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Atlas Slayer [LITE] [Deleted]

Not open for further replies.
Nov 26, 2017
The bot is having a issue opening and recognizing if a spell is selected or if the spell book is open also.
Nov 24, 2015
Hey man,

the bot takes me to a bank and then does nothing. I then manually opened the bank, it withdrew everything needed, said "travelling to sophanem slayer dungeon - feline akh" and just stands still.

Won't let me attach the log for some reason, says an error occurred, so I'll just paste it in here.

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\User\RuneMate\logs\02-27 15-09-07 - Atlas Slayer [BETA].txt
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 DEBUG Created the following directory: C:\Users\User\RuneMate\bots\storage\AtlasSlayerBETA\Cache
00:00:00 DEBUG file:/C:/Users/User/RuneMate/bots/storage/AtlasSlayerBETA/ExtendedUiStyle.css
00:00:00 DEBUG [PopUp] Initializing PopUp
00:00:00 DEBUG [JSON] Loaded up json
00:00:00 DEBUG Selected slayer master: KURADAL
00:00:00 DEBUG
00:00:00 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property SlayerMasters
00:00:00 DEBUG [Equipment view] Initializing Equipment View
00:00:00 DEBUG Current spellType: Earth
00:00:02 DEBUG There were 10 presets in loadfile
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset: Magic
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset: Melee stab
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset: Melee slash
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset: Melee crush
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset: Ranged arrows
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset: Ranging bolts
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset: Ranging thrown
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset:
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset: Aviansie
00:00:02 DEBUG Found preset: Wilderness
00:00:02 DEBUG Creating standardGearSets
00:00:02 DEBUG Saving gearPresetList
00:00:02 DEBUG [{"name":"Magic","actionbar":4,"weaponType":"Magic"},{"name":"Melee stab","actionbar":2,"weaponType":"Melee stab"},{"name":"Melee slash","actionbar":1,"weaponType":"Melee slash"},{"name":"Melee crush","actionbar":2,"weaponType":"Melee crush"},{"name":"Ranged arrows","actionbar":3,"weaponType":"Ranging arrows"},{"name":"Ranging bolts","actionbar":3,"weaponType":"Ranging bolts"},{"name":"Ranging thrown","actionbar":3,"weaponType":"Ranging throwing"},{"name":"","actionbar":1,"weaponType":"Melee slash"},{"name":"Aviansie","actionbar":2,"weaponType":"Ranging bolts"},{"name":"Wilderness","actionbar":3,"weaponType":"Magic"}]
00:00:02 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property EquipmentData
00:00:02 DEBUG [Equipment view] Gearlist dropdown contains the following items: [Magic, Melee stab, Melee slash, Melee crush, Ranged arrows, Ranging bolts, Ranging thrown, , Aviansie, Wilderness]
00:00:02 DEBUG [Inventory view] Initializing Inventory View
00:00:02 DEBUG [Inventory view] Inventory presets loaded: [Ljava.lang.String;@c20b6c
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property SlayerSettings
00:00:03 INFO Selected emergency Teleport: Ectophial
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property SlayerSettings
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property SlayerSettings
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property SlayerSettings
00:00:03 DEBUG file:/C:/Users/User/RuneMate/bots/storage/AtlasSlayerBETA/toggleswitch.css
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property LootData
00:00:03 DEBUG file:/C:/Users/User/RuneMate/bots/storage/AtlasSlayerBETA/rangeslider.css
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property LootData
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property LootData
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property LootData
00:00:03 DEBUG [ALCHHHHH] Found alchEnabled element: true
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property AlchAndInv
00:00:03 DEBUG [ALCH CHECK] Saved alch from toggle property. Enabled to true
00:00:03 DEBUG [Invention] Found invention enabled: false
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property GearData
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property GearData
00:00:03 DEBUG []
00:00:03 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property LootData
00:00:04 DEBUG [TARGETING PANE] Initialising targeting pane
00:00:04 DEBUG [TARGETS] There were 123 enemies in loadfile, and data avaialble for 123
00:00:04 DEBUG [JSON] Updated property SlayerTargets
00:00:28 DEBUG MONEYPOUCH: added: 88023444
00:00:32 INFO Task: , null
00:00:32 INFO Task: , null
00:00:32 DEBUG Text: Soul devourers, enemy: Soul devourers
00:00:32 INFO Getting task from IC: Soul devourers
00:00:32 DEBUG Selecting new row
00:00:32 DEBUG Current kills: 0, task size: 170
00:00:32 DEBUG [TableView target change]New target: Soul devourers at location: : Sophanem slayer dungeon (Feline akh)
00:00:32 DEBUG [Equipment view] Getting inventoryPreset: Akh and is available in presetList [true]
00:00:32 DEBUG [Equipment view] Getting gearMap: Melee slash and is available in gearlist [true]
00:00:33 DEBUG [Equipment view] Gearlist dropdown Set on action fired: from null to Melee slash
00:00:33 DEBUG [Equipment view] Gearlist dropdown has preset Melee slash selected. Loading gearset
00:00:33 DEBUG [Equipment view] Loading gearset for preset: Melee slash
00:00:33 DEBUG [Equipment view] Found gearset Melee slash in the presetMap
00:00:33 DEBUG [Equipment view] Switching weapon type for preset Melee slash from Melee slash to Melee slash
00:00:33 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:00:34 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:00:35 DEBUG [GLOBAL VARIABLES] Setting deathAnims [30641, 27637, 27687, 836, 836, 20739, 30788, 30699, 30798]
