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BBAlKharidFighter LITE [Deleted]

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Aug 4, 2018
BOOM BOOM submitted a new resource:

BBAlKharidFighter LITE - CHOP CHOP Level Combat Quickly

Kills Al-Kharid Warrior's at the palace.

Suicide - loop delay between 50ms and 150ms (will use more cpu resources)
Fast - loop delay between 151ms and 300ms
Human - loop delay between 301ms and 450ms (humanish reaction time)
Slow - loop delay between 451ms and 600ms
Safe - loop delay between 601ms and 800ms (use if slow computer)

Only supports scimitar (you should use this to train), sword, and longsword. Setting the target level will either stop (if...

Read more about this resource...
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Aug 4, 2018
Does this bank for food?
Or does it buy kebabs or something?
You can select food from the interface when you launch the bot. Can add support for kebab buying or other food at your request. More features will be added as I get more development time.
Aug 4, 2018
Aug 6, 2018
bro good bot!
It gets stuck on large doors a lot of times. Can u fix it?
Also can u add hovering over skills to see how much exp is left as anti ban?
Also random left/right/up/down camera movements for antiban?

I think random camera movements will help aid in not getting stuck.

Also try to implement bone burry and gp pickup!

Aug 4, 2018
bro good bot!
It gets stuck on large doors a lot of times. Can u fix it?
Also can u add hovering over skills to see how much exp is left as anti ban?
Also random left/right/up/down camera movements for antiban?

I think random camera movements will help aid in not getting stuck.

Also try to implement bone burry and gp pickup!


Thanks for your feedback, I will look into why it's getting stuck on the doors. Is this something that has occurred in a recent iteration?

I actually already have support for the bone burying and pickup, but if there's a lot of users that are killing warriors, it will get in the process of going through and getting every bone dropped and looks very bot like. Still thinking about how to improve this, but if requested I can have it's current implementation added.
Aug 6, 2018
Bot is good. Recently got a ban on one account because bot was clicking in the middle of palace and trying to bank but trying to fight warrior so it was just moonwalking back n forth. However once the script is started and the bot runs for 30 mins without issue this problem will not occur and do not have to worry. Other times it will occur within 30 mins and that is when it must be restarted. Might be runemate issue.

Drop the bone idea honestly no need for it. This is great as is. Just make sure it doesn't get stuck in 10/30 mins on first run. Once 30 mins passed and shes going then no need to worry. Breaks work great too.
Aug 4, 2018
Bot is good. Recently got a ban on one account because bot was clicking in the middle of palace and trying to bank but trying to fight warrior so it was just moonwalking back n forth. However once the script is started and the bot runs for 30 mins without issue this problem will not occur and do not have to worry. Other times it will occur within 30 mins and that is when it must be restarted. Might be runemate issue.

Drop the bone idea honestly no need for it. This is great as is. Just make sure it doesn't get stuck in 10/30 mins on first run. Once 30 mins passed and shes going then no need to worry. Breaks work great too.
Thanks for the update. I will investigate further on the door issue over the weekend. It is peculiar that it was moonwalking. Do you know if there was food in your inventory? Looking at the bot logic, if you heal 1 point while trying to go bank for food, it could potentially come back to fight another warrior since you healed above the threshold to go bank for more food (only possible when food is present, otherwise should bank as normal). I can resolve this by forcing it to go bank for food then come back.

I don't see any problems with the current door logic and it worked near flawlessly when I developed it. The only issue stems from a RuneMate method that could label the warrior as not having a door closed when it tests to see if the warrior is "reachable". This isn't something that is necessarily easy to work around, but I have an idea to solve that issue if it still is persisting. The way it currently works is it checks if the warrior is reachable (this means: is there a boundary, such as a wall, that will not let the player get to the warrior). If the warrior is on a wall outside the door, it will return true when in fact you can't actually reach the warrior.

Have you seen the bot try to click on the wrong door to open before it attacks the warrior? That is an entirely different issue from way the door opening method works.
Aug 6, 2018
the door is fine now.

However the moonwalking still happens. happened 2x today. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow.

It goes from east house to palace entrance and navigates back and forth to fountain (click) then 1 sec later clicks like it is going to bank then another time clicks as going back to fountain.


Like so.
Blue is start then colored x's are where it gets lost.

ty again!
Food in inv, salmon.
I am going to try without food.
Aug 4, 2018
the door is fine now.

However the moonwalking still happens. happened 2x today. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow.

It goes from east house to palace entrance and navigates back and forth to fountain (click) then 1 sec later clicks like it is going to bank then another time clicks as going back to fountain.

View attachment 6954

Like so.
Blue is start then colored x's are where it gets lost.

ty again!
Food in inv, salmon.
I am going to try without food.
Thank you for the feedback. This could be a web walking issue, so I made some changes to walk better. When the update is pushed, there should be a post to this thread. But please keep reporting any bugs you notice and I will try to fix them as quickly as possible. From my ~1 hour of testing, i never encountered the problem.
Nov 16, 2018
This bot randomly decides to do a bank run, and it stays there until log out. The only way to get back to botting is by restarting the bot. It may even decide to do a bank run after just a few kills, or it may do it after a lot of kills. Not sure what triggers the bank run.
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Apr 7, 2017
Can you enable looting bro? looks sketchy when you leave herbs on the floor, i'm testing it out and will let you know any issues :)

(Issue 1: If auto retaliate is off, it sometimes doesn't eat:
It seems like it doesn't know it's being attacked unless you are fighting back, which is possibly why this issue occured, I was standing taking damage from a warrior without fighting back and the bot didn't eat. Putting auto retaliate on seems to fix the issue.)
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Jan 25, 2016
Love your stuff dude! 5/5 Can you add str pots and different food slots and once again love your work your fantastic
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