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RS3 Deep Sea Fishing

Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
I will have a look into deep sea fishing. Although chances are that it has quite different mechanics than regular fishing so it wouldn't be included in my fishing bot, but rather a bot on its own.
Apr 14, 2017
@Savior I'm not a programmer so I'm not quite too sure what you mean by mechanics but the Deep Sea Fishing Platform is relatively simple and has Magical Nets all around the Platform which are basically Deposit boxes and the types of fishing on this platform is relatively AFK. Would definitely pay for a bot for Deep Sea.
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
@Savior I'm not a programmer so I'm not quite too sure what you mean by mechanics but the Deep Sea Fishing Platform is relatively simple and has Magical Nets all around the Platform which are basically Deposit boxes and the types of fishing on this platform is relatively AFK. Would definitely pay for a bot for Deep Sea.
How does the fishing compare to regular fishing? like with bait and rod?
Apr 14, 2017
How does the fishing compare to regular fishing? like with bait and rod?

The main 3, Sailfish, Swarm and the 2 types of Jellyfish are all highly AFK, have deposit boxes within screen reach and don't need bait. There are also magnetic minnows that are used to make special types of bait for a magical fishing spot. Idk about all that stuff, doesn't seem like good xp or anything. I think the main 3 or 4 if you count the 2 jellyfish are good and definitely valuable.
Apr 21, 2015
I've been trying to add it to my fisher. The fishing style is a bit different than everything else. So far, I've got the jellyfish working correctly. Just need to add banking & other fish now.
I added a few spots now..i haven't had time to test extensively so please let me know if you have issues.