During Murder Mystery everything goes well but bot after using pot of flour on items, continues to try to coat the items, so I have to manually use the item on the flypaper to get the prints. By mistake I used the killers print on one of the prints that were taken from objects (trying to make bot go to next step) and bot went on a loop when trying to do the same as the response from server this time is "nothing interesting happens" instead of saying that it matches the killers prints, so I had to manually do all the next steps and talk to guard and finish quest manually (after each step I tried getting it to work again but still in the same point).
Merlin's Crystal was next and bot went to bank, withdrew what was needed and finished the program by saying "all quests on queue were complete" (lol) to which I noticed it was due to lack of 2 items (bat bones and bucket of wax). Would be nice if bot explained that was the reason for failure. Bot wouldn't walk from seers village to camelot castle, it only started actually working once I've spoken with King Arthur AND clicked once on the chat dialog, then it took over when selecting option of conversation. The conversation with the first Sir downstairs gets stuck on a loop but when I selected the third option and went thru convo it started working again. "walking to crate area" was the next loop, that was solved once I manually walked to the front gate of castle. It got the char into the crate for transport but it didn't continue through the in-crate dialog, so that was done manually too. After getting out of crate, system goal says "walking to top floor" but it stays in ground lvl and, if I manually click to go to next floor it says the same of "walking to top floor" but goes back down (even if I got to top floor it goes back down to first floor). Same crate issue applies on the way back, dialog isn't clicked on. After speaking to the Lady of The Lake bot goes into loop trying to talk to her again instead of going to Port Sarim, I did the Port Sarim portion manually and was still stuck on the loop even though I had Excalibur in my inventory. It stopped with the loop once I lighted the black candle as it thought i didn't have a black candle anymore (now its lit black candle) so it went back to lady of the lake once I've extinguished the candle but went back to the lady of the lake loop. Only got unstuck after I manually got the excalibur, went to Varrock, got the inscription from the chaos altar, went to camelot and said the wording to the spirit after lighting the candle and dropping the bones. It started walking to Giant Crystal room but stopped in the middle of the castle. After manually entering castle bot came to work again, and it successfully completed the quest.