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Botting after temp ban

Oct 26, 2018
I've been slowly levelling a zulrah account via botting for around 2 months. When I got to the agility part, the account got disabled. No surprise really. My question is, even with the temp ban, is it worth to invest around 30m (half my budget) into this zulrah account, considering it had already been temporarily banned? Will this increase the chance of a permanent faster?
What are your thoughts?
Jul 11, 2020
I'm in a super similar boat, my account ate a 2 day ban when it was just shy of a month old. I started botting again the day the ban ended which was three weeks ago now and i've not had any issues.

If anything it just made me research the bots more and make sure to stick to the safe stuff. As far as i can tell all the agility bots on here seem to have a pretty high ban rate so i decided to use 3t fisher for agility xp instead. Its kinda slow but looking at the feedback its safe as houses.

I like to think that getting a 2 day ban on a 100% botted account means your account got flagged but the fact you still didn't get a perma ban means the system thinks most of the play is legit.
Sep 14, 2019
The temp ban act as a warning that say "Look we apreciate you as a client and we don't want to lose you but if you keep boting/macroing we will disable your account". So right now you have a warning on your account. If you get caught again it see will the warning and permanent ban this account. Since Zulrah is a place where it's boted a lot i suggest you to not bot again on this account if you don't want to lose it.
Apr 17, 2020
One of my accounts got 2-day banned two or three months ago now. I let it rest for a few weeks and been botting on it again. Went 40-83 hunter, 80 fishing, ... multiple hours botting a day.

Simply put, the next ban is going to be a perm but it's not like they insta-ban if you bot again. Also stay away from any agility scripts here.
Oct 22, 2020
i just got a one day ban from a moderator for a pest control script... guess Shouldn't run it overnight when they're isn't a lot of people playing pest control.... is the one day from a moderator a one in 3 step being the next a 3 day or will they go straight to a perm.

only botted a few days total. $5 worth.
Jul 11, 2020
i just got a one day ban from a moderator for a pest control script... guess Shouldn't run it overnight when they're isn't a lot of people playing pest control.... is the one day from a moderator a one in 3 step being the next a 3 day or will they go straight to a perm.

only botted a few days total. $5 worth.

I think unless your gold farming and willing to eat a ban or three letting anything run over night is bad idea. If someone plays for 12 hours in the dead of night that's probably a pretty large red flag for Jagex
Blazin all them herbs
Jul 10, 2017
Don't bot anything your not willing to lose :)

I have lost multiple "mains" with surplus of 150M to 300M (that's just GP) on the accounts. It's apart of the game for me. Longest account i had botting was over a year and a half. Just recently started a new "main" project. I got bored with real life.
Dec 6, 2019
I've been slowly levelling a zulrah account via botting for around 2 months. When I got to the agility part, the account got disabled. No surprise really. My question is, even with the temp ban, is it worth to invest around 30m (half my budget) into this zulrah account, considering it had already been temporarily banned? Will this increase the chance of a permanent faster?
What are your thoughts?
how'd it end up going?
Jul 14, 2020
Don't bot again on a account once you get temporarily banned. I just got a temp ban today after botting for almost a skill total of 1500, i will not bot on this acc again considering how i have angler outfit, void outfit and many others. got banned shortly after using hexis wintertodt bot for a week. Sadly this was my demise im my opinion but you will be permanently banned next time. They monitor you more closely after getting a temp ban. I lost my other skill level over 1700 account last year so i quit for a while and began botting on a new account, was able to bot for more then 8 months and build this one from the ground. I don't suicide bot so i was surprised when i got banned. Sadly i will be stepping away from runemate now and playing my account legit. So goodbye to most of you, for now and possibly for ever. Thank you to all the great bot creators like Cuppa i am sad i will not get to usde your future work. Take care and safe botting everyone.
Aug 26, 2018
Yeah bro I got permanent ban on my main lvl110 which sent my mind to the void for a minute or so. I got banned for agility which I found out after is the worse possible skill to bot which must be true cause it took only 3 hrs for it to get banned after hundred hrs of nmz bot. But thank the creator upon going for a appeal it said 2days. So clearly my botting days (for this acc at least) are over which sucks but i got most what i want anyhow so I got off pretty lucky.
My thing now is why the hell are agility bots even an option if its clearly got high ban rates? I even had a top dollar one and 3 hrs? Get rid of them damnit. Save other souls from the void.
Dec 11, 2020
One of my accounts got 2-day banned two or three months ago now. I let it rest for a few weeks and been botting on it again. Went 40-83 hunter, 80 fishing, ... multiple hours botting a day.

Simply put, the next ban is going to be a perm but it's not like they insta-ban if you bot again. Also stay away from any agility scripts here.

I just got a 2 day ban on my almost maxed acount while botted agility, how did u know the agility bots had a high rate ban?
Jul 12, 2018
I just got a 2 day ban on my almost maxed acount while botted agility, how did u know the agility bots had a high rate ban?

all agility scripts are, agility is just one of them skills watched heavy bc nobody wants to really do agility.
Apr 2, 2019
I feel obligated to mention not to use any agility bots on RuneMate as has been stated numerous times in this post. I can contribute that I have used many various bots over the last year and a half on a single account without issue. Max bot 3-4 hours a day if that, with actual play in between with various activities. Account just recently got a temp 2 day ban immediately following a 2 hour agility session, which was a first and it was completely babysat. Whilst this is not conclusive that it was indeed agility, I find it too coincidental not to add as well. Best of wishes out there!
Jul 1, 2019
I got my first-ever ban on my main for a day but it was my fault really I botted from 9:00 am in till 4:00 am the next day I was doing motherlode mines what the chance of getting caught again if I bot for 4 hours a day legit play between that?