It's weird. I got banned on an account that had run runemate but never a script yet. Fresh VPN on vultr and clean VM.
I've had terrible luck lately, I got an account banned before while I was messing with making a script but hadn't been run more than a minute or two while I watched, and this one just confuses me more. I'm not sure what's going on lately. Accounts that are older and have high stats (ones I bought) do fine, but newer accounts, even though I immediately get quest points and train a varied set of skills go fast.
Another weird thing, instead of waiting a day or two to ban, they get banned like a week later now after no play, exactly when the bond membership runs out.
Some Vultr locations are flagged. I've never seen that happen, I rent servers and run openvpn, never seen as common vpn ips anywhere, but the "choopa" hostname from one particular location I used leads jamflex to believe the accounts are stolen. I found this out when one got logged out and I had to recover it the first time I used the ge after creation. "stolen" 15 minute old account. I was able to recover some of the accounts I thought were banned, "account disabled" doens't always mean ban and I should check the account on the website first. TIL