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ApexMiner Lite [Deleted]

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Jan 17, 2019
@proxi My character stopped moving again. This time I was mining runite ore in the mining guild and as it was returning back from banking, it stopped moving under the stair. I let it do its thing and get fixed itself for ~10+ min but it just stayed there. Not a big issue for me but just want to give you a heads up.

Link to log file (since it said it was to big here): ApexMiner (beta) 1-30 17-43-46.log
**I think the relevant notes are in ~2:40:00
**Happened again at the same place @3:26:xx but it's not included in that log (occured as I'm typing this)

**I was running this in my main pc :: here's the specs if relevant: i5-8600k + GTX 2070 + 16gb ram
Anyway, thanks a lot :)
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
@proxi My character stopped moving again. This time I was mining runite ore in the mining guild and as it was returning back from banking, it stopped moving under the stair. I let it do its thing and get fixed itself for ~10+ min but it just stayed there. Not a big issue for me but just want to give you a heads up.

Link to log file (since it said it was to big here): ApexMiner (beta) 1-30 17-43-46.log
**I think the relevant notes are in ~2:40:00
**Happened again at the same place @3:26:xx but it's not included in that log (occured as I'm typing this)

**I was running this in my main pc :: here's the specs if relevant: i5-8600k + GTX 2070 + 16gb ram
Anyway, thanks a lot :)
THIS is how you leave a bug report :D thank you! I will be looking into this tomorrow and will try to reproduce it :)
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
proxi updated ApexMiner (beta) with a new update entry:

ApexMiner (beta) v0.0.5 Released!

ApexMiner (beta) updated to v0.0.5.
  • Added Light Animica in Tirannwn.
  • Added new Runite Rock location in Level 6 Wilderness above Edgeville.
  • Added two new playstyles. Details will be in overview page.
    • Intelligent
    • Intelligent (No AFK)
  • Added more animation IDs. Should support bronze, iron, steel, and mithril pickaxes now. (Thanks @Eric Callan)
  • Fixed the Preset radio buttons from having the ability to both be selected at the same time.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
After mining for Phasmatite at the Port Phasmatys South Mine, it wouldn't be able to get to the bank. Is it because I don't have the 50+ agil to get through that south ledge? There is also a west opening of Port Phasmatys we can get through.

Here is my log:

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\KEK\Ru - Pastebin.com
Port Phasmatys location uses RuneMate's Web for traversal. There's nothing I can do for the location until it's fixed on RuneMate's end :/
The Real
Apr 10, 2017
hey bro im trying to mine the light animica, but when i telly there it clicks on the rock to mine before clicking on stick trap on the floor. super botlike.
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
hey bro im trying to mine the light animica, but when i telly there it clicks on the rock to mine before clicking on stick trap on the floor. super botlike.
I noticed this as well. It doesn't seem to happen 100% of the time. I'll work out the bugs at that location and repush to the store today :)
Jan 29, 2019
More suggestions:
  1. Continuous running (no more 'character runs to point A...stops....bot clicks again to continue walking...repeat' as it's the easiest way to identify a bot - the pauses in running and actions when skilling or fighting)
  2. After clicking the ore box, the bot takes several seconds to click on the ore being mined again when the mouse should instantly move back to the ore being mined once the ore box has been used
  3. When the ore box is full and inventory becomes full, the bot should not click on the ore box again
  4. Allow for auto upgrade of pickaxes (if pickaxes are in bank)
  5. Normal mode needs to be weighted towards a lower value (i.e. 60% of the time it's 3-15 seconds, 30% of the time 15-30 seconds, and 10% of the time 30-40 seconds)
  6. Active mode and 4-tick mode should be separate

    - Active mode = always clicking before the mining bar hits empty (so clicks between 5% and 100% and heavily weighted toward 5% to simulate human not wanting bar to ever reach 0%) - this is potentially more accurate than normal mode

    - 4-tick mode = always keeps the mining bar at 100% (always clicks before 4-ticks)

  7. Show estimated time to a specific level that the user types in (like other bots here have)
  8. Allow for profiles
  9. Powermining (I know it's a checkbox now and not implemented yet, but just a reminder)
  10. Allow for the view to be locked / not moved by the bot...unless absolutely necessary (on my account, I'm always facing north)
  11. Option to teleport to another world if more than x number of players is encountered (to reduce ban probability / reporting)
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Jan 29, 2019
Seems to be an issue with mining light animica from tirawwyn - character mines and fills ore box fine and then bank and will teleport back to lodestone but then doesn't move from there
Jan 29, 2019
Seems to be an issue with mining light animica from tirawwyn - character mines and fills ore box fine and then bank and will teleport back to lodestone but then doesn't move from there
Do you have "use web path" on? That was my issue when this happened.
I figured out why intelligent modes aren't working. They always show "isPlayerMining: false". When I switch to normal, active, or afk with adamant and above pickaxes, it changes to "true" and the modes work, but intelligent still doesn't regardless of pickaxe.
Nov 9, 2018
recieved a two day ban with this on a lvl 138 for a macroing minor after about 3 days of use. learned my lesson and wont be botting anymore, just letting you know what happened to me
Jan 29, 2019
recieved a two day ban with this on a lvl 138 for a macroing minor after about 3 days of use. learned my lesson and wont be botting anymore, just letting you know what happened to me
Wow, that's surprising. How long did you bot each day? The only way I can see this happening is if you set it to bot for over 3 hours because this bot has been having issues with the modes and being stuck in "4-tick" mode. Playing for 3+hours and clicking every 4 ticks would be a big giveaway that someone is botting.

