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Awesome Motherlode [Deleted]

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Oct 2, 2018
works great now! only after long time it said :inventory is too full" and then it stops with mining or banking
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Jan 31, 2016
Just ran for the last 3 and a half hours with no babysitting (had to run out). Came back and it was still going with no issues from what I could see. Good job as always @awesome123man :D
Ty bro :) I am trying to be a bit more active these days. Can't promise it'll remain free much longer, i plan on adding more features and then taking it to premium so i dont undercut those already available that are premium.
Planned additions:
-Intelligent rock selection (Using actual walking distance vs straight line distance to determine nearest veins)
-More humanlike interactions with the bank/sack/hopper
-Option to hover the next vein to mine
-Anything you request :) (I can try to add coal bag or other things like it, not sure if it is worth it... Even the gem bag)
Feb 7, 2017
Historically your bots have been my favorite on runemate. The need for a functional motherload bot on this site is certainly apparent especially one that has the ability to mine in the the upper level areas. I have run in to a few problems with this bot so far though. Like others have mentioned the issue with fixing the wheel process is an issue. Essentially what happens is if the bot notices that its broken and needs fixing it runs to the box to grab a hammer (which is great as opposed to withdrawing from the bank), the problem is if someone else fixes the wheel before the bot can it will just continue to run back and forth trying to fix it. This will 100% be a 5 star bot if this can be fixed. Great work on it overall, as always.
Sep 21, 2016
I like this bot :) will this use the deposit box eventually?
Should I keep the breaks to default and just generate them?
Sep 21, 2016
I can add deposit box
That would be wicked! I reckon it would help as an anti-ban featre. I don't mind paying for this bot either is there a donate section? It works great only gets stuck every now and then when someone beats it to fixing the wheel :)
Nov 9, 2019
Awesome Motherlode ran very well, but it does get stuck trying to repair water wheels. The bot will try to repair them without any hammer and run back and forth between the two. In my case it happened for about an hour i believe because my xp gained was about that of one hour when I was using it for two.Thank you.
Dec 10, 2015
When will this bot be fixed? I sent u the logs for the bot a month ago and still not fixed. there are no other good free mining bots out there
Dec 19, 2016
awesome123man submitted a new resource:

Awesome Motherlode - Motherlode Mine has met its maker!

Read more about this resource...
okay im having trouble using this bot, i dont really know how to even use it? when i start the bot, it tried to run into the wild? im starting it from edgeville bank because i thought the drawven mine was near there? can someone tell me how to use this please? and what location do i put in the settings before i start the bot?
Awesome Motherlode ran very well, but it does get stuck trying to repair water wheels. The bot will try to repair them without any hammer and run back and forth between the two. In my case it happened for about an hour i believe because my xp gained was about that of one hour when I was using it for two.Thank you.
can you explain to me where i need to be when im starting this bot? i tried in edgeville and it ran towards to wild but didnt jump the wall? please help i wanna use it but i dont know how
Jan 24, 2017
Most recent update broke this bot, it tries to bank the pay-dirt instead of depositing it in the hopper, dont know if its a client thing or the bot itself
Dec 27, 2019
Hi awesome123man, everything is fine but hammer, auto drop it from inventory, thats the only thing i've seem.
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
Hi awesome123man, everything is fine but hammer, auto drop it from inventory, thats the only thing i've seem.
I dont get what you mean? Please join my discord for easier communication.
Nov 7, 2019
Hello Awesome123man, great bot!

Are you planning fix the hammer ussies?
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