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- #121
Already breaking the DarkScape Economy with 6k Lobbies so far. I average 10k lobbies per 24 hours with your client including 1 death per hour, which has gone down since I sheathed my fists.
There is still minor bugs I can tell you about to help you improve even more. Occasionally the bot will run to the outside of the bank and the problem with that is because when multiple people use your bot, and all do it at the same time, it's a dead give away. It doesn't look natural because of it's frequency and lack of randomness, if this is intentional it should be removed, if not than fixed.
Another minor bug, occasionally it will try to pickpocket the man on the docks, which for someone like myself, who's keeping level 1 in many skills (intentionally) watching this happen can be quite scary. How many times does it happen while I'm away? Do i need to check my thief exp? Does this draw attention to me because other people will comment on this mistake without my response? (Incites paranoia)
An additional feature you could add which I think would be welcomed on darkscape, would be world hopping after >3 deaths in <60minutes.
Another minor bug, is it will often run to the second dock, then run straight back to the main dock where everyone else is. I'd say limiting the bots range to surround the primary dock (the one infront of the bank) would be an improvement.
All of these are minor things, that I'm sure everyone would appreciate being fixed, because for the most part your bot is very realistic. Which helps prevent us from being outliers from a heuristics perspective.
I hope I've provided valuable feedback in a constructive way, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Thanks for the feedback Echolocke!
The bug about the thieving on the Man... unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that. Mouse interactions are handled by RuneMate.
The bug where it runs the right side of the bank as now been fixed, thanks for bringing that to my attention. However, there is a bounding area around the first/initial dock specifically to prevent clicking in the other dock. The bot should never click on the further dock unless it's a misclick.
And I've never dealt with world hopping before. It will be new ground for me to look into, but I'll definitely work on it.
Again, Thanks for the in-detailed response