Also, oftentimes, the bans are delayed, up to a week or two sometimes so if you used any bot before these 3 days, that bot/those bots are more likely to be the culprit. It's unlikely that they send the ban out right away because they don't want us to figure out which bot is causing the ban. I've used this bot exclusively on a newer account for a week with no issues so far at about 3 hours / day (at 200k/hr, this is 600k/day, which is definitely more than sufficient for me!).
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Nov 9, 2018
Wow, that's surprising. How long did you bot each day? The only way I can see this happening is if you set it to bot for over 3 hours because this bot has been having issues with the modes and being stuck in "4-tick" mode. Playing for 3+hours and clicking every 4 ticks would be a big giveaway that someone is botting.

Also, oftentimes, the bans are delayed, up to a week or two sometimes so if you used any bot before these 3 days, that bot/those bots are more likely to be the culprit. It's unlikely that they send the ban out right away because they don't want us to figure out which bot is causing the ban. I've used this bot exclusively on a newer account for a week with no issues so far at about 3 hours / day (at 200k/hr, this is 600k/day, which is definitely more than sufficient for me!).

I was botting pretty heavily leaving it on overnight, 12 hours one day. Ive only been back about a week, and this is the first bot and script ive used in YEARS. perhaps i was flagged by a timer. nonetheless, im glad it is only for 2 days on a 15 year old account, so i guess they gave me some leeway, slap on the wrist sort of thing. 45 hours and ill let people know if i was rolled back or lost items etc. nonetheless the script was working pretty great and had about 17k rune ores banked. Also, i had the break time completely disabled, but was using the antiban. hope this provides some insight! (EDIT: I was also using AFK mode)
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
recieved a two day ban with this on a lvl 138 for a macroing minor after about 3 days of use. learned my lesson and wont be botting anymore, just letting you know what happened to me
Thanks for reporting. Can you tell me your settings and whatnot? Were you suicide botting or anything?

edit: just saw you already posted some info :D thanks! I'm sorry that you got a temp ban, but thank you for being honest about everything! A lot of the times people say they weren't suicide botting, etc.
I'd recommend leaving that account ALONE when it comes to bots, it always sucks to hear of old accounts like that getting banned. Maybe make a new account and use it to bot on and get some gp for your main :D that's always fun!
Plese add option to drink perfect juju mining
On the todo list :) @Eviriany can you whip me into doing this before premium release? xD
Jan 29, 2019
I was botting pretty heavily leaving it on overnight, 12 hours one day. Ive only been back about a week, and this is the first bot and script ive used in YEARS. perhaps i was flagged by a timer. nonetheless, im glad it is only for 2 days on a 15 year old account, so i guess they gave me some leeway, slap on the wrist sort of thing. 45 hours and ill let people know if i was rolled back or lost items etc. nonetheless the script was working pretty great and had about 17k rune ores banked. Also, i had the break time completely disabled, but was using the antiban. hope this provides some insight! (EDIT: I was also using AFK mode)
Wow! So you were doing some very heavy botting without breaking on your main. At least now you know, to keep the botting to a smaller amount and use breaks. Most people cannot mine for 12 hours a day for a few days. Haha.
May 2, 2018
Is the bot ignoring Rockertunities for anyone else?

DEBUG IsRockNearby: true
00:57:25 DEBUG IsPlayerMining: false
00:57:25 DEBUG ShouldEquipPorterBranch: false
00:57:25 INFO Interacting with Banite rock with action "Mine".
00:57:26 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:57:26 DEBUG Root: InventoryHasOreBox: true
00:57:26 DEBUG Root: IsInventoryNearFull: false
00:57:26 DEBUG IsRockNearby: true
00:57:26 DEBUG IsPlayerMining: false
00:57:26 DEBUG ShouldEquipPorterBranch: false
00:57:26 INFO Interacting with Banite rock with action "Mine".
00:57:27 DEBUG Root -> Waiting on GUI... false
00:57:27 DEBUG Root: InventoryHasOreBox: true
00:57:27 DEBUG Root: IsInventoryNearFull: false
00:57:27 DEBUG IsRockNearby: true
00:57:27 DEBUG IsPlayerMining: false

(I'm using the standard animations & no cosmetics)
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