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Bug Bug when using Bank.Withdraw and Bank.DepositAllExcept

Dec 20, 2016
Current Temporary fix:

if (Bank.Deposite) {
// woot it worked, yay
} else {
// dang stuck, lets move mouse to our inventory

Hello I have been getting this bug a lot frequently, I was wondering if any of you have run into the same issue.

When I use the Bank.Deposit or Bank.Withdraw methods, sometimes, the bot will miss-right click an item and open up a dialogue that only says cancel.

The mouse will not move after a misclick, just stays there. (I guess its looking for the option, but never finds it) The only way to fix this, is when 5 minute auto log takes effect:

Image of what happens:

Here is the code I'm using, and below that is the output.
if (Bank.isOpen()) {
  Material mat = bot.settings.materials[0];
  if (Inventory.newQuery().names(mat.name).results().size() <= mat.requiredAmount) {
   if (Bank.withdraw(mat.name, 10)) {
    getLogger().info("Withdrawing " + mat.name);
   } else {
    getLogger().warn("Failed to withdraw " + mat.name);

00:02:36 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:36 WARN    Failed to withdraw Runite ore
00:02:36 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:36 WARN    Failed to withdraw Runite ore
00:02:36 TRACE    [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw
00:02:36 TRACE    [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw
00:02:36 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:36 WARN    Failed to withdraw Runite ore
00:02:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:37 WARN    Failed to withdraw Runite ore
00:02:37 TRACE    [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw
00:02:37 TRACE    [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw
00:02:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:37 WARN    Failed to withdraw Runite ore
00:02:37 TRACE    [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw
00:02:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:37 WARN    Failed to withdraw Runite ore
00:02:38 TRACE    [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw
00:02:38 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:38 WARN    Failed to withdraw Runite ore
00:02:38 TRACE    [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw
00:02:38 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:38 WARN    Failed to withdraw Runite ore
00:00:00 TRACE    [InputManager] Keyboard input UNBLOCKED
00:00:00 TRACE    [InputManager] Keyboard input UNBLOCKED
00:02:38 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:38 WARN    Failed to withdraw Runite ore

Should I be implementing these methods in a different way?
Last edited:
Aug 23, 2015
I can confirm whatever you (Cloud) implemented never fixed it, because when I removed my own failsafes from bots the issue re-appeared.
Jul 28, 2013
I can confirm whatever you (Cloud) implemented never fixed it, because when I removed my own failsafes from bots the issue re-appeared.
I swore your issue was with OSRS? Either way for OSRS I ended up disabling the failsafe because I couldn't decide where in the code base it was appropriate to place it. I'll look into it again now, however is this also an RS3 issue then? Can someone provide me with a screenshot of it on RS3? @Snufalufugus @RobinPC @CodeNinja
Dec 20, 2016
I swore your issue was with OSRS? Either way for OSRS I ended up disabling the failsafe because I couldn't decide where in the code base it was appropriate to place it. I'll look into it again now, however is this also an RS3 issue then? Can someone provide me with a screenshot of it on RS3? @Snufalufugus @RobinPC @CodeNinja

added image to main post. It will click very close to the item, but end up right clicking nothing, thus opening a menu that only has the "cancel" option.
Jun 9, 2015
I swore your issue was with OSRS? Either way for OSRS I ended up disabling the failsafe because I couldn't decide where in the code base it was appropriate to place it. I'll look into it again now, however is this also an RS3 issue then? Can someone provide me with a screenshot of it on RS3? @Snufalufugus @RobinPC @CodeNinja

00:27:18 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:27:18 TRACE [Bank] Withdrawing with action: Withdraw


  • Pasted image at 2017_10_26 02_13 PM.png
    Pasted image at 2017_10_26 02_13 PM.png
    8.2 KB · Views: 13
Aug 23, 2015
I swore your issue was with OSRS? Either way for OSRS I ended up disabling the failsafe because I couldn't decide where in the code base it was appropriate to place it. I'll look into it again now, however is this also an RS3 issue then? Can someone provide me with a screenshot of it on RS3? @Snufalufugus @RobinPC @CodeNinja
My issue was on OSRS, but I would imagine the issue would carry across to many different places.

A similar, but unrelated issue, is that whenever a right click menu covers the locatable entity you're trying to interact with, the interaction will fail indefinitely (usually until inactivity logout).

I personally just create failsafe timers that help any bot recover from issues like these. Something client side could be nice, but authors can also implement it in a custom bot framework.