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Architect [Deleted]

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Aug 17, 2018
Who can help idk what i am doing wrong .
I post a screenshot , i only need a mining bot where mines and bank it.
Hey i would make a mining bot idk what i do worng pls help me. i post a screenshot from the bot whos not works -.- .idk fckng now.png
Jun 23, 2016
This is such a great bot. I have to reiterate this - the handling is great.

It needs:

- login function (so I can just start the bot and go)
- "break" function (so I can add breaks to the bot and it won't break anything, delay won't work, delaying until interacting/animating doesn't work for certain skills as )
- logout function (instead of just waiting for the timeout to occur to logout, have a function to logout AND stop the bot)
- "auto debug" function (if it keeps performing the same action over and over and doesn't move to the next function, the bot should auto-stop OR trigger a "debug" state where it changes the state to the user's error catching state)
- exp/hr and gp/hr rates and a timer on how long the bot is currently running (starts over when you hit "start")

Can't think of anything specifically right now, but I'll keep commenting with my suggestions.
Sep 3, 2018
Who can help idk what i am doing wrong .
I post a screenshot , i only need a mining bot where mines and bank it.
Hey i would make a mining bot idk what i do worng pls help me. i post a screenshot from the bot whos not works -.- .View attachment 6884

Who can help idk what i am doing wrong .
I post a screenshot , i only need a mining bot where mines and bank it.
Hey i would make a mining bot idk what i do worng pls help me. i post a screenshot from the bot whos not works -.- .View attachment 6884

Try modding mine. Just change the Coordinates to where you want and also change the Rock ID. You also have to add your Rune Pickaxe to the banking exception.

Hope that helps somewhat!
Feb 27, 2018
Hi, i really like the interface, I know nothing of comupters or programming of any sort, It almost seems simple until I actually try to get it to work. Im attemping to mix saltpetre with compost and bank it so i can turn it in fot 100% hosidious favor without actually doing work. The object of the script would be to open the bank, withdraw 14 compost and 14 saltpetre, mix them one at a time as required by the game, store them all in the bank and repeat the cycle. I was not able to make it work, in fact i think it's getting stuck on the first step because the bot actually hasn't done anyhthing :D. I'll send a screenshot of what i did, if you could help me out and tell me what i did wrong it would be much appreciated!upload_2018-10-14_12-39-14.png


  • upload_2018-10-14_12-38-12.png
    158.3 KB · Views: 11
A Bald Dinosaur
Oct 26, 2018
Perhaps a question with an obvious answer but is there any way to make it switch worlds if an ore is unavailable?
Aug 5, 2017
Hello guys,
adding a break option would help a lot, making this script even better than it already is, very good job KliK and Trello
this script means a lot to me and thank you!
A Bald Dinosaur
Oct 26, 2018
Try modding mine. Just change the Coordinates to where you want and also change the Rock ID. You also have to add your Rune Pickaxe to the banking exception.

Hope that helps somewhat!
Added function to drop all opal and jade mined, since they're around 200-250gp/ea currently whereas the next closest value is 1000+gp/ea. Anyone interested it's here. Just really wish there was a world hopping function, so when the ore is depleted the user would hop instead of wait.
Aug 5, 2017
Added function to drop all opal and jade mined, since they're around 200-250gp/ea currently whereas the next closest value is 1000+gp/ea. Anyone interested it's here. Just really wish there was a world hopping function, so when the ore is depleted the user would hop instead of wait.

The 2 things that are missing in this script is the break handler and the world hopper, then it would be so much better
Nov 10, 2018
I have tried to make a simple FM bot for the XP weekend at Shantay pass W100 (where there is always a portable brazier out). it seems to work alright for the first couple rounds then it just hovers over either the banking chest or the Brazier.
Could anyone give their opinions on what I have done?

EDIT: I think I found the problem, when another player/pet is in the way of the object the bot is just clicking them instead. Is there a way to right click to select the bank/brazier?

