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ApexCrabber PRO [Deleted]

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May 27, 2016
left it for one hour came back and it was constantly teleporting, I dident have bank options selected.

It runs out of area then can't get back into the area
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RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
left it for one hour came back and it was constantly teleporting, I dident have bank options selected.

It runs out of area then can't get back into the area

Post your log file so the author can see what was going wrong.

RuneMate Client - Help > View Logs
May 27, 2016
Post your log file so the author can see what was going wrong.

RuneMate Client - Help > View Logs

I think it is todo with the webpath is broken at the moment.

Here is my log it was too big to paste it all.

01:12:09 DEBUG Crab no longer aggressive, refreshing zone
01:12:09 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:11 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:12 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:13 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:14 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:14 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:16 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:17 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:18 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:20 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:21 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:22 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:24 DEBUG Successful area refresh
01:12:24 DEBUG Traversing to general crab area
01:12:27 DEBUG Traversing to general crab area
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
I think it is todo with the webpath is broken at the moment.

Here is my log it was too big to paste it all.

01:12:09 DEBUG Crab no longer aggressive, refreshing zone
01:12:09 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:11 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:12 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:13 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:14 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:14 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:16 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:17 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:18 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:20 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:21 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:22 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:24 DEBUG Successful area refresh
01:12:24 DEBUG Traversing to general crab area
01:12:27 DEBUG Traversing to general crab area
What's wrong here? Your log appears correct.
Do you ever plan on updating support for RS3?
What would you like to see added and/or changed to RS3?
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May 27, 2016
What's wrong here? Your log appears correct.

What would you like to see added and/or changed to RS3?

I have several logs, maybe you are seeing the log where the bot did try to come back to the crab area but I manually got it back to the crab area.

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\chris\RuneMate\logs\08-13 21-01-59 - ApexCrabber PRO.txt
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 DEBUG [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:00 DEBUG Interface Closer - Treasure Hunter Chest has been activated!
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument is not an array
at java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(Native Method)
at aux.IiiiIiiiiiI.d_array(ab:805)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor10.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:601)
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(UnicastServerRef.java:322)
at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$1.run(Transport.java:177)
at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$1.run(Transport.java:174)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(Transport.java:173)
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(TCPTransport.java:553)
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler.run0(TCPTransport.java:808)
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler.run(TCPTransport.java:667)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(StreamRemoteCall.java:276)
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(StreamRemoteCall.java:253)
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(UnicastRef.java:162)
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invokeRemoteMethod(RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java:227)
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java:179)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy8.d_array(Unknown Source)
at nul.iIIiiiiIiIiiI.this(hmb:100)
at nul.iiiIiiiIIIiII.this(utb:140)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.hud.interfaces.InterfaceContainers.getLoaded(oyb:59)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.InterfaceComponentQueryBuilder.this(znb:9376)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.QueryBuilder.results(vqb:155)
at nul.IIiIIiiIiIIii.this(abb:226)
at nul.iIIIiiiIIIiII.this(abb:7)
at nul.IIIIIiiIiiIiI.this(wya:58)
at nul.iiiiIiiIiiiiI.validate(bib:100)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(jab:18)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(ucb:22795)
at nul.iiiiiiiIiIIII.run(lec:136)

01:12:09 DEBUG Crab no longer aggressive, refreshing zone
01:12:09 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:11 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:12 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:13 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:14 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:14 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:16 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:17 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:18 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:20 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:21 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:22 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:24 DEBUG Successful area refresh
01:12:24 DEBUG Traversing to general crab area
01:12:27 DEBUG Traversing to general crab area

It couldnt travese back to rock crab area so I manully been taking it back there.
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
is it working on sand crabs atm ?
I have several logs, maybe you are seeing the log where the bot did try to come back to the crab area but I manually got it back to the crab area.

01:12:09 DEBUG Crab no longer aggressive, refreshing zone
01:12:09 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:11 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:12 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:13 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:14 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:14 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:16 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:17 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:18 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:20 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:21 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:22 DEBUG Traveling to refresh area
01:12:24 DEBUG Successful area refresh
01:12:24 DEBUG Traversing to general crab area
01:12:27 DEBUG Traversing to general crab area

It couldnt travese back to rock crab area so I manully been taking it back there.

Chris, you're killing me man... you never mentioned in your prior posts that this was in RS3 and only referenced rock crabs on the Last line of the second message lol (not a big deal, just didn't notice it the first couple of times I read you rmessage). You're a veteran RuneMate user now, you should know how to read the overview and when necessary provide proper bug information to us when reporting an issue.

What you're reporting is already known as an issue and we think it's an issue with the web in that area. If you go to the Overview page for this bot, it states that the rock crabs location recommends caution.

Creating bots is something I do in my free time. So when I have to take time out of my own personal time to investigate an issue that turns out it is already known (and could have been known to you as well if you read the Overview page), it doesn't sit over well. (Plus my GF nags me to get off my computer and watch some stupid Nicholas Sparkles movie with her... literally happened in this case.)

