@Gulp howdy and thank you for the feedback
I often see it crafting a full inventory of runes while the portal has just spawned or is about to spawn. Seems inefficient.
It shouldn't be crafting runes when the portal has already spawned, but it doesn't currently pre-empt portal spawns yeah. By my understanding, while spawns are semi-regular they're not actually on an exact timer, and my concern is the bot standing around for say 30 seconds expecting it to spawn soon?
I can look into tracking it in the backend, it's just a balancing act of not idling too long.
I've set it to auto-balance, but there's 10 reward point difference between the two types of energy currently, it seems to only be balanced in the "dumb" sense, as in, it will balance the points it gets while running, not try to balance based on the amount you have before starting the bot.
Nah not at all, it balances in the "smart" sense where it balances across games. So the larger the difference between the two point types, the more heavily it leans that way. The reason it does so is to avoid overcorrecting in any given game. For example if you have a 0 point difference, it balances relatively neutral (probably a slight catalytic lean if you're high level due to bloods/deaths/etc). If you have 5 more points it's a moderate lean, a 10 point difference is a heavy lean, and it caps very heavily at a 20 point difference. The reason it goes so high is because 20 point difference starts prioritizing say, earth runes over chaos and cosmic runes etc (or something like that), which we want to avoid as long as possible.
Also it balances even better over long runtimes, but also does the above in short runtimes too.
Would be nice it if used dragon pickaxe special attack before mining.
Uhh it should be using it any time it's at 100% spec and mining fragments. Though it doesn't at the portal since you only mine like 5 seconds.
Either way I appreciate the thorough feedback

And will look into whichever tweaks I can make to the portal spawn especially, but the balancing and spec as well.