So I just found this forum, figured I'd share my experiences as I keep seeing them appear in the shoutbox
OSRS Macroing Major Ban
- What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS
- What bots on Runemate have you used? Prime Wintertodt
- What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? None
- Have you been banned previously? No
- Were you 'suicide' botting? That was the goal, but forgot there was a built in break handler. So the bots would run til the 12 hr 34minute break then I would break for 5-7 hours. Then resume.
- Did you play legitimately in between botting? Somewhat. Read below.
So here is the story. Have used bot on my main, no problem. Hence I trust it wasn't the bot

Sharing my story though. Revived two accounts with age. Did tutorial island with first account, got lucky as some guy liked my name and gave me 250k at the GE, manually trained to 50 firemaking and set out to Wintertodt. Did some chatting but drew a lot of attention as I got a pet at really early KC. 22 hours of runtime with 5 being on break and the bot was permanent banned.
A day later began the second account. Did tutorial island, did woodcutting/firemaking half manual other half bot (will have to check the names of the bots) then once again set out to Wintertodt. Dropped my mith axe too early so used a bronze to get 1 level for my addy axe then let it fly. Same length break but only survived around an hour upon returning. RNG was terrible on this account so who cares lol.
Morale of the story? Used on Main no prob, so make sure to do LOTS of anti and don't use for insane amount of hours or you'll get perm'd.