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Architect [Deleted]

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Mar 26, 2018
It would probably be built faster if you attempted building it and posted in here for help. I unfortunately will not have time until next weekend to start building more bots.

Probably, but i have no idea what i am doing..
@Dark57 Screenshot - d5af8fe18dc0371b41f4e98d055b597e - Gyazo

i got this far, but sometimes, it interacts, but doesnt click further..
like this Screenshot - 0d05677078502dc61b8384a79f60dc9c - Gyazo
Probably, but i have no idea what i am doing..
@Dark57 Screenshot - d5af8fe18dc0371b41f4e98d055b597e - Gyazo

i got this far, but sometimes, it interacts, but doesnt click further..
like this Screenshot - 0d05677078502dc61b8384a79f60dc9c - Gyazo

edit: i edited the nodes a little bit, seems a bit better now, but still stops sometimes new: Screenshot - 2006de930aa1d49ca0ede105ec94ed54 - Gyazo
Mar 23, 2018
Probably, but i have no idea what i am doing..
@Dark57 Screenshot - d5af8fe18dc0371b41f4e98d055b597e - Gyazo

i got this far, but sometimes, it interacts, but doesnt click further..
like this Screenshot - 0d05677078502dc61b8384a79f60dc9c - Gyazo

edit: i edited the nodes a little bit, seems a bit better now, but still stops sometimes new: Screenshot - 2006de930aa1d49ca0ede105ec94ed54 - Gyazo

Looking at your last screen shot, you need a lot more conditionals. Currently you are making the bot run the same actions in a row no matter what. The fact that you have states doesn't help you because they don't break down the instructions, they just "break up" the actions visually.

Before you interact with an object, you should check and make sure it exists.

If Object Exists: Prawnbroker hotspot
True: Interact with Object: Prawnbroker hotspot
False: (What should we do if this is wrong? Should we try to walk to the correct location or is it a matter of taking a short pause before the object reappears?)

If there is an interface open when you're interacting with the Prawnbroker, you should check to see if the interface is visible before you try to interact with it.

Is Interface Visible: "Some text in the interface"
True: Press Key or Interact with Interface
False: Attempt to interact with object in the manner that opens the required interface, whatever that is.

Also, does your player have to wait a period of time while you're working with the Prawnbroker? If there is an animation delay, such as the one when you are smithing or fishing, etc then you should check and see if the player is animating. This is usually the first instruction in a state, because you don't want it to try and do anything else if the player is animating.

Is Player Animating
True: Delay
False: Do everything else

And when you want to interact with your monkey butler, that's an NPC so you should make sure it exists before you try to interact with that NPC.

Does NPC Exist: Monkey butler or whatever
True: Do everything else
False: Delay, we have to wait for him to return from the bank I think. Otherwise however you handle interacting with your butler if he isn't in your loaded NPCs.

If you put these conditionals in, then your bot shouldn't get stuck. These might not be all the conditionals you need, but basically if you're about to do an action then you need to make sure that action is valid. Also, naming your states helps tremendously. All of my states are named for the function they handle. So if one of your states is specifically for handling the interaction with the butler, then name it Butler.

I suggest that you open up some of the Pre-Made bots that are in Klik's Google Drive folder. Download the JSON file to a location you can remember and then load it just like any other bot you've written. Look at the structure of how those function, they are well named so you should have no problem understanding the intention of the code. When you finish your bot, you want it to look similar to those. A minimal actions in a row as possible, sometimes it's impossible to avoid but more times than not you can use a conditional to check if the next action is possible.

Another tip is that you want to build your conditionals backwards in a sense. For example, you might want to check and see if you need to switch states before you want to check if the Prawnbroker exists. This way your code will attempt the finishing action first(Building), and if that action is not available then it will progress to check if you can remove from the Prawnbroker. If that's not available, then it will go check and see if you need to insert something into the Prawnbroker. etc. etc. etc.

This logic structure allows your bot to correct itself in the least amount of steps. So if you finish making items from the prawnbroker, then when the code loops back to the top of the state the first conditional is checking whether or not you need to switch states, say because you have no required items left.
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Feb 26, 2017
I was trying to make a barbarian village power fisher, couldn't manage to act right. Also, is shift dropping not something that's possible?
Jul 12, 2015

This is what I have for my Barb Fisher. It is in Rs3, so dropping is a bit different (e.g. with the action bar/keyboard), but this bot works well for me. I'm sure Dark57 will be able to identify places where I have gone wrong :p

P.S. The "Clear menu" state is just to get rid of the "Your invent is full" prompt. IDK if it is really needed or not.

Mar 23, 2018
I was trying to make a barbarian village power fisher, couldn't manage to act right. Also, is shift dropping not something that's possible?

Shift dropping is currently not available. Also, it's worth noting that you really should put a small delay under "Is Player Animating" otherwise you'll be putting your CPU under unnecessary stress as it will continue to loop thousands or more times per second. It also guarantees that the bot will immediately try and interact with the NPC again in the short window where your player is not animating because it's checking so frequently.

You also need to take out the "Does Inventory Contain: At Least 1 Raw Salmon" from underneath the "Does Inventory Contain: At Least 1 Raw Trout" because it will only drop a raw salmon if there is also a raw trout to drop.

