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Awesome Mining LITE [Deleted]

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Apr 16, 2017
In addition to the extended mining guild, regular (f2p) mining guild needs to be updated for the new iron spot and adamant ore sites as well. So far the bot only offers coal and mithril.

I know you're busy, just putting this information out there :)
Apr 16, 2017
This isn't the first time this happened but I didn't want to report it until now just in case it wasn't the bot's fault. The bot keeps dropping pickaxes by accident.
Jul 2, 2017
  • im lvl 37 mining it keeps getting stuck trying to pull out a rune pick axe also if i unclick the bank button it gets stuck trying to use the iron ore on itself instead of power mining and dropping otherwise great bot
needs work when banking in lumby west it gets stuck at the top and just clicks randomly and then sometimes it will get to the bottom floor and get stuck in a loop around the castle it requires alot of baby sitting but otherwise my fav miner
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Jan 31, 2016
  • im lvl 37 mining it keeps getting stuck trying to pull out a rune pick axe also if i unclick the bank button it gets stuck trying to use the iron ore on itself instead of power mining and dropping otherwise great bot
needs work when banking in lumby west it gets stuck at the top and just clicks randomly and then sometimes it will get to the bottom floor and get stuck in a loop around the castle it requires alot of baby sitting but otherwise my fav miner
I may work on this depending on what goes on tonight. It's either that or barrows.
Jul 2, 2017
i love the script though! besides that it runs great! barb ville coal works flawlessly but varrock east has a banking problem as well as lumby west again flawless just a little work and this might be one of the few bots i use xD also just thought maybe make the lumby west run to edgeville instead of the castle in lumby if its too much work to fix? thanks for the reply right away man!
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Jan 31, 2016
i love the script though! besides that it runs great! barb ville coal works flawlessly but varrock east has a banking problem as well as lumby west again flawless just a little work and this might be one of the few bots i use xD also just thought maybe make the lumby west run to edgeville instead of the castle in lumby if its too much work to fix? thanks for the reply right away man!
You mean lumpy west to draynor?
Jul 2, 2017
yes im sorry =/ i dont know why i said edgeville i ment draynor... i figured it might be easier to path it there instead of having to rework all the commands to run through the lumby castle
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Jul 4, 2017
Hey, new to Runemate and all. This is the first bot I tried. Runs great and fluid, however, I can't seem to make the dropping to work (powermining)? This is for both iron and copper. Is there something I missed?
Jul 4, 2017
You have to make sure you have the checkbox "Bank" unchecked.

Hey, thanks for the tip - however, this setting has been unchecked. What actually happens is that instead of right clicking the ore, it left
clicks, and tries to combine it with the next ore. Sadly not very effective, heh. :)
Jul 2, 2017
I've used this bot multiple locations and it works great, only problem I've run into is when returning to lumbridge west from bank, bot gets stuck walking in a circle around the ground floor. Great bot overall
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
I've used this bot multiple locations and it works great, only problem I've run into is when returning to lumbridge west from bank, bot gets stuck walking in a circle around the ground floor. Great bot overall
I'll look into the code tonight.
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