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Ban Thread


Feb 6, 2015
time: 1:00pm EST
Game type: RS3
Account age: 7+ years
script bot name: Bat Miner AIO
place: Varrock East Mine
other: Recently came back to RS wanted to test the waters with runemate on a throwaway ~500 total level account. Got banned within a few hours of using the bot in the same day. Mining Iron Ore @ Varrock East Mine. Account was never botted on until today with runemate. Was very impressed with the client itself and the script bot too and had high hopes but I guess botting is just too dangerous still and Jagex is a step ahead of the current programs and bots out there at the moment :(. Guess I will have to wait for genesis to see if I will be botting again. Might test the waters with some different scripts bots on other throwaway accounts but its not looking good so far and that is unfortunate because otherwise I like everything else about this bot client and its website. If I just got really unlucky let me know, I really want to give this bot a chance but not if bans like this are normal.
Really unlucky man. But I wouldn't bot hours-on-end.


Feb 6, 2015
Wasn't botting for about 4-5 days. Pure questing.
It's okay that happened to me the first day I tried runemate xD lost every single account that ever logged in on my laptop. Good thing I don't really care. Although my main did have ~630m on it lol
Mar 14, 2015
got banned today. Was using celestial hunter 2 days ago and yesterday i used haxagility for like 30mins. Couldn't bot today cause of system update.
Logged in like 2h ago and got directly banned.
5 months old and i got 99 prayer legit on the acc.
Apr 7, 2015
these are perma banns? or just 2 days?
been botting PC like 12 hours a day without any issues what so ever


Jan 22, 2015
I'm still botting strong for 3 weeks 24/7, except for Mondays that's when most bans happen. F2p using massfighter on 2 accounts.
May 23, 2015
We must win!!!! Stay strong, guys! Don't let these many ban stories discourage you. I was using a Frost Dragon script on powerbot a couple of weeks ago and got a 48 hour ban, but I am now botting Frost Dragons using RuneMate's client. So far everything is looking clean, I bot about 4 hours a day of frost drags and just do something random or logout! EVOLUTION OF BOTTING !