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Cuppa Guardians of the Rift

Mar 20, 2021
how come ur bot keeps saying no pickaxe located when I have one equipped and in inventory? also, it keeps saying that its going to turn on ESC but just does it back and forth for 15 times and nothing happens?
Mar 13, 2018
how come ur bot keeps saying no pickaxe located when I have one equipped and in inventory? also, it keeps saying that its going to turn on ESC but just does it back and forth for 15 times and nothing happens?
This sounds like the type of issue that is usually a temporary Runemate bug, often cache related. You may be able to fix it by restarting OSRS & Runemate before trying the bot again. Otherwise, try clearing your OSRS game cache & restarting OSRS/Runemate again (instructions on this page https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001441169-How-to-clear-your-cache-#OSWin).

Feel free to test using the lite version of the bot so you don't get charged while testing. If the issue persists or this doesn't help, let me know.
Nov 2, 2022
I'm getting the same issue Himinging had; it clicks randomly when trying to turn on ESC and then says there is no pickaxe, when it's equipped.
Mar 13, 2018
I'm getting the same issue Himinging had; it clicks randomly when trying to turn on ESC and then says there is no pickaxe, when it's equipped.
Did you try the fix I mentioned in the reply? Should fix it, hopefully. As I mentioned this is Runemate unable to correctly read the data.

This sounds like the type of issue that is usually a temporary Runemate bug, often cache related. You may be able to fix it by restarting OSRS & Runemate before trying the bot again. Otherwise, try clearing your OSRS game cache & restarting OSRS/Runemate again (instructions on this page https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001441169-How-to-clear-your-cache-#OSWin).

Feel free to test using the lite version of the bot so you don't get charged while testing. If the issue persists or this doesn't help, let me know.


Mar 9, 2022
The colossal pouch doesn't seem to be getting fully emptied, is this happening for other users? Also, any shot there will be support for combo runes in the future?
Mar 13, 2018
The colossal pouch doesn't seem to be getting fully emptied, is this happening for other users? Also, any shot there will be support for combo runes in the future?
Hey, I was going to reply to your review as well. Just to clarify does it seem to happen often that the sack isn't fully emptied? Like roughly what percent of the time?

The Colossal pouch emptying can be a bit tricky as (programically) there's no way for my code to check how much is left in the sack, so it just tries to track what's already been emptied. Also lowkey I don't have access to the colossal pouch so it's a bit hard to stress test. I can try to iron out any reasons why it doesn't fully empty though.

Combo runes would be cool, and I initially planned to support it. It's just a bit of a complicated feature to add, and honestly you're the first person to request it since release basically so it's been low priority. I can look into it again though.


Mar 9, 2022
Hey, I was going to reply to your review as well. Just to clarify does it seem to happen often that the sack isn't fully emptied? Like roughly what percent of the time?

Combo runes would be cool, and I initially planned to support it. It's just a bit of a complicated feature to add, and honestly you're the first person to request it since release basically so it's been low priority. I can look into it again though.

Probably fails to empty close to 75% of the time. Occasionally it will empty the pouch and quickly turn around without clicking the altar, running away with a full inventory of essence. I can send you some screen grabs if that helps?
Mar 13, 2018
Probably fails to empty close to 75% of the time. Occasionally it will empty the pouch and quickly turn around without clicking the altar, running away with a full inventory of essence. I can send you some screen grabs if that helps?
I'm not sure that screenshots would help tbh, unfortunately. Maybe a log from the session *might*, found in Help > View Logs? If it's too big for RM dms you can also send it to me on discord, or private pastebin it and send that link. I'll try to take a look soon at what else I can do to improve it though.
Mar 13, 2018
Doesn't seem to work with colossal pouch, only takes 1 essence from this once, is this likely to be fixed soon?
Are you on Runelite or Vanilla? If on Runelite, it could be plugins interfering or possibly something changed. Can you send me a log from the session (found in Help > view logs)? It'll probably be too big to send on RM, but you can either upload it to Pastebin or send it to me on discord.

I don't actually have access to a colossal pouch at the moment which is what makes this difficult for me to fix.
Oct 6, 2022
Are you on Runelite or Vanilla? If on Runelite, it could be plugins interfering or possibly something changed. Can you send me a log from the session (found in Help > view logs)? It'll probably be too big to send on RM, but you can either upload it to Pastebin or send it to me on discord.

I don't actually have access to a colossal pouch at the moment which is what makes this difficult for me to fix.

Will send log when I go back there, on runelite, it never seemed to take essence a 2nd time from the pouch. Will have another try in a few days.
Mar 13, 2018
CuppaJava updated Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift with a new update entry:

Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift v2.0.50 Released!

Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.50.
Lots of updates today:

- Fixed Colossal pouch support!! Bot will now accurately track the amount of essence in the colossal pouch and empty/fill it accordingly.
- Lots of timing improvements, tightening up delays and more variety.
- Bot will perform more actions contextually (eg more often using cells on tiles if it's close, more often relinquishing charged essence to the great guardian if nearby, etc)
- Improved decision making on when to use charged cells on Guardians vs Barriers (will prioritize using stronger cells on Guardians most of the time)
- If in a low playercount game (such as FSW or just a game with less people), the bot will place a barrier at the game start so we don't lose right away (but it won't do so if cell use is disabled)
- Bot will (some of the time) repair fully broken cell tiles (as a lot of bots don't seem to do this it can end in lost games
- A bunch of other small tweaks.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Doesn't seem to work with colossal pouch, only takes 1 essence from this once, is this likely to be fixed soon?
The colossal pouch doesn't seem to be getting fully emptied, is this happening for other users?
Colossal pouch support has been fixed, as well as a bunch of other improvements above