Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.50.
Lots of updates today:
- Fixed Colossal pouch support!! Bot will now accurately track the amount of essence in the colossal pouch and empty/fill it accordingly.
- Lots of timing improvements, tightening up delays and more variety.
- Bot will perform more actions contextually (eg more often using cells on tiles if it's close, more often relinquishing charged essence to the great guardian if nearby, etc)
- Improved decision making on when to use charged cells on Guardians vs Barriers (will prioritize using stronger cells on Guardians most of the time)
- If in a low playercount game (such as FSW or just a game with less people), the bot will place a barrier at the game start so we don't lose right away (but it won't do so if cell use is disabled)
- Bot will (some of the time) repair fully broken cell tiles (as a lot of bots don't seem to do this it can end in lost games
- A bunch of other small tweaks.