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Being charged for using a script for .1sec

Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
I so agree with everything this post is about! So many times have I used a free script and loved it so much I've gone to the premium, for the client to be overloaded with options and freeze on me and wasted money. Some scripts or even the client sometimes just have issues and crash so why is that fair to waste someone's money? In the end we spend more money paying hourly than paying upfront for a lifetime script from other sites.

Please implement something better!
Hopefully you're exaggerating. Because if you're not, you would be better off not botting if you've repeatedly run a bot because you couldn't figure out the settings or it crashed so many times that it's more expensive than any other site's "lifetime" bots. Both activities would be signs of stupidity and I would be happy to dump you on my competitors.
When every other major *aaS gives up the huge benefits of transactional atomicity, RuneMate will to. Until then your business "ideas" are respectfully ignored.
May 2, 2017
Hopefully you're exaggerating. Because if you're not, you would be better off not botting if you've repeatedly run a bot because you couldn't figure out the settings or it crashed so many times that it's more expensive than any other site's "lifetime" bots. Both activities would be signs of stupidity and I would be happy to dump you on my competitors.
When every other major *aaS gives up the huge benefits of transactional atomicity, RuneMate will to. Until then your business "ideas" are respectfully ignored.

I couldn't figure out the settings? Not sure where you saw that but if you read what I wrote, and what others said, you would see huge flaws in the system currently in place. You only have to have the buggy client crash a few times for it not to be worth it... 30cents down the drain, I want to train for 5 hours? that's another 50cents. All when I can get lifetime RELIABLE scripts and clients for $5 with no instance times etc.

That's not me saying I don't use Runemate, I only use it for 1 specific script and that's it.
May 2, 2017
where LOL


Let's not ignore the fact of how many people believe the system is quite flawed. It seems to be the only people who think otherwise are scripters or devs as they profit the most from it...
Last edited:
May 2, 2017
I never said anything about membership... SCRIPTS....

This is only a few combat scripts that are $5 or less with unlimited hours and no need for membership like here.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Im only providing this information to help you understand, I still do like Runmeates client but I do believe there needs to be some refinement in areas.
I don't see $5 for lifetime anywhere. https://i.imgur.com/RouRCEO.png
Also I don't profit anything and I still agree with Arbiters rules

12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
People who sell a lifetime sub to their premium bot for 5$ are either dirt poor or incredibly stupid.

Consider that writing bots is a hobby for most, so surely not something they get paid for by the platform owner. Any income they make comes from private and premium sales. Most authors wouldn't be here if it wasn't remotely worthwhile to monetize some of the products they've made. Paying a one time fee of 5 dollars is pocket change and doesn't justify the hard work developers have put into their products.

If you find a premium bot you don't like, waste a couple of cents and move on. Stick with the bots you like. The credits used get to the developers that have the best bots, creating a competitive setting which only benefits the enduser. You haven't lost x times 5$, do you haven't taken an hit either.

So in summary:

- Better distribution of money because good bots get used more often
- People don't have to waste 5$ on a bot they end up never using, it's just a couple of cents
- It supports runemate by taking a cut for paying for servers and the work client developers put in. This is on a pay for what you use base, so you're paying exactly for what runemate is using in resources (servers)
- Good luck not getting banned on osbot for example, I can imagine the payment system takes the relative undetectability of runemate into account.

Negative aspects:

- You might have to pay for a broken bot. This however is just matter of reporting bugs to the author, or as last resort if the bot author is not active anymore, request a deletion of the bot. If you report bugs, most developers are lenient enough to refund you the few cents you've wasted.
Nov 3, 2013
Lifetime payments are only good for gold farmers. A gold farmer who uses a certain bot for thousands of hours has to pay the same amount as a casual botter who uses it to get a few 100k experience done in a skill. With RuneMate, users are charged fairly based on their use.

No right-minded individual thinks it's fair to charge a large scale gold farmer and a casual user who uses the bot for a couple hours the same amount. The only (logical) reason you're advocating for a one-time payment is that you want a better deal for yourself, rather than a fair deal for everyone.
Jan 23, 2018
I tend to agree with you, but at the end of the day you're losing a few cents or in your case (which seems extreme), a few dollars. Who cares? You're botting a game against their ToS and supporting the developers to continue to allow you to do so. Also, it seems the vast majority of your wasted cents are due to human error.

I've lost a couple dollars myself over the course of botting. Oh well. The developer can have my $1 and hopefully he will make more bots in the future. Nobody is forcing you to pay for these bots, and you certainly don't have to use Runemate if you don't want to.
Feb 15, 2018
Well, came here and learned my lesson after losing only 8 cents lol. duly noted, know what you want to do before starting a script!