Thanks in advance.
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Mar 15, 2015
All my scripts I tried to make with this involve eating when hp is low, but hp check is faulty so nothing works well. It just eats all the food. Apart from that what I tried worked and is simple to understand.

Edit: Consitution skill level constraint can be used alternatively and seems to work.

Edit2: When picking up an item off the ground it tries to walk to find it from far away. Would be nice to be able to set the distance.
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Nov 23, 2018
Hey guys! How can I check if a door is open, and if its not. Open it? I've tried "Check for object followed by interacting with the door. But the bot just skips over it and goes to the next step after that.

Trying to make a essence miner bot in west varrock. Any help would be appreciated!

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Nov 26, 2018
making my first bot and im having issue with the interact with interface and click on interface. im probably just using it wrong, are there any tutorials on this?
Apr 15, 2017
Where'd bot suite go never mind here it is lol im loving it built a few basic bots but it seems to multi-click when interacting not a huge probably but does look a little botty. other then that no problems can see being able to build very complex systems with this bad boy
Aug 13, 2018
Hey guys! How can I check if a door is open, and if its not. Open it? I've tried "Check for object followed by interacting with the door. But the bot just skips over it and goes to the next step after that.

Trying to make a essence miner bot in west varrock. Any help would be appreciated!

View attachment 7233

This is a late reply. But if you're still trying to open the door, remove anything that has to do with the door and just placing the walk point inside the room should open the door automatically.
making my first bot and im having issue with the interact with interface and click on interface. im probably just using it wrong, are there any tutorials on this?

What are you trying to do?
Dec 3, 2018
Are there any tutorials for the bot? I'm attempting to make a bot and having issues troubleshooting.

1. Kill cows in Burthrope
2. Loot bones and hide
3. Bank
4. Repeat
Aug 13, 2018
Are there any tutorials for the bot? I'm attempting to make a bot and having issues troubleshooting.

1. Kill cows in Burthrope
2. Loot bones and hide
3. Bank
4. Repeat

I couldn't find any tutorials. But I made you a quick bot. Only things you need to edit is the locations of where you want the bot to be and how many bones it should be depositing each time. If anything comes up, feel free to ask me. :)

Just download the (.txt) file and change the extension from (.txt) to (.json) and load it into the bot.


  • Cow Killer.txt
    1.8 KB · Views: 15
Mar 23, 2018
Sorry for my absence ladies and gentlemen, I don't have much spare time during the warmer months and have just recently gotten a bit more time on my hands. This time around I will be developing some tutorial bots for OSRS and uploading them to the Online Repo, and hopefully I will be able to release an in depth tutorial guide before the winter months are over.

As always, if you have issues with your code not functioning properly, please post your code, if it's for RS3 or OSRS, what the bot is intending on doing, and what is the symptom of the problem.

For Example:

Intention: To mine ore and bank when full.
Bug: Bot ignores full inventory and gets stuck after one round.
Code: (Attached document)
Hey guys! How can I check if a door is open, and if its not. Open it? I've tried "Check for object followed by interacting with the door. But the bot just skips over it and goes to the next step after that.

Trying to make a essence miner bot in west varrock. Any help would be appreciated!

View attachment 7233

Because you have two blue nodes next to each other, you are checking if the door is there and then clicking the door and then clicking the NPC before the bot has time to open the door. If the Travel To option is not automatically opening this door for you, then try adding a delay between NPC interactions. Currently there is no way to tell if the door is open or closed using Architect, so sometimes we have to brute force our way through some tricky spots.

Also make sure you double check your action command, if the door doesn't have the command "Open" then it might freeze up if the door is already open. Aka "Open Door" and "Close Door".

If adding a delay still does not work, then Interact with Object might not be the right node. We would have to see if that particular door is labeled as an Object or NPC. I honestly don't know what you're trying to do, I don't play RS3 or OSRS much, so I would have to invest more time into this issue to give you a 100% surefire solution.

