My current pc is very old and can only support to 3 bots running smoothly. So im currently looking for towards investing some money for a new build that will be able to support 10+ clients. Yes i am aware that i can just use VPS but i simply dont want to due to bad experience with them

The main focus for this Machine is to bot 10+ RS3 accounts Via Runemate client/Gaming.
My budget is about $2000.
Thank you
Core i7-6900K 3.2GHz 8-Core, Radeon RX 460 4GB NITRO, Define S ATX Mid Tower - System Build - PCPartPicker
Other than the obvious picks you can see my reasoning for the components below.
There's only a handful of changes I would make;
First is the watercooler, not really a fan of those unless the client specifically requests it, too many potential faults as opposed to one on an aircooler.
Second change is the memory, pretty much a necessity to get lower profile memory just for the sake of clearance with an aircooler.
Third was the WD Blue drive, I swapped it out for a slightly more costly WD Red but from experience I can say I'd never buy a drive that isn't a WD Red. They're simply too good for what they are, extended warranty + more efficient (runs cooler) + runs quieter and has great performance for a HDD.
Next is the GPU, while I stuck with the same GPU I opted for a different OEM as Sapphire's almost renowned for having arguably the best coolers for AMD cards. It helps that I bought a Sapphire RX 480 Nitro for my brother a few days ago, never seen an aircooled card that quiet and cool before.
Case change is kinda preference, but I don't feel that Corsair case has the quality to necessitate the cost, whereas the Fractal Design case is genuinely built like a bomb shelter (with sound-proofing I might add).
Last change was the PSU, same brand but different model, the G2 series from EVGA is built by Superflower who is well known for high quality PSUs.
Core i7-6900K 3.2GHz 8-Core, Radeon RX 460 4GB NITRO, Define S ATX Mid Tower - System Build - PCPartPicker
and what do you recommend for a Xeon build?
As far as I am concerned, I don't think Xeon builds are even worth considering anymore.
Back in 2013/2014 the Xeon E3 1230 series was a very compelling offer for those who didn't want to overclock or need integrated graphics.
Apologies for the delayed reply, been pretty busy lately.
Also I will mention that as far as DDR3 vs DDR4 goes, unless you're producing video content or your workload particularly requires disgusting amounts of memory bandwidth, DDR4 will provide a negligible if not non-existent benefit.
DDR3 was already easily fast enough for the majority of consumers.