00:00:39 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:00:40 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:00:42 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:00:43 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:00:45 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:00:45 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:00:47 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:00:47 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:01:03 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:01:03 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:01:04 DEBUG Load out pattern = ^.*Luck of the dwarves.*|.*Spring cleaner 3000.*|.*Augmented noxious scythe.*|.*Pneumatic gloves.*|.*Mighty slayer helmet \(e\).*|.*Augmented Torva platelegs.*|.*Augmented Torva platebody.*|.*Bandos boots.*|.*TokHaar-Kal-Ket.*|.*Amulet of souls.*$
00:01:05 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:01:06 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:01:06 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:01:06 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:01:07 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:01:08 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:01:09 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:01:10 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:01:10 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:01:12 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:01:12 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:01:13 DEBUG Load out pattern = ^.*Luck of the dwarves.*|.*Spring cleaner 3000.*|.*Augmented noxious scythe.*|.*Pneumatic gloves.*|.*Mighty slayer helmet \(e\).*|.*Augmented Torva platelegs.*|.*Augmented Torva platebody.*|.*Bandos boots.*|.*TokHaar-Kal-Ket.*|.*Amulet of souls.*$
00:01:13 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:01:14 DEBUG Load out pattern = ^.*Luck of the dwarves.*|.*Spring cleaner 3000.*|.*Augmented noxious scythe.*|.*Pneumatic gloves.*|.*Mighty slayer helmet \(e\).*|.*Augmented Torva platelegs.*|.*Augmented Torva platebody.*|.*Bandos boots.*|.*TokHaar-Kal-Ket.*|.*Amulet of souls.*$
00:01:14 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:01:14 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:01:16 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:01:17 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:01:17 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:01:19 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:01:21 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:01:21 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:01:34 DEBUG Interface Closer - Options Menu has been activated!
00:01:36 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:01:37 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:01:37 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:01:38 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:01:39 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:01:39 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:01:41 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:01:41 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:01:43 DEBUG No magic preset used
00:01:43 DEBUG [INVENTORY REQUIREMENT] Validating requirement: Feather of Ma'at
00:01:43 DEBUG [INVENTORY REQUIREMENT] Inventory contains: 0 Feather of Ma'at
00:01:43 DEBUG Requirement 1/1 from requirement SOPHSLAYERDUNG is met
00:01:43 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER]Trying to create a new inventory preset for you
00:01:43 DEBUG [Equipment view] Getting inventoryPreset: Akh and is available in presetList [true]
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER]Preset contains: [ItemDefinition(id: 33246, name: Holy overload potion (6)), ItemDefinition(id: 33246, name: Holy overload potion (6)), ItemDefinition(id: 25501, name: Weapon poison++ (4)), ItemDefinition(id: 25501, name: Weapon poison++ (4)), ItemDefinition(id: 23399, name: Super restore flask (6)), ItemDefinition(id: 23399, name: Super restore flask (6)), ItemDefinition(id: 23399, name: Super restore flask (6)), ItemDefinition(id: 23399, name: Super restore flask (6)), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), ItemDefinition(id: 385, name: Shark), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, ItemDefinition(id: 40303, name: Feather of Ma'at), ItemDefinition(id: 14632, name: Enhanced Excalibur)]
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER] Added 2 Holy overload potion (6) to inventoryList.
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER] Added 2 Weapon poison++ (4) to inventoryList.
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER] Added 4 Super restore flask (6) to inventoryList.
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER] Added 10 Shark to inventoryList.
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER] Removed nulls from list
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER] Added -1 Feather of Ma'at to inventoryList.
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER] Added 1 Enhanced Excalibur to inventoryList.
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER] Preset size: 19, Required item count 2, Items already in inventory
00:01:44 DEBUG [BANK WITHDRAW]Total items to withdraw [Feather of Ma'at, Ectophial, Holy overload potion (6), Weapon poison++ (4), Super restore flask (6), Shark, Enhanced Excalibur]
00:01:44 DEBUG Withdrawing 2 Holy overload potion (6)
00:01:51 DEBUG Withdrawing 2 Holy overload potion (6)
00:01:54 DEBUG Withdrawing 4 Super restore flask (6)
00:01:56 DEBUG Withdrawing 4 Super restore flask (6)
00:01:59 DEBUG Withdrawing 2 Weapon poison++ (4)
00:02:03 DEBUG Withdrawing 2 Weapon poison++ (4)
00:02:06 DEBUG Withdrawing 2 Weapon poison++ (4)
00:02:10 DEBUG Withdrawing -1 stacked Feather of Ma'at
00:02:15 DEBUG Withdrawing 10 Shark
00:02:22 DEBUG Withdrawing 1 Ectophial
00:02:29 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:02:30 DEBUG Withdrawing 1 Ectophial