Lastly I would check and make sure that an open door and a closed door have the same ID or Name. If they don't, then you might be checking for "Closed Door" instead of "Door". It's very important to get the ID string and Command string exactly correct.
making my first bot and im having issue with the interact with interface and click on interface. im probably just using it wrong, are there any tutorials on this?

What problem are you having exactly?

The text you enter to detect an interface must not be text that is accessible when that interface is closed. So if the interface says "Fletching" your skills tab also has "Fletching" and thus would cause it to detect the interface even when it's not available.

I got into the habit of using "Is Interface Visible: Make" or whatever the exact verbiage of the button is. While it doesn't detect if the correct interface is open, it will only trigger "True" if the interface is actually open.

Another strange occurrence is that "Is Interface Visible" also checks your chat logs. So oddly enough, if someone types in the exact match of the keyword you are using, the bot will begin triggering false "True" statements on the interface line. I discovered this when a functional bot of mine all of a sudden started trying to craft an item repeatedly in the middle of nowhere. In the chat pane someone had typed "What's your Fletching level" or something like that, and the bot began trying to fletch non-existent logs into shafts.
Who can help idk what i am doing wrong .
I post a screenshot , i only need a mining bot where mines and bank it.
Hey i would make a mining bot idk what i do worng pls help me. i post a screenshot from the bot whos not works -.- .View attachment 6884

In your screenshot you are using the conditional "Does Object Exist: ID#". This conditional is correct, but is in the Else column of the "Does Inventory Contain At Least 1 Rune Pickaxe"

Note: Last time I was informed, case still matters. So make sure you use proper capitalization in your bot. This could also be causing issues with your bot, but the glaring issue is that you have a node in the wrong column.

Basically your bot logic looks like this:
1. Do we have a Rune Pickaxe?
-Yes: Continue
-No: We should probably go get one from the bank

2. Does Object Exist:
-Yes: Do Nothing
-No: Try to interact with the object that does not exist

That is where your bot logic is breaking down right now.
Hi, i really like the interface, I know nothing of comupters or programming of any sort, It almost seems simple until I actually try to get it to work. Im attemping to mix saltpetre with compost and bank it so i can turn it in fot 100% hosidious favor without actually doing work. The object of the script would be to open the bank, withdraw 14 compost and 14 saltpetre, mix them one at a time as required by the game, store them all in the bank and repeat the cycle. I was not able to make it work, in fact i think it's getting stuck on the first step because the bot actually hasn't done anyhthing :D. I'll send a screenshot of what i did, if you could help me out and tell me what i did wrong it would be much appreciated!View attachment 7034

So you need to change how you think when you build a bot. Basically what is happening is you are using your human logic to piece together the actions you would be doing personally. It's really simple as a human, you already understand that "Hey, if the bank window isn't open I have to click on it to make it appear."

It seems basic, but computers are stupid. So to make a computer do what seems natural to you, turns into quite a few steps. The thought process you completed in nanoseconds breaks down into a tree of IF Then/Else statements.

Do we have "14" of "Item X"
Yes: Check if we have "14" of "Item Y"
No: We need to get this item X from the bank. Switch States to Banking

Do we have "14" of "Item Y"
Yes: Perfect! Now we know that Use Item on Item will not fail, because a proper amount of both items are found.
No: We need to get this item Y from the bank. Switch States to Banking

Does we have "14" of "Item Z" (Our finished item)
Yes: WONDERFUL! Now let's switch states to banking, deposit our loot and withdraw our new supply.
No: Wait for crafting to finish, or stop bot.

So basically you have your initial state, this is where the bot starts it logical progression. Usually, this is where you would build the master logic for your bot. Since your bot looks pretty simple, we don't need an master logic state and can just use the initial state as one of our main states.

So your bot has no idea what is in your inventory, or bank, or where the hell it is unless you tell it to check before you have it do any action.

You can open up some of my bots on the Online Repository (Located in the RS3 folder right now) and see how I structured the logic in those bots. Currently, there are no OSRS bots in the repository but I am working on fixing that.
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