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Banned? Read Me First!

Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
  1. What bots on Runemate have you used? Private Divination, QualityDivination (AIO)
  2. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None.
  3. Have you been banned previously? Never.
  4. Were you 'suicide' botting? 8-9 hours per day on all the accounts.
  5. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Not really.
I'd just like to add that I've been using Private Div for around 3 months with no sight of a ban but got hit within 24 hours with QualityDiv.
Oct 26, 2016
48-hour ban
  1. What bots on Runemate have you used? Alpha and Maxi Herblore, QveSpiderSpawner, QveDivinator
  2. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None.
  3. Have you been banned previously? Never.
  4. Were you 'suicide' botting? Average 8 hours for the past two weeks, average 15 hours since I got my first membership 2 days ago.
  5. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes.
I just want to say that I was probably banned because of the unreal hours I have put for the past 2 days cause I got overwhelmed how easy it is to make money on a member's server compared to free-to-play.

Rookie mistake.
Nov 21, 2016
I got banned the day after I used PiChopper for less than an hour.The reason I used it for so little time is that during the automation process of dropping all my chopped oak logs, the bot would get stuck on "burning embers" in my inventory and not be able to move past it. These burning embers get automatically placed in my inventory for a current event, you see. In any case, I hardly used the damn thing and it banned me this morning. Permanently.
Shooting up KFC's
May 27, 2016
i botted 2.3k total.. ive stopped now account is worth too much at this point. thanks runemate, and if you get banned on rs3, blame low iq.
Sep 2, 2016
bots used-qve tanner/maxi fletcher/qve spinner/maxi theiver/maxi woodcutter/maxi fisher/dawg miner/quality alcher.
other software-none
heavy botting used on this acc- during the week around 2 hours (babysitting it) on the weekends usually around 6 hours total
legit playing in between- yes often
i was alching for the passed few days and thats the only skill i recently started doing So i believe that was the cause. I was alching in the g.e heavy pop worlds and in my poh as well.
ban was only a temp thank god.
May 27, 2016
very strange indeed i must say

banned botted 40mins. left botting alone for a few days was busy, logged in and was perm banned.

used alpha fighter.

  1. What bots on Runemate have you used? alpha fighter
  2. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None.
  3. Have you been banned previously? few times
  4. Were you 'suicide' botting? no did 40 mins on a new account.
  5. Did you play legitimately in between botting? yes very.
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Dec 28, 2014
  1. What bots on Runemate have you used? Open Fighter
  2. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None.
  3. Have you been banned previously? Plenty
  4. Were you 'suicide' botting? Yes
  5. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Services have been done on the accounts
Jun 11, 2016
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? RS3
  2. What bots on Runemate have you used? MaxiMiner
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? No one
  4. Have you been banned previously? never
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? No
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes
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Dec 24, 2016
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on Runemate have you used? Prime Smelting
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? This is my first one
  4. Have you been banned previously? No sir
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? Do not believe so. I would bot for about 2-3hours then stop
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? After botting for about 2-3 hours i would then stop and do a quest or few then did combat legit
Dec 27, 2016
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? rs3
  2. What bots on Runemate have you used? alpha divination
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? nil
  4. Have you been banned previously? nope
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? sure as shit wasnt
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? yup
note: it was a 48hr ban

How old was the account? Did you babysit to see if anyone was talking to you?

Edit: Happy New Year!!
Jan 10, 2017
  1. What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
  2. What bots on Runemate have you used? Wintertodt for two rounds, MaxiWoodcutter for a few hours at custom spot, Awesome Agility for 10-30 agility.
  3. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  4. Have you been banned previously? No
  5. Were you 'suicide' botting? Nope. 3 hours at most a day
  6. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes, mostly went to wintertodt
Account got banned within 3 or 4 days of starting botting.

I tried alpha agility at first, but it would wiggle the camera up and down as it restarted the draynor course. Stopped using it after two laps.
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Jan 14, 2017
  1. What bots on Runemate have you used? Awesome Mining, Alpha Fighter and Prime Smithing
  2. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  3. Have you been banned previously? Nope
  4. Were you 'suicide' botting? took regular breaks and botted 6 hours ish a day including breaks.
  5. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes, sometimes. Bot's can't do everything.
I think it was Prime Smithing that got me banned, used it for about 3 hours with breaks and got banned. used the mining one for good few days, fighting one even longer.
Jun 9, 2015
  1. What bots on Runemate have you used? Awesome Mining, Alpha Fighter and Prime Smithing
  2. What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
  3. Have you been banned previously? Nope
  4. Were you 'suicide' botting? took regular breaks and botted 6 hours ish a day including breaks.
  5. Did you play legitimately in between botting? Yes, sometimes. Bot's can't do everything.
I think it was Prime Smithing that got me banned, used it for about 3 hours with breaks and got banned. used the mining one for good few days, fighting one even longer.
Mining is risky to bot too ;)