00:02:34 DEBUG Withdrawing 1 Enhanced Excalibur
00:02:38 DEBUG [BANK WITHDRAW]All items are withdrawn
00:02:38 DEBUG [BANK PRESET MERGER]Trying to create a new equipment preset for you
00:02:38 DEBUG [Equipment view] Getting gearMap: Melee slash and is available in gearlist [true]
00:02:38 DEBUG [Equipment view] Gearlist dropdown Set on action fired: from Melee slash to null
00:02:38 DEBUG [Equipment view] Gearlist dropdown had preset selected, but it had no name
00:02:38 DEBUG [Equipment view] Gearlist dropdown Set on action fired: from null to Melee slash
00:02:38 DEBUG [Equipment view] Gearlist dropdown has preset Melee slash selected. Loading gearset
00:02:38 DEBUG [Equipment view] Loading gearset for preset: Melee slash
00:02:38 DEBUG [Equipment view] Found gearset Melee slash in the presetMap
00:02:38 DEBUG Gear preset: {Neck=ItemDefinition(id: 31877, name: Amulet of souls), Pocket=ItemDefinition(id: 34770, name: Spring cleaner 3000), Cape=ItemDefinition(id: 23659, name: TokHaar-Kal-Ket), Body=ItemDefinition(id: 36481, name: Augmented Torva platebody), Shield=null, Ammunition=null, Legs=ItemDefinition(id: 36483, name: Augmented Torva platelegs), Weapon=ItemDefinition(id: 36715, name: Augmented noxious scythe), Hand=ItemDefinition(id: 27487, name: Pneumatic gloves), Head=ItemDefinition(id: 30717, name: Mighty slayer helmet (e)), Ring=ItemDefinition(id: 39812, name: Luck of the dwarves), Feet=ItemDefinition(id: 11728, name: Bandos boots), Aura=null}
00:02:38 DEBUG [BANK WITHDRAW]no required equipment and no preset to withdraw
00:02:39 DEBUG [POTION HANDLER] Using overloads
00:02:39 DEBUG [POTION HANDLER] Using combatpotions
00:02:40 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:02:42 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:02:42 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:02:43 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:02:45 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:02:45 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:02:46 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:02:48 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:02:48 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:02:49 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:03:01 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:03:01 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:03:01 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:03:03 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:03:03 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:03:03 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:03:05 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:03:05 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:03:06 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:03:08 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:03:08 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:03:09 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:03:10 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:03:10 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:03:11 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:03:13 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:03:13 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:03:14 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:03:14 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:03:16 DEBUG No magic preset used
00:03:16 DEBUG [INVENTORY REQUIREMENT] Validating requirement: Feather of Ma'at
00:03:16 DEBUG [INVENTORY REQUIREMENT] Inventory contains: 1 Feather of Ma'at
00:03:16 DEBUG Requirement 1/1 from requirement SOPHSLAYERDUNG is met
00:03:17 DEBUG [POTION HANDLER] Using overloads
00:03:17 DEBUG [POTION HANDLER] Using combatpotions
00:03:17 DEBUG Load out pattern = ^.*Luck of the dwarves.*|.*Spring cleaner 3000.*|.*Augmented noxious scythe.*|.*Pneumatic gloves.*|.*Shark.*|.*Mighty slayer helmet \(e\).*|.*Holy overload potion \(6\).*|.*Super restore flask \(6\).*|.*Amulet of souls.*|.*Augmented Torva platelegs.*|.*Weapon poison\+\+ \(4\).*|.*Augmented Torva platebody.*|.*Bandos boots.*|.*Feather of Ma'at.*|.*Ectophial.*|.*TokHaar-Kal-Ket.*|.*Enhanced Excalibur.*$
00:03:19 DEBUG Not in monster area
00:03:19 DEBUG Generated a new path
00:03:19 DEBUG [Navigator] Generated new path is null to Area(2399, 6862, 1 -> 2427, 6894, 1)
00:03:30 DEBUG Interface Closer - Options Menu has been activated!
00:03:43 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:03:43 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:03:46 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:03:47 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:03:48 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:03:49 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:03:55 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:03:55 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:03:57 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:03:57 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:04:00 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:04:00 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:04:03 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:04:03 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:04:05 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:04:05 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:04:07 DEBUG Banking is not open
00:04:08 INFO Currently targeted bank: Counter [3095, 3493, 0]
00:04:14 DEBUG We earned a total of 0 exp
00:04:14 DEBUG [DATACOLLECTION] We have earned 0 slayerexp and 0 combat exp while earning 0 gp during our 4 min session
00:04:15 INFO Thank you for using AtlasSlayer: <a href=https://atlasslayer.cba.pl/StuChainz/signature.png>Click here to generate your progress signature</a>
Last edited:
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
tyb51 updated Atlas Slayer [BETA] with a new update entry:

Atlas Slayer [BETA] v0.7.5.0 Released!

Atlas Slayer [BETA] updated to v0.7.5.0.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi eveyone, check out the new update with:
- Grind mode
- Skip tasks
- Fix for corrupted saves

Hey man,

the bot takes me to a bank and then does nothing. I then manually opened the bank, it withdrew everything needed, said "travelling to sophanem slayer dungeon - feline akh" and just stands still.

Won't let me attach the log for some reason, says an error occurred, so I'll just paste it in here.
HI, thanks for using the bot. Could you tell me what bank you used? Maybe it was a bank that had some issues, i'd want to investigate.
And i see you paused the bot at some point, if you are at 0 kills in the task and you pause/play the bot will always bank. So you can just press cancel banking. However, the problem here is that there is no path to the slayer location. I'd have to investigate, but I currently don't have the contact! quest unlocked on my account. Will look into it asap.
I'm having the same issue as @Swaggy johnson.

If I manually select a task, it'll go do it, but then it'll just revert back to Dark Beast, which I don't have the requirements for.

Here is the log:
Hey, I've added a grind mode option in the Settings tab. Enable that and you can grind out any creature without random interruptions
I just want to let you know it seems like the bot is getting stuck or having issues doing the canifis teleport and sometimes running to fredmerick slayer cave.
Also I don't know if anyone else is having this issue but the script isn't saving and changing my action bar layout. I have saved it several times in the combat layout and saved the load file several times. Still ins't working for me.
Not sure why but bot is now having issues with the games necklace for me and teleporting to ancient cavern
I cannot solve any of your problems really without the bot logs. And please don't post like 20 of them. I need to information on the moment it happened. For the saving/loading I've removed cloud saving ans opted for local saving. Corrupted save files 'shouldn't' occur anymore. The staff to go to zanaris is quite a difficult one to solve, I see what I can do. As for your issues with canifis teleport and the slayer dungeon I couldn't help you at all. Probably somthing that sometimes happens due to the RuneMate web. If you have more detailed information about it, yo can always tell me
Nov 24, 2015
It was in Prif by the lodestone, then I tried it in a different area of prif, I tried it in edgeville, and I tried it in Burthorpe. Same problem in all locations.

I'm now thinking it's an issue on my end rather than this bot, as I've since used Qve Farm Runner and it could reach the farming patches using the minimap, then it would just stand there and do nothing, so I've made a post in the client support section to try and get it resolved.
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
It was in Prif by the lodestone, then I tried it in a different area of prif, I tried it in edgeville, and I tried it in Burthorpe. Same problem in all locations.

