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Resolved Bot hours reflected wrongly?

Jan 14, 2017
Hi, i bought 800 hours in about 2 to 3 days ago? And i've only botted on 2 accounts. How did it accumulated up to 344used already?

Unless bot hours reduce by 1 if i start a bot (even if used only for seconds), can i get back those hours? I was testing Architect bot, I'm one of the earliest tester whenever the bot updates and it crashes a lot initially when there's updates. (Editing scripts on the bot would crash the bot completely too). The bot author can testify that I indeed did alot of testing for the Architect bot and i've reported many bugs/crashes to the author.
I've also noted that whenever architect crashes (when i was testing the update), if i re-start my bot enough, the bot would say I could only have 3 instance running even though when the bot crash, runemate would crash too and when i start runemate, there wasn't any instance. It was then i decided to upgrade from 300hours to 800hours a few days ago since i'm using about 12hours of bot time on 2 accounts each. However now it has only been 2 to 3 days and 344 have been used?

Also, seeing my bot stats, it shouldn't have been 344 used? Using this example, 34hours is the most i've botted in 1 day, it's not even 10 days yet? how could i have used 344 hours if it's less than 10days from when i topped up to 800hours on 12th May. Base on the botstat, it's 34hours (11 to 12 May) , 16hours (12 to 13 May), 26hours (13 to 14May), 27hours (14 to 14 May) used from 12th May to present.

botstats.pngpayment to runemate.PNGlast 60 days.PNG
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Sep 11, 2017
Following this as I've done something of the same nature, I paid for $1 credit, I botted for 45minutes before having to leave the house, then came back and started the bot once again to find a system update on RS which has also charged me for another hour, I mean 8cent an hour isn't a lot but it's mainly the pricible that I should get roughly 12hours of botting.
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
Following this as I've done something of the same nature, I paid for $1 credit, I botted for 45minutes before having to leave the house, then came back and started the bot once again to find a system update on RS which has also charged me for another hour, I mean 8cent an hour isn't a lot but it's mainly the pricible that I should get roughly 12hours of botting.

Yours is a different issue. Premium bot credits =/= monthly hours allowance.

Post in the forum thread for the bot you were using, explain your issue and it is at the author's discretion to refund you. This is clearly explained in the FAQ thread so is your own fault for not consulting first.
Jan 14, 2017

I've only read the payment and billing FAQ and it said:

How accurate is the hourly limit?
The Services page breaks it down by day while the hour calculator goes down to the exact second. EG: If you bot for 1 hour 52 minutes and 13 seconds, the system calculates this as 1 hour 52 minutes and 13 seconds; it does not round up to the nearest hour

Hence i decided to start a thread as i thought once the instance crashed, say it was only 13 seconds, so 13 seconds taken away n I'm ok with that. But that's not the case, 300+hours went missing. Just wanna fill it in :x
Mar 13, 2018

I'm not certain, but the issue could be that when a bot crashes it can take up to 15 minutes (I think) for RuneMate to recognise that the bot has stopped.

Source: i've gotten this warning before when I was on free limit (200 hours 2 bots). If I had 2 bots up and one bot crahsed/I closed osrs without ending the bot it could take up to 15 min to be able to run a 2nd bot again.
Jan 14, 2017
Hmmm, so no one able to assist to give me back my hours? I mean it's very significant amount of hours :/
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
The used hours are the total number of hours you have used RuneMate in the last month. So what it shows right now is the total hours from April 18 to May 18. Your used hours don't disappear when you upgrade. Instead the total that you are allowed increases (200 -> 800). This is all explained in more detail in Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ, which is linked to from the Upgrade page and is a sticky thread in this forum.
May 17, 2018
Hmmm, so no one able to assist to give me back my hours? I mean it's very significant amount of hours :/

Precisely what is stopping me from upgrading to premium.Flat fees on scripts would completely change the dynamics of this bot in my opinion. Charging per hour seems like they are trying to nickel and dime you.