All I ask, and this is for every member in the RuneMate community, is that you read the overview and some recent posts on the thread before making your comment, posting a potential issue, or creating a review. If the bug is already known and it is out of reach of the Bot Author's hand (like this one), there's nothing either of us can really do other than wait.

Edit: I'm not mad or feel anything near anger towards the situation, and I don't want it to come off that way. My point is just that I'd like some uniformity and some prior research from the users of the community before post in a bot discussion's thread.
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May 27, 2016

Chris, you're killing man... you never mentioned in your prior posts that this was in RS3 and only referenced rock crabs on the Last line of the second message lol (not a big deal, just didn't notice it the first couple of times I read you rmessage). You're a veteran RuneMate user now, you should know how to read the overview and when necessary provide proper bug information to us when reporting an issue.

What you're reporting is already known as an issue and we think it's an issue with the web in that area. If you go to the Overview page for this bot, it states that the rock crabs location recommends caution.

Creating bots is something I do in my free time. So when I have to take time out of my own personal time to investigate an issue that turns out it is already known (and could have been known to you as well if you read the Overview page), it doesn't sit over well. (Plus my GF nags me to get off my computer and watch some stupid Nicholas Sparkles movie with her... literally happened in this case.)

All I ask, and this is for every member in the RuneMate community, is that you read the overview and some recent posts on the thread before making your comment, posting a potential issue, or creating a review. If the bug is already known and it is out of reach of the Bot Author's hand (like this one), there's nothing either of us can really do other than wait.

Edit: I'm not mad or feel anything near anger towards the situation, and I don't want it to come off that way. My point is just that I'd like some uniformity and some prior research from the users of the community before post in a bot discussion's thread.

MHM Yes Rs3. seems to be working now, just thought id give you a heads up so you can change your front overview of this discussion

I would like to give you a review here to help you make the bot better.

The bot works OK, I have noticed when crabs walk in front of you, the bot doesn't click on it instead, it would walk over to a crab that is not active.

Basically the bot works but could do with more optimization.
Aug 1, 2017
Ok, so a few problems here...

One: The bot resets when crabs are STILL spawning (there is no need for the bot to reset the crabs, for any reason).

Two: Upon pathing back to the shore (under Spot Hop setting) the bot can't decide where to go. It will click to the left (run 5 paces) then click to the right (run 5 paces) (these clicks on the minimap); causing your character to run back and forth from left to right, before - after about 10-12 seconds of the bot doing this - decides finally upon a location to start attacking crabs.

Three: The bot literally has been running for 9 minutes and it has already "reset" the crabs TWICE when they aren't even 'despawned'. What is the point of this? This is unnecessary, no actual player playing the game would run to reset crabs if they don't need a reset. If I saw a player doing this every couple of minutes I would assume they probably have a broken bot or have some sort of mental incapacity crippling their decision making process.

For a bot that is $0.06/hr, these pathing issues and unplayer like actions (despite the antiban system in place) should be patched. I would understand if this bot was free, but this is real money we are talking about here. Again, sorry if this feedback sounds harsh but please.

Issue Four: I spent 6 minutes finalizing this post before submitting it. The bot decided it needed to reset the crabs AGAIN. This is THREE times in 15 minutes.

EDIT - Issue #2 listed above is recurring after EVERY reset (which seems to happen about every 5 minutes?).
Also - noticed another bug. If you gain a hitpoint level while you are running the bot, the bot will NO longer eat food. This is because the % threshold to eat at has changed. For instance, if you are 50 hitpoints, and say to eat at 50% HP (meaning 25 HP left), and then gain an HP level (so you are now 51) the bot cannot determine the new 50% of HP since the original 50 HP is now 51 HP. This is fixed if you reboot the bot (which causes another $0.06 to be taken from your RM balance) but if you do not reboot the bot you will need to manually eat food (babysit) or... reboot the bot so the bot can do it's own thing. This is unfortunate because you aren't able to leave the bot unattended for hours at a time, especially at the risk of gaining an HP level and dying. For a premium bot, this shouldn't be.

My suggestion is to add a common HP level to eat at. Instead of a % threshold, you would choose when to eat (under 40HP, etc. etc.). Please implement this as soon as you can.

Until you implement the suggestions/feedback I've pointed out above, I personally have found this bot not worth using, NOR paying for. Once this is implemented, I will gladly use this bot.
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
Ok, so a few problems here...

One: The bot resets when crabs are STILL spawning (there is no need for the bot to reset the crabs, for any reason).

Two: Upon pathing back to the shore (under Spot Hop setting) the bot can't decide where to go. It will click to the left (run 5 paces) then click to the right (run 5 paces) (these clicks on the minimap); causing your character to run back and forth from left to right, before - after about 10-12 seconds of the bot doing this - decides finally upon a location to start attacking crabs.

