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ApexChopper PRO [Deleted]

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Apr 24, 2019
Not entirely certain where this goes so if this is the wrong forum, sorry.
I noticed that the bot will destroy earned Treasure Hunter key tokens (RS3). Would you awfully mind putting in an option to not do this?
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
Not entirely certain where this goes so if this is the wrong forum, sorry.
I noticed that the bot will destroy earned Treasure Hunter key tokens (RS3). Would you awfully mind putting in an option to not do this?
That isn't something that the bot developer would handle directly, although that is definitely something that should be reported. I'd recommend making a client bug report here. Client & Site Support
Apr 24, 2019
That isn't something that the bot developer would handle directly, although that is definitely something that should be reported. I'd recommend making a client bug report here. Client & Site Support

Are you quite certain? Seems that this would be a script thing and not a client feature. It's destroying the key tokens that occasionally appear in a player's inventory. Not calling you a liar, mind, just curious why this would be handled client-side.
That said, I'll repost in the forum you linked, just in case.
Apr 24, 2019
You can set your preferences so that the tokens automatically get redeemed.
See here.

Is there a limit in terms of how many you can redeem or how many you can carry at once? I have 11 right now that I haven't used. Do I have to keep that number below 10 for the autoredeem to work?
Jun 9, 2015
Is there a limit in terms of how many you can redeem or how many you can carry at once? I have 11 right now that I haven't used. Do I have to keep that number below 10 for the autoredeem to work?
I'm not sure how that works, sorry!
Aug 10, 2017
Is there a limit in terms of how many you can redeem or how many you can carry at once? I have 11 right now that I haven't used. Do I have to keep that number below 10 for the autoredeem to work?

Yup; Limited to 10 total "earned" keys from tokens, you can force higher with quests, but tokens will not work.
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
Are you quite certain? Seems that this would be a script thing and not a client feature. It's destroying the key tokens that occasionally appear in a player's inventory. Not calling you a liar, mind, just curious why this would be handled client-side.
That said, I'll repost in the forum you linked, just in case.
No worries! The reason it'd be related to a client issue is due to the Unexpected Item EventHandler. That item for some reason is indicated to be 'junk' and doesn't have the appropriate action to 'claim' the token.

Additionally, I know that I don't have anything in my logic about Treasure Hunter Key Tokens xD
Oct 14, 2018
Can you make it burn the logs aswell? If i were to start it in lumbridge behind the castle, with all axes and a tinderbox in the inventory at 1 wc and 1 fm, could it then change from logs to oaks to willow and burn them aswell? If so, then im very interested
Jul 11, 2017
The bot is standing still at Seers Village with:
Waiting for tree to respawn. Delaying next action...
Has been doing this for 15min,
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
The bot is standing still at Seers Village with:
Waiting for tree to respawn. Delaying next action...
Has been doing this for 15min,
Would you mind submitting a a full bug report? I need to know what game you're playing, your settings, and the log file so I know what is going on with the bot.
Nov 8, 2018
Yeah this bot is buggy and needs some tweaking, after some willows in draynor, just sits with full inventory or empty pockets.... Also add more non RS subscriber areas to hit trees, like the YEWs East of draynor and to be able to bank them in draynor or so...
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
Yeah this bot is buggy and needs some tweaking, after some willows in draynor, just sits with full inventory or empty pockets.... Also add more non RS subscriber areas to hit trees, like the YEWs East of draynor and to be able to bank them in draynor or so...
I would need a log file to be able to properly reproduce the issue. I'm not even sure which game you're on.
Nov 8, 2018
I would need a log file to be able to properly reproduce the issue. I'm not even sure which game you're on.

OSRS always, i dont touch the new school RS :) , i feel like many bots specially your miner and tree chopper that i used in past for OSRS have now been down graded they both feel buggy and stop working or glitch out etc more than usual now. Not sure if because RS got an update but yes miner and wood chopper needs tweaking, miner after 1 go just sits also not doing anything as before it worked flawlessly run back and fourth for 3 hours or 4 , now i can barely get 5 - 10 min on either before i have to close entire application or more.
OSRS always, i dont touch the new school RS :) , i feel like many bots specially your miner and tree chopper that i used in past for OSRS have now been down graded they both feel buggy and stop working or glitch out etc more than usual now. Not sure if because RS got an update but yes miner and wood chopper needs tweaking, miner after 1 go just sits also not doing anything as before it worked flawlessly run back and fourth for 3 hours or 4 , now i can barely get 5 - 10 min on either before i have to close entire application or more.

Ive wasted few cents just trying to get it to work on either, so ill avoid paying you further until i know the bots are in working condition sir.
s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶ bot*
Aug 23, 2015
OSRS always, i dont touch the new school RS :) , i feel like many bots specially your miner and tree chopper that i used in past for OSRS have now been down graded they both feel buggy and stop working or glitch out etc more than usual now. Not sure if because RS got an update but yes miner and wood chopper needs tweaking, miner after 1 go just sits also not doing anything as before it worked flawlessly run back and fourth for 3 hours or 4 , now i can barely get 5 - 10 min on either before i have to close entire application or more.

Ive wasted few cents just trying to get it to work on either, so ill avoid paying you further until i know the bots are in working condition sir.
You're probably talking about a different author, I don't have a miner bot for OSRS.
Nov 8, 2018
You're probably talking about a different author, I don't have a miner bot for OSRS.

Yes i know, but i use Apex Chopper PRO, I am already speaking with the guy who made Regal Miner, You should make a Miner for OSRS Apex Miner Pro etc like your woodcutter, the woodcutter was working flawlessly and is one of my favorite ones, so i do hope to see a miner in future and fixes for wood cutter and cooker, Regal Miner guy said Runemate is having issues right now so im not sure if it is the same for yours, but yall should contact runemate as yall are the scripters and this will affect you being paid.
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