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Ban Rates - How Safe is RuneMate?

Jul 24, 2014
You got bot busted mate, unlucky for you a group of players/mods went around looking for bots and while you were gone they spotted you. They probably tried to talk to you and also noted your behavior of probably going to the nearest tree all the time and waiting a certain amount of time.
Just really unlucky I guess.

Indeed, if it's really detected they would've given you a macroing major.
I got a tempban (bot-busting moderate) on my main as well a year ago, when Jmods were checking every player at the Grand Exchange cutting yews.
Dec 21, 2014
I just thought I'd add some more information.

I only botted between the hours of 9AM and 4PM ACDT (Australian Central Daylight Time) which is essentially 11PM to 6AM in London, and various times in the late afternoon across the USA. The reason I say this is because i'm unsure if Jagex have staff working 24/7 at their HQ or whether they have staff based offshore who work outside of standard hours. I figured that they would have been lightly staffed during the hours that I botted meaning less chance of being detected manually.

Whenever I botted I also used remote desktop software to check up on the bot ever hour or so and read the chat log to see if anybody was suspicious or trying to talk to me. I never managed to find anything of concern (like a group of people talking about bots or somebody calling me one). This leads me to believe that if it was a manual ban then the Jagex Moderator must have been alone because I imagine I would have found a shitload of spam in the chat log if that wasn't the case.

All I can say is just be careful when botting and know the risks. (It's not the fault of RuneMate if you get banned, it's your own).

I will continue to bot using RuneMate and so should everybody else who was doing it before. I just thought I would share my experience to allow you to be aware of what can happen when using any botting software.
Jan 8, 2016
I botted casually, not fulltime for weeks without getting banned. Just recently i got banned, and it's definitely because of the client detection. I didn't get banned while i was botting, but rather when i logged back in on the client, it's strange. I also started botting on another character soon after, and got banned the same way just couple later. I'm not sure what's happening, but i'm really depressed. Who the fuck wants to play runescape fully manually, seriously... It wasn't a permanent ban, but it just means that i can't take risks on my main anymore. I will still make mules and bot hardcore for money, but yea...
Jun 21, 2015
I botted casually, not fulltime for weeks without getting banned. Just recently i got banned, and it's definitely because of the client detection. I didn't get banned while i was botting, but rather when i logged back in on the client, it's strange. I also started botting on another character soon after, and got banned the same way just couple later. I'm not sure what's happening, but i'm really depressed. Who the fuck wants to play runescape fully manually, seriously... It wasn't a permanent ban, but it just means that i can't take risks on my main anymore. I will still make mules and bot hardcore for money, but yea...
This happened to me just over an hour ago dude. What i did was delete all jagexcache from my computer, Re plug my modem (wait 5 minutes), and just started botting on a fresh account and im not insta banned.
Mar 2, 2015
I botted casually, not fulltime for weeks without getting banned. Just recently i got banned, and it's definitely because of the client detection. I didn't get banned while i was botting, but rather when i logged back in on the client, it's strange. I also started botting on another character soon after, and got banned the same way just couple later. I'm not sure what's happening, but i'm really depressed. Who the fuck wants to play runescape fully manually, seriously... It wasn't a permanent ban, but it just means that i can't take risks on my main anymore. I will still make mules and bot hardcore for money, but yea...
You can't say it was definitely client detection, because if that were the case then we would all be receiving bans, which is not the case.
Not only that, but the fact that other people have resolved the issue you're having by renewing their IP tells me otherwise.
Feb 18, 2016
I boted 24/7 for 2 weeks on dark scape because it says it's 100% secure and didn't get ban, guess it was luck, good that i found this post won't bot anymore like that
Feb 20, 2016
I recently got back into osrs and decided to start botting again. I made three accounts on two different computers one running a vpn the other not. My two accs on the vpn got banned before the other one but I was also moving that one more and I thought I was good because it didn't get banned but I woke up this morning and they got em to. Pretty bummed. Going to try again but change my style to less suicidal. I ran them to hard I think.

Anyone know of a solid vpn? I use to have one with like freaking 200 servers it was awesome. Am I just shot now on these ips because I have been banned? Or if i run a safer approach will I be ok?
Jul 17, 2015
1 - Don't bot common locs
2 - keep an eye out for but busting etc
3 - Stay away from populated areas during higher active players time frames.
Mar 26, 2015
it depends on if you bot smart i have had 2 accounts manually banned but thats because i ran bots in common locations 1 time each so stay away from common locations and keep your hours at a reasonable amount and you should be fine.
Mar 13, 2016
I recently got back into osrs and decided to start botting again. I made three accounts on two different computers one running a vpn the other not. My two accs on the vpn got banned before the other one but I was also moving that one more and I thought I was good because it didn't get banned but I woke up this morning and they got em to. Pretty bummed. Going to try again but change my style to less suicidal. I ran them to hard I think.

Anyone know of a solid vpn? I use to have one with like freaking 200 servers it was awesome. Am I just shot now on these ips because I have been banned? Or if i run a safer approach will I be ok?
ExpressVPN is pretty nice, has locations all around the world, does have a monthly cost though. I use it as my daily VPN and am 100% satisfied.
Mar 9, 2016
just lost 2 accounts using RuneMate... both created the same day one was a member other F2P. both diversified in skills and both accomplished quests together... acted as normal users. Did not run a script for more than 70mins per skill. both engaged with players. and both engaged in Minigames.

RuneMate must be Detected as I had taken everything into account to keep these accounts unsuspicious of botting. GG RuneMate. Your Injection method is detected.
Nov 2, 2015
RuneMate must be Detected as I had taken everything into account to keep these accounts unsuspicious of botting. GG RuneMate. Your Injection method is detected.

While I think something is up, in general, as in all botting, I do inject runemate into my self daily and I've yet to become a camel or become detected by my senpai.
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
just lost 2 accounts using RuneMate... both created the same day one was a member other F2P. both diversified in skills and both accomplished quests together... acted as normal users. Did not run a script for more than 70mins per skill. both engaged with players. and both engaged in Minigames.

RuneMate must be Detected as I had taken everything into account to keep these accounts unsuspicious of botting. GG RuneMate. Your Injection method is detected.
It's funny coz RuneMate is reflection, not injection.

GTFO filthy leech.
Jan 25, 2015
just lost 2 accounts using RuneMate... both created the same day one was a member other F2P. both diversified in skills and both accomplished quests together... acted as normal users. Did not run a script for more than 70mins per skill. both engaged with players. and both engaged in Minigames.

RuneMate must be Detected as I had taken everything into account to keep these accounts unsuspicious of botting. GG RuneMate. Your Injection method is detected.

I get botting for years on just an account and don't got banned.

If you stop to think, your conduct as a player/botter can influence a ban much more than the customer's reflection by RuneMate, for example, because many bans occur because players are reported by others to Jagex as their actions are very "robotic". Try improv this, you'll gonna bot for years. :p