I've had the same issue with the "couldn't find traps" twice. Well, that was the error I came back to, I didn't babysit the bot.
Bot stopped after about 30 to 45 minutes. I logged back in to find that my character had indeed lost it's traps.
Happened in Kourend Woodland for me hunting grey chins.
It worked perfectly before (same settings on Runelite, 3-5 hours, no bans, no nothing), even better than I could imagine, so I somewhat assumed that maybe a quick update was put through (maybe a leagues hotfix?) and the game had to restart, but turns out this wasn't the case.
I've used bots before that couldn't handle picking up traps on world hopping due to another player. They just left them there.
Even when they were finished after x hours, they left the traps on the ground.
Maybe, just maybe??? (I know it's not a setting currently in the bot but I don't know anything about programming or scripting, so you know it just might help

I'll test in the coming days by bringing 20+ traps.
The issue is a few days to a week / max 2 weeks old.
Now, before anyone who reads this thinks twice about using this bot: it is absolutely awesome in every way you can think of!
I'm 100% sure this slight hiccup can either be prevented or solved in a matter of days.