGB but the filter doesn't work for the field getTextColor (I am assuming is due to the commas). I want to find what I am looking for without clicking every Interface.
  • Seems instead of filtering you are better off using an id-list which I have found here or here.
  • Error occurs whenever you filter something, then take out the filter, and open another tab to compare what you just filtered.
Real Time Updates - I understand how the current version (on click) can be useful but there is also times when it's beneficial to update in real time.
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Jan 27, 2019
When using a dropdown to examine an item.

For example Opening the GameObjects drop down to view all the GameObjects, and then selecting a door gameObject dropdown to further examine it.

Next, open (or close whatever is the oposite) the door.

Now attempt to minimize the door GameObject you had drop-down-expanded earlier.

Congradulations, dev kit is now broken and requires RuneMate restart to continue.
Dec 1, 2018
Does this show which varps are changing or do you have to dig through the 4000 varps to find the ones that are changing for specific states?