I'm now thinking it's an issue on my end rather than this bot, as I've since used Qve Farm Runner and it could reach the farming patches using the minimap, then it would just stand there and do nothing, so I've made a post in the client support section to try and get it resolved.
The log shows me atleast that the path is null, so it is something on the bot end for that specific task. I'd just have to check it out myself
Nov 24, 2015
The log shows me atleast that the path is null, so it is something on the bot end for that specific task. I'd just have to check it out myself

Oh yeah, I was more referring to the banking aspect of it. Do you need an account that can access sophanem to check the task?
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
Oh yeah, I was more referring to the banking aspect of it. Do you need an account that can access sophanem to check the task?
Nvm, i fixed things up with Sophanem (just completed the quest). Problem was the support for the NPC Coenen (the guard at the bridge) or whatever was removed from the Web somehow so I manually added him.
Now traversal should work by walking from menaphos over the bridge OR the bot will automatically take Sophanem slayer teleports if you have them in the bank.
For the banking itself I have not encountered any issues. So hard to figure out exactly why.
Nov 24, 2015
Ok I've just confirmed the banking is definitely not due to your bot. Just ran "Bot suite lite" and set the action as Open bank, and it clicks in random spots around the bank chest but won't actually click on it
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
Ok I've just confirmed the banking is definitely not due to your bot. Just ran "Bot suite lite" and set the action as Open bank, and it clicks in random spots around the bank chest but won't actually click on it
It might be a client issue as I have just encountered it too. But it is not consistent. (Not clicking around, but just standing still)
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
I'm messaging you some current bugs and log reports
i will respond later. having long days at work. for the spell selection issue make sure you have the window somewhere in your game ui or atleast make sure it is reachable on your ribbon bar (the RS menu bar). if you still encounter issues, disable the auto spell select in advanced settings in the bot ui for now. As for teleporting to kuradal, do you have games necklaces? make sure when you start the bot without going to the bank that you press 'cancel banking'-button. i will try to replicate your problem tho when i get home
Nov 26, 2017
i will respond later. having long days at work. for the spell selection issue make sure you have the window somewhere in your game ui or atleast make sure it is reachable on your ribbon bar (the RS menu bar). if you still encounter issues, disable the auto spell select in advanced settings in the bot ui for now. As for teleporting to kuradal, do you have games necklaces? make sure when you start the bot without going to the bank that you press 'cancel banking'-button. i will try to replicate your problem tho when i get home

I bought 50 or so Games Necklace (8) and I have a lot left. Typically the bot banks for the necklace but even with the necklace in the inventory at launch, the bot will start a loop where it selects the teleport option then selects barbarian outpost, but it does it over and over and over. Sometimes even if you select barbarian outpost for it, it will not recognize it has already teleported.

As for the spell book issue, the issue is reachable. I will try it in a separate window or turn off auto spell select.
Update, I already have my Spell Preference selection as none. I don't see any other settings for spells.
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
I bought 50 or so Games Necklace (8) and I have a lot left. Typically the bot banks for the necklace but even with the necklace in the inventory at launch, the bot will start a loop where it selects the teleport option then selects barbarian outpost, but it does it over and over and over. Sometimes even if you select barbarian outpost for it, it will not recognize it has already teleported.

As for the spell book issue, the issue is reachable. I will try it in a separate window or turn off auto spell select.
Update, I already have my Spell Preference selection as none. I don't see any other settings for spells.
like you say it only happens on launch, press cancel banking to make the bot sync your current inventory and gear. the bot also wont use potions and other things if you don't bank or press cancel banking. I will fix this issue eventually when i have the time.as for the spell preferences. for me it works fine. only scrolling currently.through the spells might be an issue.Your log tells me the spell interface is just not openable because it can't be found anywhere.inthe UI.this is a client sided problem tho and not specific to the bot (make sure it is the spell window in the general spellbook tab and not the spells in a separate window If you want you can post a screenshot of your current interface.

EDIT: @ICodeMyLife, there might be an actual bug after all :D. I have encountered the bot being stuck on teleport location selection window. Will look into it and fix it by the next update
EDIT2: ok, it was a little typo, fixed now
Last edited:
Nov 26, 2017
Another thing, I am using Super Restore Flask (6) and it doesn't seem to use that for prayer renewal, what potion work for a prayer restore besides alter?
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
What should have been fixed? Would love to test
The teleport to ancient cavern with games necklace/ring and some other things. And super restore flask should be supported btw.
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