Three: The bot literally has been running for 9 minutes and it has already "reset" the crabs TWICE when they aren't even 'despawned'. What is the point of this? This is unnecessary, no actual player playing the game would run to reset crabs if they don't need a reset. If I saw a player doing this every couple of minutes I would assume they probably have a broken bot or have some sort of mental incapacity crippling their decision making process.

For a bot that is $0.06/hr, these pathing issues and unplayer like actions (despite the antiban system in place) should be patched. I would understand if this bot was free, but this is real money we are talking about here. Again, sorry if this feedback sounds harsh but please.

Issue Four: I spent 6 minutes finalizing this post before submitting it. The bot decided it needed to reset the crabs AGAIN. This is THREE times in 15 minutes.

EDIT - Issue #2 listed above is recurring after EVERY reset (which seems to happen about every 5 minutes?).
Also - noticed another bug. If you gain a hitpoint level while you are running the bot, the bot will NO longer eat food. This is because the % threshold to eat at has changed. For instance, if you are 50 hitpoints, and say to eat at 50% HP (meaning 25 HP left), and then gain an HP level (so you are now 51) the bot cannot determine the new 50% of HP since the original 50 HP is now 51 HP. This is fixed if you reboot the bot (which causes another $0.06 to be taken from your RM balance) but if you do not reboot the bot you will need to manually eat food (babysit) or... reboot the bot so the bot can do it's own thing. This is unfortunate because you aren't able to leave the bot unattended for hours at a time, especially at the risk of gaining an HP level and dying. For a premium bot, this shouldn't be.

My suggestion is to add a common HP level to eat at. Instead of a % threshold, you would choose when to eat (under 40HP, etc. etc.). Please implement this as soon as you can.

Until you implement the suggestions/feedback I've pointed out above, I personally have found this bot not worth using, NOR paying for. Once this is implemented, I will gladly use this bot.

Thank you for your post, well put and has information put nicely, however your only valid point is your last one, which is still debatable but I'll get to that later.

To address your points...
1) The reset logic is determined by when crab shells are within 1 tile away from your player and have not yet turned into crabs that attack you. If it's resetting this often, then your internet connectivity is most likely at fault (could occur if you're on satellite internet or a slower latency connection etc.) This is not the fault of the bot and there's no proper way for me to handle that.
To be more specific, for a reset to occur, the bot must loop FOUR times and confirm that there is a crab shell on the ground next to the player. If this condition is met and only this condition, will it trigger a reset.

2) Spot Hop is working as intended... The bot will run around querying the 'spots' until it finds a spot that has multiple crabs without a player count of the "player threshold" you have configured in your settings screen (which is defaulted to 1 single player). Like a real player, you wouldn't want to just take another person's spot and while they rage at you, say nothing. So yes, there is no bug here, spot hop is working as intended.

3) You seemed to have made another 'point' as your initial? To my response is again, the logic is correct. My only assumption can be is that your internet is at fault.

4) Your issue 4 seemed to be a repeat of the first one again. Same answer

5) Your idea on a set HP level could work well, however the % health should not be affected by leveling up your HP level. When the bot eats, it generated a new percentage health to eat at, let's say you're 50hp and take 20%, that'd make your health tolerance for eating at 10hp. If you level up to 51hp, your health tolerance is STILL at 10hp... the only time it changes would be when your player eats, then it's going to take some percentage of 51hp. So while your idea of a set hp level to eat is arguable, I'd say that the current set up is much more applicable to this bot.
Aug 1, 2017
I appreciate your response. I did end up using this bot on a lesser Internet source so I will test it again tomorrow on a better one.

As for the health % threshold, I'll have to run some tests again. However, I did find that it did not eat after gaining HP the original time I did use this so I will confirm tomorrow and let you know if the issue I ran into still persists.

Thanks for getting back to me, and I'm sorry if the issues I found seemed harsh. That was not my intent.
Feb 19, 2016
I have a quick question and I know nothing is perfect so please, understand that I am typing this for the fact that the first review is about a ban. Was there a reason for that players quick hit?
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
I have a quick question and I know nothing is perfect so please, understand that I am typing this for the fact that the first review is about a ban. Was there a reason for that players quick hit?
I have no idea, I've personally never gotten a ban using any of my bots (and I literally just got done with a week long botting session.) In his case, he could have used powerban recently, used no break handling, etc... But regardless, with botting there is ALWAYS a risk to getting banned. As for why He specifically got banned, I have no idea.
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
Just a suggestion from my short time watching this bot at sand crabs:

Would it be possible to enable a "pure friendly" mode?

I am currently training on an account with 1 defence, and when it attacks more than one crab at a time, I get double the damage.

A pure friendly mode would try to operate in a way which only let it face one crab at a time.
Left the bot running unsupervised and came back to it running around in circles on the crab island. It had a mostly full inventory of food and potions and coins.

Multiple players had said they had reported me for running around in circles constantly.



Here is the log:


  • 08-26 18-40-31 - ApexCrabber PRO.txt
    989.5 KB · Views: 0
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