Basically you want:
Does Inventory Contain:
True: Drop Items​
Does Inventory Contain:
True: Drop Items​
Change State​

This is what I have for my Barb Fisher. It is in Rs3, so dropping is a bit different (e.g. with the action bar/keyboard), but this bot works well for me. I'm sure Dark57 will be able to identify places where I have gone wrong :p

P.S. The "Clear menu" state is just to get rid of the "Your invent is full" prompt. IDK if it is really needed or not.


Your code looks pretty good. You don't need to clear the Inventory is Full message though. As soon as another dialog is opened it will replace that one, so you could remove that step. If you prefer to clear your dialog box then I suggest just pressing space before you switch to the next state to drop fish.

Also, while having two states for dropping fish isn't the worst thing in the world, it could really be combined into one state. A truly robust bot running this many states would have to check for quite a few conditions in each state to determine what state the bot needs to transition to if it ever becomes stuck. For example, you wouldn't want to just blindly jump from Drop Salmon to Drop Trout. So you would want to check if the player's inventory contained Raw Trout before switching, and if not then switching back to the initial state. While it doesn't really matter here, as each state is so small, this becomes more important once you have complex secondary states.
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Jan 18, 2018
How do I interact with the area "loot" interface? The is interface handle is not working for me. Thank you.
Mar 23, 2018
How do I interact with the area "loot" interface? The is interface handle is not working for me. Thank you.

Check out my Chicken Fighter in the Pre-Made SVN located inside of Architect. I handle the loot window in that by pressing the spacebar after collecting a ground item. I'm working on improving this, but I'm having issues saving my loaded bots atm.
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Dec 30, 2017
hi everybody, can someone help me please make a bot that makes steel platebodies on a portable forge? Or screenshot a GUI that I can use as an exemple? X)
Mar 23, 2018
hi everybody, can someone help me please make a bot that makes steel platebodies on a portable forge? Or screenshot a GUI that I can use as an exemple? X)

There is a Portables bot in the Pre-Made Drive that can easily help you write a steel platebody bot. There is one where it will use the Forge if no Portable is present, this could easily be updated to the anvil. There is also a version without furnace support, which would be even easier to modify.
Dec 30, 2017
There is a Portables bot in the Pre-Made Drive that can easily help you write a steel platebody bot. There is one where it will use the Forge if no Portable is present, this could easily be updated to the anvil. There is also a version without furnace support, which would be even easier to modify.
yeah i tried to modifie it a hour ago but without succes :(
Mar 23, 2018
yeah i tried to modifie it a hour ago but without succes :(

Tinker with it, save your results and if you can't get it working then post your code here so you can receive help. I don't have time for any writing these past couple of weeks but I can usually find the time to look at code and point out issues where I see them.
Mar 23, 2018
I'm stress testing my most sophisticated bot yet. It currently will level your woodcutting in the proper area based on your fletching and woodcutting level! This way you don't need to waste time botting in heavily traveled areas next to banks, you can set to location for each group of trees you want to cut and never have to waste time banking again. Arrow shafts are also pretty decent money and are perfect for this power leveling bot.

Each State is clearly labeled as "ChopTree", "ChopOak", and "ChopWillow" so it is easy to modify. You only need to change the location twice in each state if you desire to change the location where the bot farms by default. (This is recommended.)

It does not matter what level you start the bot at, it will always choose the proper area to start at based on a combination of your Fletching and Woodcutting levels. For the best results, it is recommended you add a Rune Hatchet to your tool belt before starting the bot.

As with all the bots in the Pre-Made Bots folder, it is highly recommended that you alter your static delay lengths from the standard ones. (Not Delay until animating or Delay until interacting, leave those alone.)

I hope to be releasing it soon.
After stress testing my progressive chop and fletch bot, I can report that it is working beautifully now. It has been uploaded to the Pre-Made bot folders and I encourage you to check it out. You can find it under Woodcutting.
Mar 10, 2018
Use item on items bugs out every 10-15 mins. It selects the first items and keep hovering over the 2nd one
Mar 23, 2018

I tried to save the bot so I could upload you a pastebin of the Json, but Runemate kept freezing on me. I took a screen shot instead.This is more of what your bot for making Green D'hide body looks like. I can't guarantee it works, because I don't have an OSRS account.

You MUST set the location in the Bank state to the location of the bank you are using. In not only the "IsPlayerInArea" conditional, but also the "Walk To" command at the bottom. Both of these should be the same location inside of the bank, near the banker.

This is completely untested, so you might have to work out some bugs. I tried to make it as clean as possible, but as your bot stands it was basically a sequential string of commands. Post here if you're having issues and we will try to solve them.

Sep 5, 2017
hey guys was wounding if anyone has made a summoning bot iv been trying for a while but I just cant figure it out
Mar 23, 2018
hey guys was wounding if anyone has made a summoning bot iv been trying for a while but I just cant figure it out

Sorry for the late reply, I have not tried making a summoning bot yet. What are you looking for and do you have any code you have tried making yet? Please post it so I can try and figure out what you're trying to do better.
Also, I'm running low on ideas for bots to create. If anyone has some bots they would like made, I would prefer them not to be incredibly niche but anything goes right now.

I would prefer something fresh, that isn't just changing a few coordinates and item names from a pre-existing bot. I know there are a few requests in this thread, but I am unsure if the person requesting ever got their own bot working.
Nov 2, 2015
Hmm my bot wont let me save. I load one, edit it then it wont let me save. It lags a bunch when I click "save" gives the loading icon, then does nothing.
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