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OSRS Bans and fixed mode canvas

Oct 21, 2018
TL: DR I am convinced that using fixed size canvas mode is the reason I got banned on all of my accounts botting the Blast Furnace.

Hey everyone, just wanted to take the time to share with you my experience with bans in the blast furnace. So, as you may know, I've made a blast furnace bot a few months ago. In total, as of today, I've received a total of 4 temporary (2-day) bans. Here's how my botting went.

The Background

Here's a description of the 4 accounts.
Main - 10 years old, ~1.3k total levels, >100 qp, coal bag, ice gloves, goldsmithing gloves
Alt1 - 1 year old, barely played on it before, ~200 total levels, no coal bag/ice gloves
Alt2 - 1 year old, barely played on it before, used to collect quest data (not botted), botted MLM for coal bag, got ice gloves
Alt3 - fresh account, used to collect quest data (not botted), botted MLM for coal bag, got ice gloves.

So, about 3 months ago, I start writing my bot and I test it on my main, botting ~ 2hrs/day (with breaks), does not get banned. Not long after, I take Alt1 and start botting on it, making steel bars ~4hrs/day. After a week or 2 that account gets a 2-day ban, main account dodges it. I'm thinking no legit player would smelt steel bars at the blast furnace for ~30 hours without first spending 14 hours at the MLM for a coal bag, I blame the ban on this. I make a second account (Alt2), give it a coal bag and start botting on it 3-4hrs/day. No bans for 2-3 weeks.

At that point, my bot is close to being ready for a public release. Since I have quite a few playersensed parameters, I decide I wanna test a whole bunch of configurations before release, so I start botting in ~1hr periods and clearing the playersense data everytime (essentially rolling for a new set of playersense), which changes the behavior of the bot quite a bit everytime I start it again. Also, I had been playing on resizable mode for the last few weeks, so I figured I should test all of that on a fixed mode canvas. After 1 or 2 days of doing that, both my main and my Alt2 get a 2-day ban. I blame it on the palyersense shenanigans and on the VPN I was using the day before (I botted while working, with my work VPN on).

After the 2-day ban, I make another account (Alt3), stop botting on my main, but keep botting on Alt2. On both Alt2 and Alt3, I'm being careful, botting 2-3 hrs with breaks, ~ 5 days a week. I'm playing on resizable mode, because I just dislike how small fixed mde canvas is.

Fast forward 3-4 weeks, both accounts are still alive. I release a new update for my bot that improves the efficiency and I get quite a lot more usage on the bot. I get reports from a user that he was banned on 2 different accounts within 2-3 hours of botting. The accounts were medium-high quality (first one was his main), he was using his residential IP, the only thing that stands out is that he's using fixed sized mode. To me it made sense that Jagex would use this setting in its botting detection because let's be honest, who the hell would grind the blast furnace on a fixed mode canvas?

The experiment

So, I decide I wanna put that theory to the test. Alt3 has still never been banned before and all of my accounts never got a permanent ban straight away, so I decide to risk it on that account. Since I had just released a rather big update, I wanna make sure that update isn't the reason why I'd be getting banned, so I bot normaly 2-3 h/day with breaks for a whole week, no ban. This monday (may 17th) I bot 3 hrs on fixed mode, with nothing else different. Tuesday, no ban yet, so I bot again for 2-3 hrs on fixed mode. Wednesday (yesterday) was update day and Runemate wasn't working well, so I didn't bot on that account. I did log on the website to check for bans. No ban. This morning, I check for a ban and lo-and-behold the account got a 2-day ban. It actually got banned yesterday, a few hours after I checked for a ban. Meanwhile, I've kept botting on Alt2 and that one is still alive, even after botting for over a month after getting a 2-day ban.

So, on an account that has been botted on for ~50 hours in resizable mode, on a moneymaking method known for its high ban rate, just 5-6 hours of botting on fixed mode was enough to get it banned. Now I know some people have had success botting on fixed mode canvas, but my theory is that the blast furnace is heavily used by bot farms on other clients and all the screenshot I've seen of those are using fixed size mode. My guess is that no legit player plays the blast furnace for long periods of time on fixed mode canvas and that the only ones doing it are the bots.

TL: DR#2 : Do not bot the blast furnace in fixed mode canvas, it might also apply to other bots too, but I have no data to back this up.

Thanks for listening to my TED talk.
Last edited:
Oct 21, 2018
RIP, I guess my post is worth shit now that my Alt2 got perma-banned this morning (resizable only) :D
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
> bots high ban rate activity on inactive accounts
> gets banned
>*surprised pikachu face *
Dec 27, 2016
It's probably just BotWatch...Jagex staff can set it to concentrate on certain activities to gather more information about players in a certain area/doing a certain skill. I've never botted blast furnace but I imagine it's an area closely monitored. I've never noticed a difference between bans related to fixed and resizable mode and you need to becareful not to get tunnel vision with your thinking otherwise you can miss other key contributors. I play legit on fixed and resizable, it depends what I'm doing on my computer and if I need extra room on my monitors or not.
Oct 9, 2020
I have been botting a few accounts around 12-18 hours a day every day for the past 2 months. It they be still running *touchwood*

These accounts were all made between 500 and 1600 days ago... I used to bot a lot back in the day so I have a lot of pre-made accounts level 3 but very old. This is my recommended way of doing it if you have any older accounts. *EDIT or more so what I have had success with.

I do a quest like once a week and occasionally do other stuff.. but mainly bots lol.